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    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Sep 17, 2022 | Technology |

    When leaving home to go to the market or fair, it is very important to have a Shopping list complete at hand to help you not forget anything and also to have control over your budget.

    According to economic experts, making a shopping list saves people time and money, as they will know exactly what to buy and won't be picking up anything unnecessary or forgetting what they really need.

    For that, you don't necessarily need to write a complete list by hand.

    You can use technology to your advantage and create your list from your own cell phone and optimize this task.

    With that in mind, we've put together a list of apps to help you be more practical in everyday life and create your grocery lists digitally.

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    The 16 best apps to make online shopping lists

    1. ListOn Free

    Through the ListOn Free application, it is possible to make multiple shopping lists, adding the quantity of each item and their respective prices.

    Its articles are sorted by category and it has over 600 article suggestions.

    In addition, the app allows the user to access the lists online from anywhere and also to share the lists via WhatsApp and e-mail and synchronize in real time.

    It has a clever product suggestion and a pantry.

    The list of purchases made is saved, along with the prices of the products, which can be very useful for estimating spending on the next purchase and comparing prices between markets.

    The app's interface is quite colorful, but also simple.

    It has drawings for better visualization of the items and its use is intuitive.

    The app is only available for Android.The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    2. Super Simple Shopping List

    This app is available for Android.

    With it, you have the freedom to assemble your list as you wish and you can separate the categories by color, so that it is well divided and organized.

    You can, for example, separate the “Grocery” category and choose the color green to represent it.

    Then you add which items you need to buy and they will be listed with the same color.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    3. Out of milk

    The Out of Milk app is among the best rated on the Google Play Store and this is due to the fact that its many features are extremely useful when shopping.

    Within the app, we come across the Pantry, where you can simulate your pantry and access it to find out what items you have in your home and what you need to buy.

    But of course, you should always keep it up to date.

    So, you can move items between your shopping list and your pantry inventory.

    The articles are separated by categorization, thus facilitating the grouping of items.

    It is also possible to create multiple lists, synchronize and share these lists or even send them by SMS or email.

    In addition, there is control of expenses through the availability of the values ​​of purchases made.

    The app is available on the Google Play Store.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    4. To shopping list

    Through the Shopping List application, in addition to being able to make multiple lists, synchronize and share, it is also possible to create the list through voice command.

    Organization and editing is customized with colors and icons.

    The app has more than a thousand products available.

    But, it has no pantry and no possibility of entering prices, like the previous ones.

    It is available for Android and iOS.

    5. Listonic

    Listonic is another excellent choice, with smart suggestions for building your shopping list.

    The app analyzes your purchases and recommends products that it considers to be recurring.

    It is also possible to produce shopping lists by voice command, separate products by category, enter and analyze values, share your lists and synchronize your lists across different platforms.

    It is available for Android.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    6. SoftList

    SoftList allows the user to create a simple list with the names of the items, or a more elaborate list, specifying quantity, values ​​and even photos.

    In the app, your entire purchase history is stored, along with graphs and reports about your pantry.

    That way, you'll know which products and in which category you spend more.

    You can register products manually or by voice command, or by barcode, and make reports to compare prices.

    Therefore, SoftList, in addition to helping you organize your shopping list, is also able to help you control your money and discover your spending estimates each month.

    It is available for Android.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list
    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    7. Bring!

    Through the Bring! You will shop efficiently with shopping lists that can be shared with Smartphones, Smartwatch and with Alexa voice assistant and also voice assistant from Amazon and Google.

    In addition, the platform provides tips on eating habits and trends, indicates items for recipes, allows you to import recipes and shows you ideas on what to cook.

    Finally, there is the “Bring Wallet!” where you can save loyalty cards and have everything organized and easily accessible.

    The app is available for both Android and iOS.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    8. TK Solution Shopping List

    With the TK Solution Shopping List app, you can drag and drop items wherever you want, manage multiple lists simultaneously, sync them between other devices, share, import a text from elsewhere, remove something while shopping and much more.

    Furthermore, it is possible to create the list by voice command, change the font, size, color and also the background.

    It keeps the history, notifications and has a part for recipes.

    It is available for Android.

    9. Buy Me a Pie

    With Buy Me a Pie, you have the possibility to control your pantry, share and sync your shopping list, make multiple lists and count on suggestions for the items you buy most frequently.

    It is a highly rated app on the Play Store and also on the Apple Store.

    10. My Shopping List

    Through My Shopping List you can create a shopping list by voice command, share this list and access it from anywhere.

    In addition, the app also serves as a task checklist.

    A negative point that you need to know is that it leaves something to be desired with regard to the separation of items by category and total price of the items.

    Despite this, it is still a good option and is available for Android.

    11. Kiwi3 Shopping List

    Through this app, you can create your shopping list and share it via email, text and WhatsApp.

    You can also mark the products in the list as “Purchased” and “In Cart”.

    It is not possible to enter items by voice command and include price and quantity, as in other applications already presented.

    It is only available for Android.

    12. Google Keep

    While not specifically designed for grocery shopping lists, the Google Keep app can be of great help in that mission.

    It's meant for making checklists, and if you don't mind something simpler, then you can use it to make your shopping list.

    This is an app that is only available for Android.

    A similar option for iPhone users is Notes.

    13 Todoist

    Todoist is another app that doesn't have the specific purpose of creating a shopping list, but it can be used for that purpose without any problem.

    It is a task manager and is available for Android and iOS.

    14. Microsoft To Do

    Microsoft To Do is also a task manager, where you can take notes, set reminders and produce lists, including shopping lists, in a simpler and more direct way.

    It allows lists to be customized with different color themes, adding emojis and has a listening mode.

    It is available for Android and iOS.

    The 16 best apps to make shopping list

    15. Productive

    With Productive, you can make your shopping list and monitor your habits, as a way to keep your diet healthy and balanced.

    Through it, you can customize the way you want and is available for Android and iOS.

    16. Shopping Cart

    In this application, you will create as many lists as you like, modify and delete items and enter values.

    In addition, you can set the text size, color and background.

    It has settings for several languages ​​and is available for Android.

    Tips for organizing your shopping list

    With apps, it's much easier to do that, isn't it?

    But even so, it is important to know how to make your list and the first step is to pay attention to what is missing in your home.

    Now that you know that, the next step is to organize by categories, to have a clearer view when putting together your shopping list and when you are on the market.

    After that, it is also important to define the quantity of each product and define what is, in fact, necessary to be purchased, in order to save money when you actually go shopping.

    Finally, a valid tip is to prepare the menu of the week. Thus, you can visualize what will be consumed in the main meals and facilitate the creation of the list.

    After all these applications that we present, it is easier to organize the shopping list of the month and control yourself financially, avoiding unnecessary expenses and preventing the risk of returning home without an important item.

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