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    Pravaler: how it works and how to finance your studies

    Pravaler: how it works and how to finance your studies

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Feb 2, 2022 | News |

    Pravaler is one of the best-known student finance programs in our country and has already helped more than 200 students across the country.

    To participate in the program, it's quite easy: just find out if your college is a Pravaler partner. 

    If so, the student must access the official page of the program in order to do a simulation. 

    From there, he will have an idea if the financing is in line with his financial reality. The program works in partnership with private colleges. 

    In other words, Pravaler pays the semester tuition to the university where the student is enrolled. Afterwards, the program looks for ways for the student to pay the installments with less bureaucracy. 

    In this article, we will explain what are the benefits of Pravaler, how to hire, what are the necessary requirements to participate in the program, how the credit analysis is done, among other issues.

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    Is it worth opting for Pravaler? 

    Yes. Below are the main benefits:

    • Debureaucratization of access to credit: the prior approval of financing is performed faster if compared to programs such as the federal government's Fies;
    • Availability throughout the year and throughout the entire course: suitable for students who are not interested in entrance exams that take place on traditional dates and for those who wish to participate in the program after starting graduation, regardless of the semester they are studying; 
    • It is not necessary to have participated in the National High School Exam (ENEM): this requirement makes the process more complicated, as with Fies. It is sufficient for the student to be enrolled in an educational institution that has a partnership with the program; 
    • It is not mandatory to have a bank account: the program offers several conditions for the student to have access to higher education more easily;
    • Pravaler has no limit on vacancies: the interested party must only meet the requirements to participate in the program. 

    Pravaler's rating on Reclame Aqui also helps to find out if the program is a good alternative for students. 

    As of January 2022, Pravaler's score was 8,4 out of 10, which is considered good by the platform. 

    Another positive aspect of university credit is the program's communication. If you are looking for “Pravaler phone”, simply enter your details on the homepage and the company will contact you. 

    Pravaler: how it works and how to finance your studies

    How to hire Pravaler? 

    Hiring is simpler than it looks. It can be completed within minutes and your data is not shared with others on the internet. 

    You must fill in the registration form that is available on the website. Using this information, the company will make a credit assessment. From there, it will be communicated if your profile has been approved or not in accordance with the program requirements. 

    After the educational institution confirms that your academic information is correct, simply send the documents to sign the contract. 

    It is essential to have the help of a guarantor, which we call guarantor, who must also sign the document. Now, just wait. The program will contact the interested party through the email that was added at the time of registration. The step-by-step is intuitive and hassle-free, even for those who are not tech-savvy. 

    What are the prerequisites to participate in Pravaler?

    Here you can have access to university with few prerequisites:

    • The guarantor must have a minimum income of at least one minimum wage. It can be any type of person, except, who has a current contract or who is not a guarantor of another student participating in Pravaler; 
    • The student must have a minimum income of 2,5 times the monthly fee of the course he intends to enter. The interesting thing is that this income can be just the guarantor or the total income of the student and the guarantor;
    • The guarantor and the student must have a clean name. A tip is to check if there are problems in credit agencies (SPC and SERASA); 
    • The guarantor's and student's CPF must be regular;
    • It is not allowed to make student financing of undergraduate and graduate costs simultaneously.

    How is the Pravaler credit analysis performed? 

    The approved registration on Pravaler is valid for 90 calendar days. At this stage, the faculty awaits your academic data. Without this information, she cannot proceed with the contracting of student loans. 

    However, if there is any unforeseen event during this period, it is allowed to complete a new registration that will have a period of 90 days. Write down the documents that are required by Pravaler. 

    • Copy of ID;
    • CPF;
    • Proof of address;
    • Proof of student and guarantor income;
    • Proof of residence of student and guarantor.

    How does Pravaler financing renew?

    Each semester, the student has his/her credit analysis redone, that is: with the pre-approval of the program, the student defines whether or not he/she intends to proceed with the process.

    It works like this: 

    • If pre-approved: the student proceeds as he did in the previous hiring. His studies remain funded; 
    • If declined or pre-approved or student does not intend to proceed: student does not need to pay off any debt. Only installments related to previous periods will be pending.

    Which universities accept Pravaler? 

    The list is extensive. To discover the available options, visit the official Pravaler program website.

    What courses are available in the Pravaler program?

    The student has access to the best Bachelor's, Licentiate and Technologist courses.

    The official Pravaler website contains a complete list to find out if your course is on the list. 

    What do I still need to know about Pravaler? 

    One of the main advantages of the program is that the installments do not accumulate. The student pays for the next contraction only when the previous one is finished. 

    Another positive point is that the student pays six months in 12 months, ensuring more flexibility for their finances. 

    Last but not least, the student has the possibility to pay the university twice as long.  

    In practice, if the student finances every semester of a four-year course, for example, he will have at least eight years to pay off the payment. 

    The Student Portal is a great tool for the client to hire and monitor financing. There, you complete the simulation, complete the registration and can enjoy the benefits of the portal. 

    In the student area, the student will have available all stages of the process of contracting or renewing funding. It is also possible to access slips, contracts, statements for IRPF declaration, among other benefits. 

    Pravaler or Fies: which is the best option?

    There is no definitive answer. The choice depends on the profile of each student. Both Fies and Pravaler contain interest rate benefits, which are considered to be lower than conventional market options. 

    Depending on what your objective is, it is possible to use the funding only to enter a reference university and conquer your place in the job market with agility. That way, it's easier to manage your finances on your own.  

    You can also seek funding if you intend to delve into an area of ​​knowledge through specialization, but do not have the resources available to accomplish your objective. 

    Therefore, both Fies and Pravaler are options that can make access to higher education more practical. 

    Pravaler, for example, helps to enhance your professional development in graduate school.

    The secret is to analyze the benefits of each one according to your profile before defining which is the best way.

    About Pravaler 

    Pravaler is nothing more than a digital platform. It is our country's first student finance fintech. The program has been operating in the market since 2001, ensuring the bridge between students and education.

    And the numbers are impressive. So far, more than 200 thousand students have participated in the program, with the partnership of more than 500 institutions in our country.  

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