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    How to open a computer technical assistance business?

    How to open a computer technical assistance business?How to open a computer technical assistance business?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jun 30, 2022 | Entrepreneurship |

    If you are looking for tips on how to build a IT technical assistance, you've come to the right place. Let's explain what are the most important elements to start in this segment: 

    • Location;
    • Legal and specific requirements;
    • Structure;
    • Team;
    • Computer technical assistance equipment;
    • Disclosure. 

    The most interesting thing about this area is that you can create a physical business or work with IT technical assistance at your own home. In addition, depending on the format of your venture, it is not necessary to make large investments. 

    The tips in this post are even valid for computer and cell phone technical assistance stores. So do not lose more time. Continue reading and clear all your doubts. 

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    IT technical assistance: localization 

    Undoubtedly, defining the location of the commercial point is one of the most important issues when setting up a computer technical assistance business. To make a more assertive decision, it is essential to take some items into consideration. 

    First, you must analyze some urban and infrastructure aspects. At this stage, it is important to observe if the region is safe, if there are areas at risk of flooding or flooding, if the neighborhood has public service infrastructure and garbage collection and if the region provides water, electricity, telephone and internet services. 

    You should also analyze whether it will be possible to provide indoor or outdoor parking for customers, if there is proximity to stations and public transport points and if the neighborhood contains essential services such as restaurants, pharmacies and banks. 

    One of the most common mistakes when choosing a commercial location is not carefully analyzing the economic and financial aspects of the place.

    To avoid problems in the future, we recommend checking the rental amount, term and conditions of the contract, whether the establishment needs renovations and adaptations, in addition to observing the quality of the furniture in the place. 

    IT technical assistance: andlegal and specific requirements

    To open a new business, you can register the establishment in the individual format or in one of the legal frameworks of the society. The entrepreneur must analyze the alternatives that meet his needs and the profile of the business he intends to put into practice. 

    We know that at this moment many doubts may arise. Therefore, we recommend having the support of an accountant. He is the best professional to advise on the constitutive acts of the business, in addition to having a vast knowledge of tax legislation.

    To open a company, you must comply with the following rules:

    • Commercial Board;
    • Federal Revenue Secretariat (CNPJ);
    • State Department of Finance;
    • Registration with the City Hall, to acquire the business license;
    • Placement in the Employers' Union Entity;
    • Registration with Caixa EconĂ´mica Federal in the “Social Connectivity – INSS/FGTS” system;
    • Registration with the Military Fire Department.

    In addition to the recommendations that were mentioned in this post, you need to make a prior consultation of the address at the City Hall/Regional Administration, about the Zoning Law.

    To avoid future problems, it is worth knowing the customer protection rules, which are defined by the Consumer Protection Code (CDC).

    Law 123/2006 (Micro and Small Business Statute) and its amendments define special and simple care for micro and small businesses.

    In practice, this means that entrepreneurs have several benefits, such as reduction or exemption of registration costs, licenses, among others. 

    The entrepreneur also needs to redouble attention to the Information Technology Law nÂş 10.176/01. It details how training and competition are in the information technology segment. 

    Learn More: How to open a MEI: 5 steps to be a microentrepreneur

    IT technical assistance: structure

    One of the main advantages of working with IT technical assistance is that this type of enterprise does not need a physical establishment, but only adequate tools to serve customers. 

    However, if it is necessary to set up a physical store, you need a small environment, with a commercial point and a technical laboratory.

    Experts believe that to start a venture, a site of 100m2 is needed. A store is one that contains reception and service space; hardware services laboratory; warehouse; administrative area; pantry and bathroom. 

    You can also sell hardware, software and peripheral items. However, to avoid future problems, the entrepreneur must obtain the Current Registration. Remember to reserve an environment to expose the products to customers.

    It is never too much to remember the importance of thinking about other issues, such as: 

    • setting;
    • Decoration;
    • Circulation;
    • Ventilation;
    • Lighting. 

    From the outside, you should think about items such as: facade, signs, entrances, exits and parking. An interesting tip is to consult the City Hall or Municipal Administration. It is the best source for informing the city's legislation on external identification plates. 

    IT technical assistance: team 

    The number of employees for the business is modified according to the space of the enterprise. To reduce payroll expenses, bet on a lean team.

    Usually a technical receptionist, administrative manager and computer technician. After choosing your team, train employees so that they are prepared to serve the public in the best way. 

    IT technical assistance: maintenance equipment

    As well as the number of employees, the number of equipment also changes according to the size of your company.

    In a small business, the most recommended items are: computers, printer, multimeter, oscilloscope, toolbox, work benches, telephone, service desk, shelves and cabinets with doors and chairs. 

    IT technical assistance: dissemination

    Competition from a computer technical assistance store is quite intense. To ensure a competitive edge in the market, advertise your business on social networks, create an institutional website and use messaging apps to your advantage.

    There are still other guidelines: make folders and flyers, offer gifts to involve consumers, create partnerships with computer schools and think about promotions for the audience. 

    Setting up a computer technical assistance store is not an easy task. In addition to choosing the location, you should invest in equipment for IT technical assistance and be aware of legal and specific requirements. 

    However, before starting your venture, it is worth checking the budget. If you don't have enough income to set up a computer and cell phone technical assistance, it is worth starting with computer technical assistance at home.

    Regardless of the type of business you want to build, it is worth the investment, as the market is on the rise. After all, who doesn't need computer help, right?  

    So, follow our guidelines and get your idea off the ground today, whether to create a technical assistance in our city or in any other region of the country.

    Sebrae's online courses can also help you in your professional development. 

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