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    Healthy breakfast: 12 unmissable ideas

    Healthy breakfast: 12 unmissable ideas

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Mar 8, 2022 | News |

    Often in the rush of everyday life we ​​end up leaving aside a Healthy breakfast and exchanging for bakery snacks or any industrialized nonsense.

    But, did you know that preparing a truly nutritious meal won't take up much of your time and will still give you more energy to face the day?

    Well, many people think that it is impossible to make a simple but healthy breakfast without making a mess and being late for appointments. We're here to prove you wrong and show you that it's totally possible to include healthy foods in your morning meals.

    You may have heard that breakfast is the main meal of the day and that's true. This is due to the fact that this is the meal that will interrupt the fasting period and help the body to be “reactivated” and have energy and energy for the rest of the day.

    When we miss breakfast or even eat too late, lack of energy and tiredness prevails for the rest of the day, as the body lacks the nutrients it needs to function properly.

    Therefore, today you will discover several alternatives of what to eat in the morning so that this meal is healthy and how to change your eating habits for the better.

    Food pyramid

    To better understand how to assemble a complete and nutritious breakfast, you should know a little more about food groups. There must be a balance between all the foods in the food pyramid, it is no use eating only fruits, for example.

    Healthy breakfast: 12 unmissable ideas

    The food pyramid is made up of four levels and eight food groups. On the first level (from bottom to top) is the carbohydrate group, which includes foods such as pasta, cassava, bread and potatoes. It must be the basis of our food, as these foods are responsible for providing us with energy.

    Regarding this food group, it is interesting to opt for whole foods, as they contain more fiber and are more beneficial for the body.

    At the second level, there is the group of vegetables and also the group of fruits. They are the so-called regulating foods, they have fibers, vitamins and minerals in greater concentration.

    The third level is composed of three groups responsible for providing proteins and calcium to our body, they are: meat and eggs group, milk and dairy group and oilseeds and legumes group.

    Proteins are extremely important, as they have several essential functions in our body, such as tissue repair, for example. Therefore, it is important to include it in meals.

    In the fourth and final level, there are the groups of sweets and sugars and that of oils and fats. The consumption of these foods should be moderate, to avoid diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

    Learn More: How to have a healthy diet? 25 sources of inspiration

    Foods for a healthy breakfast

    See now which foods you can be using to assemble your healthy breakfast and what each one can bring good for the functioning of our body.

    1. Tapioca

    Tapioca is a great source of carbohydrate, which will ensure that your body has energy throughout the day to do its activities. It is an easy option, which can be made at home or bought ready-made, and it can also be filled with several different options, both sweet and savory.

    And since tapioca represents carbohydrate, the ideal is to fill it with some other source of protein such as chicken, for example. See how to prepare tapioca with sweet sprinkle that, in addition to yielding a lot, will facilitate the preparation of your breakfast.

    2. This

    Eggs are another practical and very tasty option, as well as being rich in protein and satisfying hunger. Whether fried, scrambled, boiled or made into a nice omelet with other ingredients, eggs are nutritious and good for your health.

    3. Citrus fruits

    Citrus fruits contain fiber and water, which reduces bloating and helps regulate the bowels and satiate hunger during the morning.

    Examples of citrus fruits are: strawberry, pineapple, kiwi, acerola, blackberry, passion fruit, cashew, grape, tangerine, raspberry, jabuticaba, peach, cupuaçu, among others.

    4. Yogurt

    Yogurt, in addition to being delicious, plays an important role in bone health, as there is calcium in the food. It is also a great ally for the proper functioning of the intestine.

    5. Wholemeal bread

    Due to the carbohydrates and fiber contained in this food, it is a great source of energy. Whole foods ensure a diet with less fat and sugar. When buying your bread, make sure the main ingredient is whole wheat flour.

    6. Peanut Butter

    At first, peanut butter may seem like a food that has a lot of calories, but it is also very rich in important nutrients such as iron, protein, zinc, vitamin B and also has healthy fats. In addition to being delicious, it can be used in many ways.

    You know the tapioca we mentioned above? Well, you can fill it with peanut butter, use the paste on toast, bread, with banana, as you wish. But pay attention to the amount, because everything in excess is not good and peanut butter is a very strong food.

    Supermarket ready-made peanut butter usually has a higher price, but you can also make your own homemade peanut butter with just one ingredient! For this, you will use roasted peanuts and nothing else.

    Take the roasted peanuts, without salt and without skin, to the oven at 180Âș for 10 minutes. This will make the next step easier, which is crushing the peanuts in a food processor or blender, until it turns into a paste.

    If you can't find shelled peanuts, just leave them in the oven for 25 minutes and then rub them to loosen the shells. At the end of the process, you can add sugar and salt, it's up to you.

    7. Granola

    Granola is an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It can be added to fruit, for example. What's more, it's delicious!

    8. Healthy breakfast with bananas

    Banana is a very versatile fruit that can be incorporated into different recipes. It is a food rich in potassium and serotonin, which increases disposition and improves mood. It can be eaten with granola, peanut butter, smoothies, pasta, fillings and more.

    9. Linseed

    Flaxseed is a powerful seed, which brings numerous health benefits, including balancing the sodium in our body and preventing fluid retention, lowers cholesterol rates and also blood pressure. In addition, it has omega 3 which is great for the heart.

    There is flaxseed and flaxseed flour, both of which can be added to yogurt, fruits, vitamins and your breakfast in general.

    10. Papaya

    Papaya is a very common fruit to be ingested in a healthy breakfast, it contains vitamins and fiber, it is a helper in the fight against constipation and strengthens the immune system.

    11. Cheese

    White cheese is also one of the most beloved on Brazilian tables, it is rich in protein and healthier than mozzarella, as it has less fat, making it a healthier and more delicious option.

    12. Skimmed milk

    Skim milk, as well as oat, soy and rice drinks, have a good amount of calcium and have fewer calories.

    13. Coffee

    Caffeine is the key to waking you up early and knocking you out of sleep in the morning, as well as being tasty and healthy. So, if you like a cup of coffee, be sure to include it in your morning meals.

    If you prefer to drink coffee with milk, try to opt for skimmed milk and preferably a coffee without sugar (it is difficult, but it is recommended according to professionals in the field), or at least replace refined sugar with brown or demerara sugar.

    Menu for a healthy breakfast

    Now that you've seen some wild foods, let's see how we can put together a healthy, practical and delicious menu? Stay until the end so you don't miss any details!

    1. Crepioca

    Crepioca is a fitness breakfast recipe, easy to prepare and tasty. In just 5 minutes you guarantee your healthy and yummy breakfast! For this recipe you will only need 3 ingredients and a frying pan, check it out.

    Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of tapioca gum (or sweet sprinkle) and a pinch of salt so you don't get tasteless.

    Preparation mode: Beat the egg and add the gummy, beat again until it becomes a very homogeneous mixture. Transfer this mixture to an already preheated skillet, wait for a few seconds and turn the dough. Wait until it turns golden.

    And your crepioca dough is ready, for the filling you can use either sweet or savory, such as banana, chicken or cheese. See some more crepioca filling ideas in the Kitchen Guide.

    2. Apple and oat smoothie

    Practicality is the key point of vitamins, quick to prepare, delicious and with an immense source of nutrition.

    For this smoothie you will need: 250 ml of milk (skim milk is recommended), half an apple with skin, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (thin flakes give the smoothie a better texture) and a teaspoon of cinnamon in dust.

    Blend the ingredients in a blender and your healthy breakfast is ready. It's an ideal recipe for those days when you wake up after hours and don't have much time to prepare something else.

    3. Aveioca

    Ever heard of oatmeal? The name is somewhat unusual, but it is a pancake made of oatmeal and water, it can be a substitute for bread and is very easy to prepare. The aveioca can be salty or sweet, you are free to choose when making the dough and putting the stuffing.

    4. Oatmeal Banana Pancake

    In less than 10 minutes you can prepare a delicious banana pancake. You will only need: 1 banana, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of oat bran and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon or cocoa powder (your choice).

    Mash the banana and mix it with the egg, oatmeal and cinnamon powder, you can beat everything with a fork, avoid hitting it in a mini processor or blender so the dough doesn't get too liquid and overcook.

    After mixing the dough, grease your skillet with coconut oil, pour the dough and leave it on medium heat until golden on both sides. You can increase it with the stuffing you prefer, with peanut butter, for example.

    5. Yogurt with fruit and granola

    In a bowl, pour your yogurt (preferably plain yogurt), add a teaspoon of honey, granola and chopped fruits such as grapes, bananas or strawberries. This is a practical alternative to a healthy breakfast, easy and rich in fiber and protein that will give you the mood to start the day and control hunger.

    6. Frying pan cheese bread

    You know when that urge to eat a warm cheese bread hits, but you don't have time to go out to buy or prepare yours at home? Skillet cheese bread can be a great option right now.

    To make your skillet cheese bread, you will need: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of cream cheese, 8 tablespoons of sweet or sour flour, 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese, a pinch of salt and 4 tablespoons of grated mozzarella.

    Mix the eggs well with a fork, add the curd and mix again until smooth. Add the sprinkle and mix again, after that put the Parmesan cheese and salt and beat until smooth. Add the mozzarella and mix again.

    Take the skillet and wait until golden. Your skillet cheese bread is ready, delicious and practical.

    7. Healthy Savory Breakfast: Pan bread

    If you can't do without the good old bread, know that with oatmeal you can also make bread in the pan, which is very nutritious and takes a few minutes to prepare.

    The ingredients are: 2 eggs, salt (to taste), sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of rolled oats and a teaspoon of yeast. See the preparation method:

    8. Simple breakfast: Wholemeal bread with ricotta and fruit juice

    Wholemeal bread was one of our healthy food recommendations to assemble your breakfast, a suggestion is to complement it with a piece of ricotta or white cheese and a glass of natural juice of any fruit you like. To sweeten the juice, prefer brown sugar, for example.

    9. Low Carb: healthy breakfast to lose weight

    Among the various low carb breakfast options available on the Chef Vanda Hering channel, there are omelets, chia pudding, muffins, smoothies and much more! Check out:

    10. Healthy breakfast to gain muscle mass

    Gaining muscle mass is a process where training must be complemented with food, one without the other is not successful in the result. Therefore, we also separate a healthy breakfast option for those who work out.

    Learn More: Apps to lose weight: the 20 best to lose weight fast

    11. Healthy breakfast for those with gastritis

    If you suffer from gastritis, a very recurring problem that many people face, you need to know some breakfast options to help relieve your pain and burning.

    Some foods can worsen or trigger an attack of gastritis, so here are 3 recipes for breakfast for those who have this problem and also the foods you should avoid.

    12. Healthy gluten-free breakfast

    Learn More: How to lose weight naturally? These 16 Tips Will Help You

    Extra Tips

    What not to eat for breakfast?

    Some foods, even for those who do not suffer from gastritis or any other problem, may not be nutritious and may not provide the energy you need for the day.

    Here's what you should avoid in your main meal of the day:

    More healthy breakfast options

    Learn More: The 10 best apps for healthy eating

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