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    What to post in Instagram stories? 15 ideas to copy

    What to post in Instagram stories? 15 ideas to copy

    by Team AllYourVideogames | May 28, 2022 | Instagram |

    Instagram Stories is a great tool to interact with your followers and bring more dynamics to your profile. What's more, it can end up attracting more people to follow you and generate more likes, comments and shares. But you know what to post in instagram stories? If you're having a creative block to create Stories, we've separated some tips that can help.

    But first, you need to know that the social network algorithm will not be a great ally in your posts. To do well with this algorithm, you will need to have a fair amount of engagement. The more your audience interacts with Stories likes, comments and reposts, the better it will be for your growth on the social network and the reach you get.

    For this, you will need to post frequently in your Stories. So, let's check out what to post in Instagram Stories:

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    What to post in Instagram Stories?

    1. Templates

    Templates are a great way to get more audience interaction and engagement, and you've probably already shared or responded to some. They are layouts where the follower can interact by answering or marking an alternative that has a connection with the subject of the template.

    You can create a template related to your area of ​​expertise. Thus, followers can print and respond to the template in their own Stories. 

    Templates offer a wide variety of possibilities. You just can't forget to put your username in the template to receive proper credit in case it goes viral or people want to know the profile of the person who created it.

    What to post in Instagram stories? 15 ideas to copy

    Images: Instagram/Play

    2. Tap to Edit

    At this point in the championship, you must already know that to play a Story you have to touch the screen, right? So, why not use this to create an interaction and interactive posts in your Stories? You can post a sequence of photos that, when you click to go through the Stories, end up being edited and showing a transformation or event, as a kind of interactive publication.

    In addition, this will make your followers open the Stories several times and do the famous “Vai e Vem” to follow the entire editing process. This will increase impressions, one of the main social media metrics. 

    3. Polls

    If you're looking for a practical way that generates results for polls, opinions, and data, then Instagram polls might be just what you need, and they're also a great way to engage your account.

    With the questions in poll formats, you can give your audience a voice and know their opinion on a certain topic, type of content they would like to see and many other things. And the best thing is that this tool is free on the social network. 

    There are several poll formats, such as the most used ones with only two options, for example, “yes” or “no” or the famous emoji control, where the person can slide the emoji to express their level of satisfaction or agreement. What's more, this feature can also be a great form of fun.

    But remember: it is important to always leave the polls in the middle of the screen to facilitate interaction and visualization by your follower.

    Learn More: Copy and Paste These 27 Poll Tips for Instagram

    4. Question Box

    One of the best ways to increase engagement and chat with your followers is the question box. What's more, Instagram's algorithm loves this type of content for generating a huge feed of content. You can use this tool to tell a story, get the opinion of users, ask questions, ask for referrals, and so on.

    But it's not just for that. You can have a more relaxed interaction with your followers by asking how their day was, asking for suggestions for songs, series, movies and many other questions.

    5. Currents

    You may have already come across several chains while browsing Instagram, some like “Reply this story with a little heart and I'll post a photo of your feed that I like in Stories”. It can be something simpler, but this generates a great deal of interaction and volume of directs and conversations with your followers, which can greatly help your profile with the Instagram algorithm.

    The downside is that you will likely have a large amount of Stories to post, which can be quite labor-intensive and time-consuming to meet all the demand. The positive side is that if it's done well it can be very worthwhile.

    6. videos

    Instagram's own content manager, Silvia Ramazotti, says that videos are responsible for an incredible 40% of the most viewed Stories on the platform, and for every 5 Stories, 1 generates direct interaction. This content option can be a way to show the reality and transparency of your day-to-day to your followers.

    Always aim to face the camera while in a video and subtitles can be a great addition.

    Learn More: The best content tips for Instagram

    What to post in Instagram stories? 15 ideas to copy

    7. TBT

    You must have seen the famous #tbt on Instagram, right? This means "Throwback Thursday", or in free translation "Thursday to remember", and with that Thursdays became the official day of TBT. The goal is basically to remember some special, fun and memorable moment in your life.

    But with the Instagram Memories Archive tool, nothing prevents you from also doing it on other days of the week. All you have to do is go to the top left corner of your Instagram, the clock symbol, and share the best memories. This can be fun for both you and your followers who will bond more with you.

    8. Answer Stories

    You can also ask your followers to tag your profile when they post something related to your content or your Instagram profile with your @. Then you can post that post to your own Story.

    Remember, whenever someone tags you in Stories, you get a notification with the option “add to your Story”. This will generate greater authority, interaction and credibility with your followers. What's more, it will increase your brand recognition. And, as said before, this type of interaction can be great for the Instagram algorithm to prioritize your profile. 

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    9. Tutorials

    If you have any knowledge that is interesting or that can make life easier for your followers, it's always good to share it with him in a kind of mini-tutorial. It doesn't have to be something completely related to the type of content on your profile.

    It can be something as simple as a kitchen trick, tips to sleep better, how to use an app, how to make some dessert and the like. This will give your followers a reason to continue following you, or start following you, and increase your credibility with them. Besides, it's always good to share.

    10. Behind the scenes

    It's always good to show your followers a little bit of your life outside of social networks, the backstage of your work, the difficulties faced, the time to prepare the content, the creation process and, if possible, even a little bit of yourself. work routine.

    This will create a deeper bond between you and your followers and also show that you are human just like them, making them feel more comfortable on your profile. 

    11. Testimonials

    Another type of content you can use in Stories is testimonials. You can give your own testimonial on some popular topic in the world that has to do (or not) with your content, which increases the public's interest in your profile.

    Or, even better, you can bring in third-party testimonials about the type of content you provide or about your product or service. If you work selling something or providing a service, you can bring in the opinion of a customer, for example.

    If you only work with posts in the feed, then why not innovate and bring the opinion of a follower about the type of content you post in the feed or in Stories? What's more, testimonials don't have to be on video. You can share any post where they talked about your profile, any email or message on social networks in text format that you received.

    12. Lives

    In addition to increasing your interaction and engagement with the audience, which can be great for improving your image and improving your relationship with the Instagram algorithm, lives can also allow you greater freedom. What's more, even if Stories don't allow for very extensive content, you can bring something new and exclusive to your followers, something that wouldn't be recorded for more than 24 hours. 

    The range of subjects is extensive, latest news, some controversy, content, work, product, etc., or just chat with your followers, talking about your day-to-day. Also, nothing will stop you from bringing guests to your lives and starting a chat about some subject. The possibility of innovating in lives will depend on your creativity, as the possibilities are endless. 

    Learn More: How to live on Youtube and Instagram at the same time?

    13. Reviews

    If you have a partnership with brands or receive products and services constantly, you can bring the famous reviews on Instagram Stories with the product. You can talk about whether it is worth hiring the service or buying the product, give your honest opinion about it, etc.

    But you have to be careful: remember that your opinion can be decisive for some followers to decide or not to spend their money on a certain service/product. So there's a level of responsibility in what you're going to say. 

    14. Use highlights

    Highlights can serve as a facilitator for your followers to find content on your profile, or even a form of introduction to new users. The bio will most likely be the first impression new followers will have of you and your content. So the more you work on it, the better.

    In addition to the written information you will have, you can use the highlights to immortalize some Stories, talk about yourself and your work, leave your opinion about something and so on. And it's worth noting that the highlights allow you to name each one as a kind of folder, so your profile will be very organized. You can create highlights like “Who am I?”, “My work”, “What I think about something” and so on.

    What to post in Instagram stories? 15 ideas to copy

    Learn More: What to put in the Instagram bio?

    15. Services and Products

    Nothing prevents you from showing and promoting your services and products in Instagram Stories to also promote your business. But it is important to know that showing only this will not please your followers, so you need to know how to balance the content.

    Instagram also has its entertainment side and many are looking for that on the social network. Post some videos and photos about the type of product you sell or service you provide, show how they are made, the work routine, etc. Know how to make the disclosure interesting. What's more, Stories only last 24 hours if they're not featured, so use this tool in your favor and take advantage of limited promotions. 

    Learn More: How to post Instagram Stories from the computer?

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