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    Love Brand: How to make your business loved by customers

    Love Brand: How to make your business loved by customers

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jun 24, 2022 | Entrepreneurship |

    Do you know when consumers fall in love with a brand or company and always have it as the first option when buying everything? This is called LoveBrand and it is one of the main reasons when making a customer choose one brand or another.

    Currently, we have consumers who are increasingly demanding with brands and companies that consume them. That's why it's increasingly important to learn from Love Brand studies.

    When a customer falls in love with a brand, it will always be the first purchase option. In some cases, the consumer may even ignore the higher prices on some products, but as much as this may seem like a dream for companies, it is not easy to reach this level of relationship with consumers.

    That's why we separate the concept of Love Brand and what you can do to become a brand loved by your audience.

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    Love Brand Marketing: what is it?

    Basically, the Love Brand is a company or brand that is completely loved by the public and that manages to develop emotional bonds and go beyond the commercial relationship between companies and customers. Love Brand represents the beliefs and values ​​with which the public identifies. Thus, it goes much further than products, brand, company or name. 

    Depending on the level of interaction between consumer and company, the customer may completely ignore the existence of competing brands and even defend their preferred brand tooth and nail. However, what will develop this feeling in the customer is brand management, which also defines the positioning and image of the company.

    With a well-done brand management, the image is consolidated both in the market and with the consumer and the result is a loyal customer. Despite this, it is not only brand management that will make the customer become attached in this way. There are several other factors that make the company become a Love Brand, and you will get to know them throughout this post.

    This relationship is not something that can be forgotten or set aside by the company for even a second. It must be nurtured in such a way that the consumer is always perceiving the positive impacts of this relationship on his life. 

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    What are the advantages of Love Brand?

    While this love relationship between brands and customers is mutually beneficial, companies are really interested in making profits and doing business. But even in this the Love Brand can be of extreme help. This consumer passion can make sales increase, the company's image improve, more opportunities arise and many other benefits. See some of them in detail:

    1. More loyalty to your brand

    If you become a Love Brand brand/company, one thing you don't have to worry about is your customers succumbing to the competition. When this relationship is established with the consumer, it is quite difficult for other brands to steal your customers from you, because regardless of the prices of the products and services offered, this love for the brand tends to prevail and loyalty will continue. 

    So even if your company makes one or two minor mistakes, it will be quite difficult to lose your customer's loyalty. Furthermore, this loyal audience will always be paying attention to the news related to your brand, following the launches, publications, new partnerships and showing their support.

    2. Customers are less attached to price

    You've probably heard the saying that love can make people blind, haven't you? So why not use this to your company's advantage? Customers who are passionate about a brand tend to overlook most high prices on products or services. Typically, they believe that the feeling caused by their relationship with their most-loved brand makes the price worth it.

    Thus, Love Brands companies can dare a little more in the amount charged for the services and products available, offering a slightly higher price than their competitors for having this security with the consumer. 

    3. You gain more brand advocates

    As is to be expected, people who have loyalties with Love Brand companies and brands also come to defend them and keep them protected, as true fans. So whenever they see or hear someone commenting and badmouthing the brand they become your advocacy ambassadors. 

    This can be even more useful if your company is going through a moment of brand crisis, for example, where its image is not at its highest point and not even with the best possible comments.

    This consumer defense can help and be essential to preserve the image and reduce the negative impact of these criticisms received. 

    4. Customers are also promoters of your brand

    Love Brand: How to make your business loved by customers

    Image: Shadow Reporter

    This customer loyalty can go far beyond defending the beloved brand, and it can also turn consumers into promoters of your company, especially on social media and even the famous word-of-mouth promotion.

    Whenever something new comes out related to your company name or they buy a product from you, they will comment on social media, show how happy they are, speak well and things like that. And is there a better marketing than that? The public wants to see your Love Brand company succeed, so it ends up helping consciously and even unconsciously in its dissemination and growth. 

    5. More talents are attracted to the company

    Another point that can be of great internal help when you are a Love Brand is the interest of quality professionals in wanting to work for you. Qualified professionals almost always look for companies that are well-regarded, successful and loved by the people, especially if their ideas align.

    Thus, employees who join these companies always arrive more motivated and willing to give their all for the good and greater success of their workplace, increasing their productivity much more. 

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    What makes your brand loved?

    To know what makes a brand become a Love Brand and be loved in the market and by its followers, we need to talk a little about the psychology of consumption. It is normal for us to think that we are making completely rational purchasing decisions as consumers.

    A process that we can follow for this is: we see the need, we analyze the available options, we compare the prices offered, we study the evaluations to choose the best option, we weigh the pros and cons of making the purchase and only then we decide.

    However, the reality may not be quite like that, and we take more into account the emotional side than the need to buy. 

    According to a study by Harvard University professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of purchasing decisions are made by the subconscious. This becomes clearer if you stop to think and see that the brands you use and buy the most have a lot to do and say a lot about your personality.

    The decision to buy products and services from those brands that the customer has a connection with ends up becoming increasingly easy and emotional.

    It is noticeable that there is a kind of unconscious escape for the excess of options, which ends up overloading the mind and can even paralyze the consumer.

    It is clear that brands, when looking for ways to sell more and more, probably already know and are aware of all that was commented on in this study. Thus, the Love Brand, or just Branding, exists to be able to fully explore all this love relationship that the consumer has with the brand.  

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    How to be a Love Brand?

    To get a brand or company to reach the top as a Love Brand, it is necessary to follow some strategies. We have separated some paths you can follow to make it easier for your company to reach the top. See below:

    1. Have a well-defined personality and brand

    Not only to become a Love Brand, but to be successful in any way, you need to have this structure well defined. And strategic planning is one of the main steps for your business to succeed, if not the most important. It is necessary to define the values, vision and mission, since they will be responsible for guiding all the strategies that will be developed for the company. 

    Companies need to assume certain personalities in the same way as people. Another study done by Harvard Business Review (HBR) did a study that shows that 64% of consumers surveyed said that the values ​​they have in common with brands end up being the main reason for them to maintain their loyalty to the company.

    This shows how important personality can be when it comes to reaching your customer and keeping sales.

    2. Have social responsibility

    The public is usually closer to brands and companies that are involved in socio-environmental projects that go beyond their financial interest. By demonstrating this side of wanting to improve the world, the audience ends up developing this stronger connection. Thus, social responsibility must be one of the missions and main values ​​of the company.

    One way to do this is to help in ways that are related to your company's niche.

    If it's a food brand, then you can donate food. If you are in the entertainment business, you can create projects that bring culture to the most needy people or projects that separate days of the year to take needy children to amusement parks and cinemas, for example.

    Therefore, the use of creativity is important when it comes to helping society and winning over the public.

    3. Explore aspects of nostalgia marketing

    Love Brand: How to make your business loved by customers

    If there is a way to sell well, it is to use good old nostalgia, using elements, characters, goals, programs and other things from times gone by to win over your audience. With this, affective memory and nostalgia will be responsible for taking care of the rest of the work of conquest and sale.

    Nostalgia marketing appeals to people's past and probably best emotions. By using this to sell, the brand brings back childhood innocence and positive feelings with funny and fun moments, making them forget about the problems of adult life.

    Best of all, this won't just reach the older audience. Children may also be a target audience, as much of nostalgia marketing may have to do with cartoons and toys.

    4. Ter aspirational lifestyle

    Who said brands and companies can't have lifestyles? On the contrary, it is very advisable that they have and show this to the public, a brand that does this very well with a lifestyle focused on freedom, is Harley Davidson, and even Apple, with a form and style considered creative. and innovators. 

    Whenever someone buys a product from these companies, they are willing to share with others the very lifestyles they have adopted. So making your brand have something similar is essential on the path to success.

    This type of selling can be called Aspirational Marketing, and it works great and can be the path to Brand Love.

    5. Give the customer an exceptional great

    Making a good impression is a key point to retaining your customer. So his experience when buying something or requesting a service from your company can create precisely that emotional connection that is the Love Brand.

    For example: if you have an airline, try to provide the best service, the best food and the best seats that your customer has ever had in his life. With that, in the future he will want to fly only with your company. 

    6. Stay on top of trends

    Keeping up to date is what forms a Love Brand. Standing still in time will not cause any kind of connection with your customers. On the contrary, it will only make you forgotten.

    It is necessary to know what the current consumer seeks to meet this demand in the market in the best possible way to maintain its relevance. Think with me: a cinema that shows the most current films and releases will likely have a greater audience movement than a cinema focused on classic content.

    7. Use social networks

    Every company ends up having communities built on social networks, where the concern is not just selling their product or service, but showing their value to the public.

    You can see these companies in the communities as more consumer-friendly than a brand that wants to improve its income and customer base. 

    By doing this, you also get to know more about the audience that has an interest in you. With that, you can end up acquiring a niche of buyers that is worth gold, being able to even develop products and services focused precisely for these customers.

    This is also a great way to get feedback and know what you can improve in your company based on the most important opinion, that of the customer and admirer of the brand.

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    8. Have a good image in the media

    Having a good press office can make your brand/company well spoken in the media, after all, nothing makes more good impressions than good news, right? As a result, public perception and opinion of you may be the best possible.

    In addition, a competent press office can make the charity events we talked about above, the launch of new products and services, company growth and etc., to be reported to the public in the best possible way. 

    9. Attract the fandom

    In case you didn't know, fandom is a group or community of fans of a certain show, book, movie, series or even company and brand. They are usually the people who have the most love for the brand and do their best to show their support.

    But beyond that, fandoms have the habit of getting together with other groups and people to create theories about the brand, discuss current issues, evaluate new releases, and so on. 

    Instead of having your own fandom, you can also associate your brand with other more well-known ones and with fandoms that are already more developed, for example. You can connect your brand to companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Globo, Disney, football teams, bands and others, thus making their fandoms and their programs also your fandoms. 

    10. Connect the brand with other things

    Still linking to the topic above, you can also connect your brand to others in a slightly different way: through sponsorship. One way is to sponsor your brand in sports, for example, music bands, social movements and even TV shows. 

    A study done by True North Research shows that the greater the connection between the fans and their favorite team, the greater the connection with the sponsoring brands.

    So, even if you need to shell out a good amount of money for the sponsorship, your financial and customer return can be even greater, facilitating your path to becoming a Love Brand.

    11. Use digital influencers

    Digital influencers have a huge fan base on social media. So why not use this to your advantage? You can associate your brand with those people who are adored on the internet, consequently increasing credibility and a positive image about your company. Content creators for Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok and other social networks are the celebrities of today. 

    When partnering with a digital influencer also comes the ability to shape consumption habits and behaviors as they gain the trust of their internet followers.

    12. Promote employee advocacy

    Another thing that makes Love Brand companies stand out is the custom of working inside the company. It has been proven by a study done by Glassdoor that when employees are more motivated and happy, their productivity increases and customers are more satisfied with the work delivered. 

    What's more, employees who are happy and love the company they work for are also more likely to champion the brand when necessary.

    So, if you want more and more success, you should not only focus on customers, but also on your employees, as they are responsible for making the company work.

    13. Have good structures in Marketing strategies

    Your actions must always be consistent with the values ​​defined by the company, after all, what good is having a perfectly defined marketing strategy if in practice everything is being done in the opposite way?

    If your brand seeks to express freedom, then advertisements and the work environment cannot send a serious and blocked message, for example.

    Adopting sales actions based on insistence using invasive ways will only distance the path to becoming a Love Brand.

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    How to measure the love your brand receives?

    Now that you know what a Love Brand is, we've separated two suggested metrics to help you measure whether your company is on the right path to becoming a Love Brand.

    1. Engagement x Feeling

    This metric basically consists of being attentive through social networks. So you can know what people are saying about your brand and what feelings and reactions are used by the public and which are associated with your name.

    If you do this correctly, you will be able to identify whether the mentions made are positive, neutral or negative. By cross-referencing your brand engagement rate, i.e. dividing total engagement by social media mentions, you will have a thermometer of how you are doing.  

    2. Share of Heart

    This is an indicator that will show you the percentage of the market that really loves your brand. In order to obtain this result, you will need to carry out a survey with consumers, where you will assemble a list of several brands, preferably that operate in the same niche as yours, and ask which customer likes the most.

    In addition to showing the most loved brands, the results will also provide a basis for knowing the affective involvement that these companies have with consumers.

    You can also use the results to keep an eye on the competition and analyze what they are doing right and wrong to repeat (or not) at your company.

    It is worth mentioning that all the way to become a Love Band is arduous and long. So, don't expect overnight results, as they can take months and even years to start showing. Therefore, patience will be essential throughout this process. 

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