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    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    Deleting a page in Word is essential for anyone who needs to adjust a document to print or send to someone. The main challenge in these cases is keeping the file configuration and not having to format it again after the process.

    The procedures are different for pages with text or graphic content and those with white content, in the middle of the document. teaches you how to do it simply and quickly.

    How to Delete Page in Word

    The step by step below is indicated to eliminate pages with text or graphics content in Word.

    1. Open the Word document that contains the page you want to delete. Click on the page you want to delete and press the F5 key;

    2. In the box that opens, in the tab Ir para, keep the option Página selected. In the field Enter page number, type it page;

    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    3. Then press Enter on the keyboard and click Close;

    4. Make sure that all the content on the page is selected, then press the Delete.

    Ready, the content of the page will be completely deleted.

    How to Delete Blank Page in Word in the Middle of a Document

    The step by step below is indicated to erase blank pages that are in the middle of the document. The way to do this is by analyzing the blank paragraphs inserted throughout the text and deleting them.

    1. Open the Word document that contains the page you want to delete. on the tab Home, click on the icon ¶;

    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    2. If, throughout the file, you encounter paragraph marks (¶) alone, that is, without textual or visual content next to them, and select them all with the mouse. Then press the key Delete ou Backspace to turn them off;

    3. Click on the icon again ¶, on the tab Home, to end the display.

    If the blank page is the last in the document

    By default, Word includes a non-deletable final paragraph at the end of documents. In some cases, however, it ends up on the next page, creating a new, unwanted last page in the file.

    But what to do if it is not possible to delete the paragraph? Microsoft's tip is to reduce the font size of the paragraph as much as possible so it can fit on the previous page.

    To do so, click on the ¶ icon, select the last paragraph mark in the document. The box with text editing options will appear. In the font size, enter the number 1.

    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    Word shortcut keys: check out the most useful options of the program

    Now the paragraph should fit on the previous page, thus eliminating the last blank page. If, by any chance, the paragraph still doesn't fit on the previous page, one solution is to increase the bottom margin.

    For this, in the tab Page Layout, patch me Margins and then in custom margins. In the box that opens, in the tab Margins, increase the size in the field Lower. Try one that is enough to eliminate the blank page while not detracting from the aesthetics of the document.

    Finish the process by clicking again on the ¶ icon, in the Home, to end the display.

    Blank page only appears on print (remove separator page)

    If you do not find the blank page in the document, but only when printing, it is possible that the option to print a separator page is set. To change, you need to access the printer settings in Windows.

    1. In the menu Login from Windows, click on the gear icon to access the system settings;

    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    2. Select option Devices;

    3. In the side menu on the left, click Printers and Scanners;

    4. In the displayed list, find the printer associated with your computer and click on its name. Then go over the option To manage;

    5. On the next screen, click on printer properties;

    How to Delete Page in Word Document Easily

    6. In the box that opens, go to the tab Advanced. At the bottom, click the button separator page;

    7. Delete the templates listed in the Separator Page box, then go to OK;

    8. Then complete the process by clicking on Apply, in the printer properties box.


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