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    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    Getting started with Reddit can seem a little confusing. After all, the content sharing site has a series of social resources and jargon of its own.

    You can create a new topic, as well as comment, like or dislike an existing one. The themes present are as varied as possible and, to find something specific, it is necessary to search the subreddits.

    Want to start using Reddit? has prepared a complete guide for you. Check out!

    What is Reddit?

    Reddit is a social information sharing tool. Through communities (called a subreddit), its users post and interact on topics in a kind of online forum.

    You can find topics about sports, movies, science, memes, breaking news and what not. Each of these themes can be found by doing a quick search in the search bar on the home screen.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    The interaction between people can be done through the creation of posts, comments and positive (upvoted) and negative (downvoted) evaluation.

    Comments and likes help leverage publications and make them stand out among other content.

    To view posts made on Reddit, it is not necessary to have an account, it is possible to be a lurker. That is, someone who only reads the publications and does not interact.

    However, after a while of just watching, chances are you'll want to make the most of what the service has to offer.

    To write your own topics and give your opinion on issues that interest you, you need to register for the service.

    How to create an account on Reddit

    Tired of being just an observer? Then see how simple it is to create a free account on Reddit.

    1. Go to the Reddit website and go to Sign up, in the upper right corner of the screen;

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    2. In the box that will appear on the screen, enter your email address and confirm in Next;

    3. Now, choose a username (a pseudonym) and a password to access the platform. Check the box to confirm that you are not a robot and proceed to Next;

    4. Finish the process in Finish and start exploring the countless content that exists on Reddit.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    How to use Reddit

    At first glance, the sheer amount of possible actions can leave the new user a little lost. On the right side are the communities (or subreddits) that are growing the most at the moment and, below, the most popular ones.

    If you want to search for specific subreddits, you must use the search tool to find them. Currently, most published content is in English, so search terms are mostly in that language.

    You can view content related to the topic of interest to you by accessing a community page. But, if you want to follow everything that is created about the topic in your feed, you must subscribe to this subreddit, by clicking Join.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    Updates from the communities you participate in will be displayed on the platform homepage. The way they are displayed can be changed at the top of the page.

    The available display modes are: cards, list with image or simple list with text only.

    On the side, the user can prioritize the type of content according to the type of classification. They can be listed as Best, Hot, New, Controversial, Top, and Rising.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    How to find communities (subreddits) on Reddit

    To find subreddits, you need to use the search tool, available at the top of the Reddit homepage. To do this, just type the letter r, followed by a slash (/) and the desired term.

    For example, if you want to find the series community, you would search for r/series. If the interest is in matters of humor, then the search made must be r/humor.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    According to Redditlist, the most popular subreddits (communities) as of September 2022 were:

    • 1st place: announcements (44.220.148 subscribers)
    • 2nd place: funny (26.159.375 subscribers)
    • 3rd place: AskReddit (24.257.311 subscribers)
    • 4th place: gaming (23,456.806 subscribers)
    • 5th place: pics (22.704.640 entries)
    • 6th place: science (22.252.129 subscribers)
    • 7th place: worldnews (22.021.127 subscribers)
    • 8th place: aww (21.761.231 subscribers)
    • 9th place: todayilearned (21.411.814 subscribers)
    • 10th place: movies (21.385.260 subscribers)

    How to Interact in a Reddit Community

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    When accessing a community, topics created by other users of the service are immediately visible. Just like on the homepage, they can be listed by rating (Best, Hot, New, Controversial, Top, and Growing).

    To interact with one of the topics, just click on its name. So, if you want, leave a comment, upvoted (like) or downvoted (unlike), share or save the content.

    How to create a post on Reddit

    Creating a post on Reddit is quite simple and intuitive. When entering a community, note that at the top of the screen is the option Create post. By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the publishing page.

    Before making a post, carefully read the rules of the subreddit, always indicated on the right side of the screen. Otherwise, your post may be deleted and you may even be banned from the forum.

    How to Use Reddit: A Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Service

    Also, each subreddit has its own post options. For example, some accept text, images and links, while others only post some of these items. Depending on the community, you can use predefined tags or even create your own in the post.

    To complete your publication, simply click Post and ready. The shared content will be highlighted or not according to the comments and ratings of other community participants.

    Using Reddit on Smartphone

    Although the desktop version is the most popular, Reddit has an app for Android and iOS. The way of using it is quite similar to that of the PC.

    Reddit trivia


    Reddit has over 330 million daily active users and 130 active communities. In addition, there are more than 21 billion page visits per month.


    Reddit users have a kind of language of their own, made up mostly of English acronyms. Check out some of them:

    • Cakeday (cake day, in free translation): it's your birthday on Reddit, that is, when you complete another year using the service;
    • Crosspost (or x-post): It means you posted the same content on more than one subreddit;
    • ELI5: Explain Like I'm Five It is a request for a simple answer that anyone can understand;
    • IMO: In my opinion. In Portuguese, in my opinion;
    • Courage: Moderator of a subreddit;
    • OP: Original poster (original poster, in free translation). Typically used to link to the content creator.
    • TL; DR: Too long; didn't read (too long, I didn't read it). When the person wants to indicate that a publication is too long and the person did not feel like reading.
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