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    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jul 28, 2022 | Facebook |

    If you already follow our blog posts, you know the importance of generating valuable content to attract, engage and convert your audience into customers. But it is not enough to just create, it is necessary to maintain a consistency and frequency of posts.

    For those who are starting to undertake or cannot invest in a team and tools, this task can be quite laborious.

    Having to take photos, make videos, create posts and keep updating all social media takes time and this is often what is most lacking in the day-to-day of a company.

    So how to do this optimizing your precious time?

    First, it is essential to have a plan for your social media. After producing the content, you can take a day to schedule these posts.

    Schedule posts for free on Facebook and Instagram

    In 2022, Facebook moved post creation and scheduling features to Facebook. Creative Studio. In it, page and profile administrators can easily check access metrics, follower interactions and insights from content already posted.

    The main change is that we can schedule posts for free not only on Facebook, but for Instagram feed and IGTV.

    How to schedule Facebook posts on mobile

    For those who don't have a computer or prefer to use their smartphone, Facebook recently updated its application, the Creator Studio. With it, you can schedule posts from your cell phone for free.

    This feature is only available on Facebook Pages and there is no release date for Instagram yet.

    If you are going to schedule your publications on your cell phone, you need to download the app Creator Studio which is available for both Android and iOS.

    In the tutorial below we use the iOS version, but it works the same way on Android.

    Follow the step-by-step guide and start scheduling your Facebook posts today:

    Step 1. After logging into the application with your profile, your page or the list of pages that you manage will appear. Select the page you want to post on;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 2. At the top right, tap the new post icon. Then, 3 post options will appear: Video, Gallery e Text. Choose the one you want;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 3. If you chose a post with video or photo, you will need to add the chosen file. On the first access to the app, you will be asked for permission to access the cell phone gallery. click in Continue. Soon after, select the media;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 4. Write the text of your post in the field provided and then tap Advance;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 5. To schedule your Facebook post, select Schedule, then choose the date and time of publication. Finally, click Schedule;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 6. Programming confirmation will appear, then tap Conclude;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 7. Em Publications, your post will be in the category Scheduled;

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Step 8. If you need to change something, just tap on the post which will open a menu with options for edit post, Reschedule, cancel schedule e Delete.

    Learn how to schedule mobile posts on Facebook

    Can I schedule Facebook posts at any time?

    The answer is no!

    For your planning to bring better results when it comes to reach and engagement, knowing the best time to post is very important. This also applies if you schedule your publications.

    So, before anything else, whether on desktop or mobile, find out when is the best time to schedule posts on Facebook or Instagram.

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