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    Facebook Messenger Ads: how to create an ad within Messenger

    Facebook Messenger Ads: how to create an ad within MessengerFacebook Messenger Ads: how to create an ad within Messenger

    by Team AllYourVideogames | May 29, 2022 | Facebook |

    Marketing within Facebook is advancing and it is increasingly necessary to be aware of trends so as not to be left behind. The novelty of the time is the creation of ads for Messenger, called: Facebook Messenger Ads.

    This ad format is the same as the others, it appears in people's news feeds. The big differentiator is the call to action and its landing page.

    This is because, by clicking on the ad, you are directed to the Facebook Messenger.

    That is, the person clicks on the ad and at the same time can contact your company via inbox. Which is really cool for companies that don't have a website or blog yet.

    That's why it's very important that you take care of your ad's call to action. A call to action with: Send a Message, Contact Us or Contact Us Now can make all the difference to your bottom line.

    Since a call that indicates exactly what the person should do, can open the door for them to clear their doubts, create a relationship with your business and even complete a purchase.

    In which situations is it worth using Facebook Messenger Ads?

    Facebook Messenger ads can be used for various situations in your business. However, do remarketing for this type of ad may be the best option.

    That's because, you have the chance to find potential customers who just need a little push to close the purchase.

    People who went to your website, researched a product, interacted with your business, but haven't made a decision to buy. And they still haven't closed the purchase because they have any questions or want to know more about the benefits of your business.

    You can reach people who:
    • They opened your website but didn't buy;
    • They went to the cart, but did not complete the purchase;
    • They were interested in a promotion but didn't buy it;
    • They signed up but never bought from your business;
    • They clicked on the ad for a specific product, but did not complete the purchase;
    • You have a profile similar to people who have already shopped with you.

    All of this you can do using the custom audiences from Facebook.

    Ad x Spam

    It is very important for you to know that you should not SPAM this type of ad (and also any other!).

    Since the idea of ​​Facebook Messenger Ads is to take the person to the inbox of your page to ask questions, receive quality content and interact with your business.

    Not just receiving messages with advertisements for your products or transforming the messenger into an email marketing tool for your business. Combined?

    How to create a Facebook Messenger Ads ad

    Step 1. Create a Custom Audience

    Before creating your ad, you must add a Custom Audience to your Facebook ad account.

    For example, let's say you want to reach people who went to their cart but didn't complete their purchase. Just add information about them in this field to be able to create remarketing ads.

    In Ads Manager, go to the top menu and click Audiences. Then click Create a Custom Audience.

    Step 2. Start creating your ad campaign

    You are now ready to start creating your Facebook Messenger Ads campaign!

    First choose your ad objective.

    Step 3. Configure the campaign and placement

    Edit the campaign settings and in the Placements area choose the Edit Placements option.

    At this point, you will be presented with the options to choose ads on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

    Choose the Sponsored Messages option.

    When choosing this option, all others cannot be selected. How are you?

    Step 4. Choose traffic

    Make sure the Site or Messenger option is selected in the traffic area.

    Step 5. Choose Format

    Now, it's time for you to choose your ad type.

    You can choose from Carousel, Single Image, Single Video or Slideshow.

    Step 6. Select the images or videos

    In this step, you can select the images or videos that you will use in your campaign.

    The coolest thing about this phase is that you can count on the free image bank that Facebook itself makes available to all advertisers.

    Step 7. Edit your creative

    Finally, edit the information that people will see.

    On the side of your screen, you can see how your ad will appear in people's news feeds.

    Now, all you have to do is start serving your customers and future customers on Messenger and increasing your business results.

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