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    MEI Boleto: How to issue and pay (even overdue)

    MEI Boleto: How to issue and pay (even overdue)

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Apr 22, 2022 | Entrepreneurship |

    In today's text we are going to talk about everything you need to know about paying your MEI ticket. Better known as Documento de Arrecadação do Simples Nacional - DAS is the monthly contribution guide for those who are individual microentrepreneurs. 

    This document collects in a unique way all the taxes that your business needs to pay. In fact, it is through it that the entrepreneur collects his contribution to social security. 

    The MEI ticket has a fixed value, currently it is between R$ 56,00 to R$ 61,00 reais and must be paid by the 20th of each month. The expiration date is unique for all categories and cannot be changed. See how to issue your DAS. 

    How to generate the MEI ticket?

    You can pay your MEI ticket by accessing the Federal Government website. See the step-by-step guide for this option. 

    Step 1. Access the Federal Government Companies and Business website; 

    Step 2. In the upper left corner, click on the sandwich button; 

    Step 3. Then click on the Entrepreneur option; 

    Step 4. Then click on the Services for MEI option;

    Step 5. Finally, click on the Monthly contribution payment option. 

    MEI Boleto: How to issue and pay (even overdue)

    How to pay the MEI ticket?

    Now the options for the payment of your DAS guide will appear: 

    Step 1. You can click on the third option, payment slip, to print your guide and pay it at an accredited bank, ATM or lottery. To do this, just inform your CNPJ.

    Step 2. In the automatic debit option, you can, also informing your CNPJ, register so that the guide is paid monthly through automatic debit in a bank account. It is not necessary, therefore, to issue your guide every month through the site. 

    Step 3. In the first option, you can pay your guide online. For this you will also need to inform your CNPJ number.

    MEI Boleto: How to issue and pay (even overdue)

    For all the services above, you will be directed to the Simples Nacional Portal. 

    How to withdraw an expired MEI ticket?

    If for some reason your company has not paid the DAS slip by the due date (20th of each month), it will no longer be possible to pay the issued slip. 

    In this case, you will have to access the previous steps and issue a new payment slip. In this new ticket, interest and fines will be added due to the delay. 

    Payment with interest and fines will be calculated until the last business day of the due month and can be paid at Caixa EconĂ´mica, Banco do Nosso PaĂ­s, lottery houses, state banks or accredited private banks. 

    MEI Boleto: how to pay off delinquencies 

    If your company is in default on the payment of several DAS guides, it is possible to request the payment of the guides in installments on the Simples Nacional Portal. 

    To access the financial services of the Simples Nacional Portal, you must access your registration through your access code. 

    If you do not have an access code, another way is to access through a digital certificate. Microentrepreneurs who choose to hire a digital certificate must follow the guidelines available on the Federal Revenue website. 

    MEI Boleto: Registration Update 

    When issuing your payment slip, it is important to verify that the data contained in this document is up to date. 

    If you want to check your registration status or update your data, access the Entrepreneur Portal, on the change registration data tab.

    After the change, issue the DAS payment slips again, discarding the slips issued prior to the registration update.  

    Now if your registration is completed correctly and even so, when printing your MEI ticket there is some wrong data, ask for help through the SAC of the Entrepreneur Portal by e-mail: [email protected]

    MEI ticket: Conclusion 

    To conclude, it is very important to remember that your tickets (DAS guide/booklet) will never be sent by email or by post. It is the obligation of each micro-entrepreneur to issue their guides through the available channels. 

    If you receive a guide at your address, do not make the payment. Professionals classified in the MEI are not required to maintain affiliation with any institution or union to keep their CNPJ active.

    And now, in conclusion, if even with the above guidelines you are having difficulty issuing your DAS, you can seek the assistance of the SEBRAE in your city, they will be able to issue it to you.

    If the previous tips helped you, learn more on our blog by visiting: 

    • How to make the annual MEI declaration step by step
    • How to open a MEI: 5 steps to be a microentrepreneur
    • Income tax 2022: how to declare for the first time

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