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    What are Instagram impressions?

    What are Instagram impressions?

    by Equipe AllYourVideogames | Apr 13, 2022 | Instagram | two

    Do you know what the “impressions” metric is on Instagram? It shows how many times your posts were seen on the social network. It is worth mentioning that impressions show the number of views counting on repeat users. So, if a person has seen the given post twice, the two views will be counted. Of course, it is not possible to know which profile you viewed.

    However, there is another metric on Instagram, which despite having similar functions, also has its differences in relation to “impressions”. The metric I'm referring to is "reach".

    How does Instagram reach work?

    Unlike the one mentioned above, this one only computes the number of times a particular publication was seen, without user repetition. This means that if any post has a reach of two and an impression of three, then it has been viewed more than once by the same profile in the app.

    Learn more: Metrics: 10 ways to evaluate your digital strategies

    Both metrics are valid for all types of posts on the social network. Whether with images, stories or videos published on IGTV, for example. However, only business profiles that have access to Instagram Insights can access this information. 

    For those unfamiliar, Instagram Insights is a tool for business accounts. Through it, it is possible to have access to all interactions and data from Instagram. It also allows users to track the performance of their posts. That way, they can understand what appeals to their followers the most and what attracts them the most.

    Here are the different ways to see Instagram impressions for each post type:

    Overall account impressions: Instagram reach and impressions

    Through this tool, you will be able to have access to all impressions on Instagram regarding your account and not just certain posts. Here there will be a sum, taking into account impressions on Instagram in publications, stories, IGTV and others. It is also worth mentioning that here you can check the number of accounts that were reached by your profile during the week.

    To be able to access this part of the social network, if you have a business profile, follow these steps: 

    Step 1. Go to your Instagram profile and go to the “Insights” option

    Step 2. All metrics pertaining to your profile, including impressions on Instagram, will be available there. Select the “impressions” metric. There you will find all the information you are looking for.

    Step 3. If you want to know about the “reach” metric, just repeat the whole process, but instead of clicking on “impressions” on the final stretch, you will select “reach”.

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    story impressions

    To access story impressions, you will need to follow the following path:

    Step 1. Open your Instagram profile.

    Step 2. Click on Insights

    Step 3. Scroll down and go to the “Stories” section

    Step 4. Here, you can filter your data by days and the metric you want.

    In stories, you will also be able to check the interactions of your followers and the views that you had in the specific published stories. As stories are only available for 24 hours on your profile, through Instagram Insights you can check their metrics for up to 30 days after they were published. 

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    How to view Instagram post information?

    To find Instagram impressions of a post, the path will not be much different from the one you used before. Follow the following steps:

    Step 1. Open the post you want to access the information.

    Step 2. Just below the post, tap “View Info” and swipe up.

    Step 3. The Instagram impressions option will be located at the end, just click on it. 

    Step 4. If you want to know information about the “reach” metric, just retrace the steps described above, the option will be located just above “impressions”.

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    Video impressions on IGTV

    On IGTV, the metric is a little different than Instagram impressions and reach. Here, you will have access to the views numbers of your videos in the tab. In addition, you will also be able to see the number of likes and comments your video has received. To find out about your views, you will need to follow the path below: 

    Step 1. Open your video on IGTV.

    Step 2. On the bottom bar, click on the three dots option.

    Step 3. A menu will open, so you have to select the option “view information”.

    Step 4. The number of views will appear first, followed by the number of likes and then comments.

    It is worth mentioning that, for videos on IGTV, Instagram counts as views when an account watches your video for more than 3 seconds. However, for stories, the view count does not have this rule. Even if someone spends 1 second on your stories, that view will count towards the metric.

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    What is Instagram Engagement?

    What are Instagram impressions?

    Engagement, or engagement – ​​depending on what you call it, on Instagram is the way your followers and audience interact with your posts. Through it, you can measure whether or not your brand is well connected with your audience, this is done by calculating the engagement rate. 

    Due to the constant changes that the social network undergoes, your profile may also undergo some changes in these numbers. Your engagement rate and contact with your followers may not remain constant because of these constant changes mentioned above about Instagram. 

    However, we must point out that you should not rely solely on the number of likes or comments you receive on a post to measure the engagement of your profile. To have a more real base, you will be able to track your engagement through the metrics commented above, of impressions on Instagram, reach and views.

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