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    Vero Internet: Know the plans and how to hire

    Vero Internet: Know the plans and how to hire

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jun 8, 2022 | Shopping |

    Vero Internet is a great alternative for those looking for a fast connection without oscillations, whether for fun, work or study. As the transmission is made by optical fiber, the service is agile and efficient for the consumer. 

    In this article, we will explain how it works, what the benefits are, in which cities it is available, how to hire, among other information. Continue reading and clear all your doubts. 

    This content is ideal for anyone looking for information about Vero Internet in Juiz de Fora, Vero Internet in Lafaiete, Vero Internet in Leopoldina, Vero Internet in Frederico Westphalen, among other cities in Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul.

    Learn more at: Internet for rural areas Vivo: know the plans and how to hire

    What is Vero Internet? 

    It is a company that aims to offer quality internet to several cities in the south and Minas Gerais. To give you an idea, Vero is present in the homes of more than 400 thousand consumers. 

    One of the main advantages of the company is that it offers humanized customer service. This type of behavior is only possible because there are more than 1.700 employees trained and committed to bring various benefits to the residents of the interior of the country. 

    Vero Internet specializes in Optical Fiber. It is the most agile data transmission network in the world. Data traffic is so fast that it is compared to the speed of light. 

    What are the benefits of Vero internet fiber? 

    Fiber internet is ideal for internet users looking for good performance in online games. It is also suitable for people who want to watch videos in high definition and without signal problems. With this feature, you can download and upload files quickly. 

    Another positive point is the stable connection. With Optical Fiber, the user can surf the internet without stress, since the connection does not contain drops or oscillations that occur quite often in other options available on the market. 

    Learn more at: What is the best internet speed test?

    Is the Internet really good? 

    Yes. When you hire Vero Internet, you will have local, agile and efficient technical assistance, in addition to telephone support. The connection does not disturb the user with drops and instability. The consumer receives what he contracted for, without fluctuations or delays. It is ideal for entertainment, work, study, among other tasks. 

    You can connect to the internet on multiple devices simultaneously, without losing service performance. The Optical Fiber connection brings several benefits to the customer. 

    • No interference; 
    • More ability to share information;
    • Reaches large cabling distances.

    Does Vero Internet have coverage in my region? 

    To find out if Vero Internet has coverage in your region is very simple. First, you should check our list below to see if the service is available in your region. To help you with your search, we have taken special care to organize the name of each municipality in alphabetical order. 

    • Alfredo Vasconcelos – Minas Gerais;
    • Alvorada – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Anchieta – Santa Catarina;
    • AntĂ´nio Carlos – Minas Gerais;
    • Arroio do Sal – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Pinhal Spa – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Bandeirante – Santa Catarina;
    • BarĂŁo de Cocais – Minas Gerais;
    • Barbacena – Minas Gerais;
    • Barra Bonita – Santa Catarina;
    • BarracĂŁo – Paraná;
    • Belmonte – Santa Catarina;
    • Waterspouts – Minas Gerais;
    • Bom Despacho – Minas Gerais;
    • Bom Jesus do Sul – Paraná;
    • Brumadinho – Minas Gerais;
    • CaetĂ© – Minas Gerais;
    • CapĂŁo da Canoa – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Caraá – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • CarandaĂ­ – Minas Gerais;
    • Casa Grande – Minas Gerais;
    • Caxambu – Minas Gerais;
    • Charqueadas – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Cidreira – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Conceição da Barra de Minas – Minas Gerais;
    • Congonhas – Minas Gerais;
    • Board Member Lafaiete – Minas Gerais;
    • Cristiano Otoni – Minas Gerais;
    • Cruz Alta – Rio Grande do Sul; 
    • Rest – Santa Catarina;
    • Dionisio Cerqueira – Santa Catarina;
    • DivinĂłpolis – Minas Gerais;
    • Dores de Campos – Minas Gerais;
    • Entre Rios de Minas – Minas Gerais;
    • Flower from Serra do Sul – Paraná;
    • Frederico Westphalen – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Glorinha – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Guaraciaba – Santa Catarina;
    • Guarara – Minas Gerais;
    • Guarujá do Sul – Santa Catarina; 
    • IgarapĂ© – Minas Gerais;
    • IjuĂ­ – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • ImbĂ©- Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Itabirito – Minas Gerais;
    • Itatiaiuçu – Minas Gerais;
    • ItaĂşna – Minas Gerais;
    • Jeceaba – Minas Gerais;
    • JoĂŁo Monlevade – Minas Gerais;
    • Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais;
    • Golden Lagoon – Minas Gerais;
    • Leopoldina – Minas Gerais;
    • Lima Duarte – Minas Gerais;
    • MaquinĂ© – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Sea of ​​Spain – Minas Gerais;
    • Mariana – Minas Gerais;
    • Maripá de Minas – Minas Gerais;
    • Martinho Campos – Minas Gerais;
    • Matias Barbosa – Minas Gerais;
    • Matozinhos – Minas Gerais;
    • Nova Serrana – Minas Gerais;
    • Pottery – Minas Gerais;
    • OsĂłrio – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Ouro Branco – Minas Gerais;
    • Ouro Preto – Minas Gerais;
    • Palma Sola – Santa Catarina;
    • Panambi – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Pará de Minas – Minas Gerais;
    • Paradise – Santa Catarina;
    • Pedro Leopoldo – Minas Gerais;
    • Pequeri – Minas Gerais;
    • Ponte Nova – Minas Gerais;
    • Meadows – Minas Gerais;
    • Princess – Santa Catarina;
    • Queluzito – Minas Gerais;
    • Ressaquinha – Minas Gerais;
    • RibeirĂŁo das Neves – Minas Gerais;
    • Sabará – Minas Gerais;
    • Santa Cruz de Minas – Minas Gerais;
    • Santa Luzia – Minas Gerais;
    • Santiago – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Santo Ă‚ngelo – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Santo AntĂ´nio da Patrulha – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Santos Dumont – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo Borja – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • SĂŁo Brás do SuaçuĂ­ – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo JerĂ´nimo – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • SĂŁo JoĂŁo Del Rei – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo Joaquim de Bicas – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo JosĂ© da Lapa – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo JosĂ© do Cedro – Santa Catarina;
    • SĂŁo Lourenço – Minas Gerais;
    • SĂŁo Luiz Gonzaga – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • SĂŁo Miguel do Oeste – Santa Catarina;
    • Sete Lagoas – Minas Gerais;
    • SimĂŁo Pereira – Minas Gerais;
    • Land of Sand – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Tiradentes – Minas Gerais;
    • Torres – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • TramandaĂ­ – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • TrĂŞs Cachoeiras – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Venâncio Aires – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Vespasiano – Minas Gerais;
    • ViamĂŁo – Rio Grande do Sul;
    • Viçosa – Minas Gerais;
    • Xangri-La – Rio Grande do Sul. 

    Found your city? Access the Vero Internet website, go to the top menu of the page and enter the following information: home zip code, location number and contact cell phone number. Finally, click on coverage. In a few seconds, the system will inform you if your residence has coverage for the services that are offered by the company. 

    What are the Vero internet plans? 

    Now that you know what Vero Internet is and if it has coverage in your region, let's find out what plans are available to the customer? It is essential to make it clear that the values ​​may vary from municipality to municipality. But generally, customers often find the following options. 

    • 220 mega: broadband with digital content. The value of the plan is R$ 105. The installation cost is informed when the customer contacts the company. Vero Internet offers a discount for consumers who subscribe to the digital invoice; 
    • 360 mega: broadband with digital content. The value of the plan is R$ 115. As with the option mentioned above, the company does not inform the cost of installation. The company also offers a discount for consumers who subscribe to the digital invoice; 
    • 360 mega: ultra speed with GloboPlay. The value of the plan is R$ 130. Here, the installation fee is already included. 

    What services are available through Vero Internet? 

    From now on, we'll explain how Vero Internet's extra services work. Follow up!

    Vero + GloboPlay

    Vero Internet: Know the plans and how to hire

    When contracting the 360 ​​mega service, the customer pays a monthly fee of R$99,60/month, with an installation fee of R$7,50/month and Globoplay in the amount of R$22,90/month, in the basic plan. It is a unique opportunity to follow soap operas, series, movies, children's content, documents, among other materials. This is a different way the company found to unite Vero internet and tv.

    real sport

    Vero Internet: Know the plans and how to hire

    Vero Esporte is suitable for subscribers who like excitement. Here, you can follow your favorite tournaments, as well as not miss any bids from national and international championships. 

    Vero + Telecine 

    You can watch Oscar-nominated and Oscar-winning movies. The catalog has national and Hollywood studio content. Streaming has more than 2.000 hits, and the subscriber can follow dozens of premieres every month. The promotional value of this service is R$ 37,90. 

    true child

    The next option on our list is kid-friendly. Your child will have access to many drawings, music and games. Plus, little ones can enjoy content from Cartoon Network and Nick Jr's Noggin.

    true specialist 

    Support available around the clock to configure your devices. The service is done through the Minha Vero application, website or phone. 

    Real bank 

    If you like to read, Vero Banca is a great option. The subscriber has access to more than 200 titles from both magazines and newspapers. You can read the material anywhere and on up to three devices simultaneously. 

    true security 

    Antivirus that protects your data on various types of devices. You can also manage what your child accesses and which pages they are browsing. 

    How to hire Vero Internet? 

    You can hire Vero Internet in two ways: Whatsapp: 31 99374-2000 or landline. The contact numbers are: 4000 1020 and 0800 374 2000. 

    If you are looking for Vero Internet in Barbacena, Vero Internet in Bicas and other regions, don't waste any more time. Contact the operator now and discover the amazing offers.

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