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    Image size for Instagram: correct dimensions for photos and videos

    Image size for Instagram: correct dimensions for photos and videosImage size for Instagram: correct dimensions for photos and videos

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Aug 14, 2022 | Instagram |

    We always talk around here that the production of content for social networks is a factor that can be decisive in the success of your business.

    However, it is not enough just to know which subjects to address. It is necessary to know the best way to make each publication. Therefore, it is important to know which image size for instagram use on this social network.

    When talking about Instagram, knowing the correct image size is even more fundamental, after all it is one of the most visually oriented social networks.

    Learn more: Instagram sweepstakes: rules, tools and how-to tips

    Given this, if you want to succeed in your digital marketing strategy on Instagram, you need to know the recommended measures for each type of publication.

    So, to help you with that, we’ve listed in this text all the recommended dimensions for Instagram posts. Check out:

    image size for instagram

    Whenever you upload an image to Instagram, the social network tends to upload it with the best possible resolution. With maximum width of 1080 pixels.

    There is also a minimum size that must be respected. When you upload an image below this resolution, Instagram will force it to reach this value and then your post may lose quality.

    Instagram profile picture size

    The ideal size for Instagram profile pictures, also called profile, is 180Ă—180 pixels.

    The minimum dimensions are 110Ă—110 pixels. But when used like this, the image can end up losing quality on the web version of the social network.

    Size of photos and videos for the feed

    Here we consider the recommended proportions and dimensions for Instagram ads. That way, if you want to promote an organic post, it will already have the proper image size.

    There are currently 3 image and video format options for posts that can be published to Instagram feed: square, landscape and portrait.

    Check out the recommended sizes for each of them:


    The square format, also called square, was for a long time the standard Instagram size and is the most used to this day.

    In this type of publication, the aspect ratio must be 1:1, with a minimum resolution of 600Ă—500 pixels and a maximum resolution of 1936Ă—1936 pixels.


    The landscape format, also called horizontal or landscape, must be used with a minimum resolution of 600Ă—315 pixels and a maximum resolution of 1936Ă—1936.

    The aspect ratio for this type of post is 1,91:1.


    The portrait format, also known as vertical or portrait, has a minimum resolution of 600Ă—750 pixels and a maximum resolution of 1936Ă—1936.

    In this case, the aspect ratio should be 4:5.

    Length of videos in feed

    Videos published in the Instagram feed must follow the same proportions indicated for the images. Each production must have a maximum of 4GB.

    As far as duration is concerned, organically published videos can last up to 60 seconds. The ones published as an ad by the business manager can last up to 2 minutes.

    Image size for Stories

    Another space where we should pay attention to proportions is Instagram Stories.

    In it, the publication takes up the entire screen of the device. Therefore, it is important to consider that each cell phone will have a different dimension. To ensure that your content is fully visible on all devices, we recommend working with a safety margin at the top and bottom of the image.

    The ratio indicated for this type of publication is 9:16. With a maximum resolution of 1080x1920 pixels and a minimum of 600x1067 pixels.

    As for the duration, Video Stories can be between 3 and 15 seconds.

    Video size for IGTV

    IGTV, Instagram's long video platform, has different requirements from the others applied on the social network.

    Videos must be at least one minute long and in MP4 format. The maximum length of the video can be 15 minutes when uploaded directly from the mobile app or 60 minutes when uploaded via the web version of the social network.

    Learn more: How to post long videos of up to 60 minutes on IGTV from Instagram

    Videos must have a minimum resolution of 720 pixels and a frame rate of at least 30 FPS per second.

    Vertical videos should be published with an aspect ratio of 9:16 and horizontal videos with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

    Video Thumb: the recommended cover photo size is 420Ă—654 pixels or 1:1,55 aspect ratio.

    Video size for Reels

    Reels, Instagram's new short video platform, also has specific dimensions that must be adhered to.

    These videos must have a maximum duration of 15 seconds and must be in MP4 format, with a minimum frame rate of 30 FPS.

    Learn more: How to create videos with Reels on Instagram

    Its dimensions must be 1080Ă—1920 pixels, like those of Stories, with an aspect ratio of 9:16.

    Preview in feed: the excerpt of the Reels video that goes to the feed must respect the same rules. What changes is the maximum size, which becomes 1080Ă—1350 pixels and the aspect ratio 4:5.

    Investing in the production of content with the correct image size for Instagram is super important to ensure the quality of your productions.

    There's no point in investing a lot more time researching the best subjects and even creating perfect artwork, if they have the wrong dimensions and end up cropped or losing quality when publishing.

    Even those who don't know much about editing software and don't work with social media can easily create their posts with the correct size for Instagram images. For that, just use pre-edited templates in tools like Canva, for example.

    In Canva, you can select the type of content you want to create and it already opens a file with the correct dimensions and proportions. There's no excuse for creating content outside the standard required by Instagram.

    Remembering that this tool also helps you create the correct size post from other social networks, such as Facebook, for example.

    Tell us in the comments how content production works in your business and if you ever worried about the size of images for Instagram.

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