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    How to make money with Digital Marketing? 13 areas to explore

    How to make money with Digital Marketing? 13 areas to explore

    by Camila Porto | May 10, 2022 | Digital Marketing | 1 comment

    With the advancement of the internet, different ways of earning money have become more accessible. You no longer need to open a physical business or get a job to make money. Learn how to make money with Digital Marketing, one of the fastest growing areas in the world.

    A few years ago, there were fewer ways to make money. With the arrival of the internet, new opportunities have emerged and, best of all, some of them you can do without leaving your home, without having a product, you just need an audience to make money online. 

    Today I want to share some ideas on how to make money from digital marketing. Some you can start applying today. Taking advantage of this moment can be a unique opportunity. We have never seen digital gain as much importance as it has in recent years. 

    Is Digital Marketing Deception?

    Before starting talking about ideas and ways to make money with digital marketing, it is important to clarify some doubts. Many people think that making money online is the wrong way to earn an income.

    A myth has been created that things online are not as valuable. Therefore, in many cases, a career or business in digital marketing can give the impression that it is something easy, automatic. 

    While digital marketing and the internet allow you to make money, scale and automate a lot of things, that doesn't mean it's easy to make money from it. You can use digital marketing to build a career or promote a business you already have. 

    If we list the most valuable companies in the world, we will see that of the top 10, 4 companies are 100% online-based (Amazon, Google, Facebook and WeChat).

    How to make money with Digital Marketing? 13 areas to explore

    So, we have to separate things. Digital marketing is not cheating. However, just like in any market, there will always be people saying that just being online to make money, just opening a business to be successful. 

    Know that it is possible to make money with digital marketing. This may indeed be easier compared to some sectors. However, you will need to dedicate yourself and be persistent if you want to earn an online income.

    Does Digital Marketing Really Make Money?

    This is a very common question and the answer is simple: yes! Digital marketing makes money. Any business, if managed well, can make money. Digital marketing in turn is no different. In addition, working with digital marketing has its advantages over other markets, especially the more traditional ones. Among the advantages of digital marketing are:

    Expanding market

    It is not today that digital marketing has been growing. With the arrival of the pandemic in 2022, more and more businesses needed to migrate their models to digital. Companies like Disney, for example, have lost a lot of revenue with their parks closed due to the pandemic. 

    However, with the launch of Disney+ the company was able to take its assets to the internet and generate an excellent source of revenue 100% online. Promoting its subscription business, the company made billions of dollars in 2022. 

    Therefore, from global companies to small businesses, everyone needs to be minimally present on the internet. It is from this demand that digital marketing gains more and more strength. 

    Low heights

    Having a digital marketing business or having an online business usually has an interesting advantage: costs. Of course, you can have high costs working with this, but to have an e-commerce, for example, you don't have to pay rent to expose your products. 

    If you're a consultant, you don't have to pay for a room to chat with your clients. This can be done over the Internet at 0 or very low costs. In addition, the opportunities to promote your business using digital marketing can increase your profit, as advertising on social media, for example, is usually very cheap. 


    Another advantage of digital marketing is the potential for scale. If you are a teacher, you can place a certain number of students in a face-to-face course. However, if you sell your course online, you can place an almost unlimited number of people in a virtual room. 

    Also, if you sell a recorded course, for example, you can have students view your content 24/7. This without you having to be at their disposal. 

    Those who sell online, have an e-commerce, for example, can also have a huge stock of products, even if they don't have a physical store. Business models like dropshipping, for example, allow you to sell thousands of products without even having them in stock. 

    How to make money with Digital Marketing?

    Now that we've talked a little about the advantages of working with digital marketing, let's get to know some areas that you can act and make money with digital marketing. 

    Some of them you can work in a company, as an employee, others you can be a consultant and work as a self-employed. For others, you can open your own business and make a living by being your own boss. Here are some opportunities:


    If you are just starting out in digital marketing, being an affiliate can be a good entry point. That's because, when working as an affiliate, you don't need to have a product or service, you can earn money by referring other businesses. 

    The affiliate model works like a referral model. You can promote courses, products, online stores, games, tools and earn a commission whenever someone purchases or signs up for any of these services. 

    Among the companies that have affiliate programs are: 

    • Hotmart (online courses)
    • Eduzz (online courses)
    • Monetize (online courses)
    • Amazon (products)
    • MĂ©liuz (indicate new users)
    • Magazine Luiza (products)


    Having a blog, despite not being on the rise, is a way to make money with digital marketing. Despite being a more long-term focused job, there are cases of people who work on niche blogs that manage to generate good earnings. 

    By having a blog, you can earn money by selling ads, promoting products or services as an affiliate, selling product or service reviews. It's just some ideas. 

    One of the quickest ways to start making money with a blog is by joining Google's ad program, Google Adsense. Like him, you can run ads on your content and earn money when people visit your blog.

    Projects like WordPress are one of the most popular projects for anyone who wants to start a blog. Another cool place to learn more about how to monetize a blog is the Adsense help center. 

    Online courses

    Selling online courses is an interesting way to make money from digital marketing. That's because, you don't need to be an expert in some area to put your course on the air. Today, many people look for information online, and if you have experience in a subject, you can turn that into online content. There are several opportunities to make money from it. 

    Learn more: Launch Formula: what is it and how does it work and how to make your 6 in 7?

    There are courses for everything you can imagine. From investing in the stock market, how to create and sell bonds, how to talk to strangers, how to speak Arabic…The options are endless. Companies like Hotmart, Eduzz and Monetizze are some of the references of companies that can help you better understand the market and offer tools to put your course on the air. 


    Digital marketing can also be used to promote books and ebooks. Today, there are countless authors who no longer depend on publishers to publish their books and use platforms like Amazon to put their productions for sale. 

    When searching Amazon, for example, you will see that there are several independent authors who use the platform to sell their e-books. Prices vary depending on the popularity of the topic and the author, but if you like to write, instead of recording a course, for example, turning that knowledge into a book and selling it on Amazon or other platforms is a great way to make money with digital marketing.

    Inbound Marketing

    Despite the name in English, inbound marketing is, in short, working with content production. Today, many companies need professionals to produce content on several fronts, such as:

    Therefore, the inbound marketer can work in several areas within a company or as a service provider or freelancer. You can make money from digital marketing working with writing for a website, writing e-books, repairing class scripts and many other sectors within the market.


    Despite the clichĂ©, being an influencer is a great way to make money with digital marketing. Here it is important to note that you can follow several business models to work as an influencer. We have the most common models of being an influencer on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube. However, you can also have a blog, a newsletter, a podcast, for example. In this channel, you can sell advertising space. 

    The Morning Brew company, for example, makes money from an investment newsletter. Every day, an email is sent to your readers and sponsors can buy advertising space in the message.

    How to make money with Digital Marketing? 13 areas to explore

    video editing

    Another area that is growing a lot in digital marketing is video editing. You can earn money editing videos for:

    • Instagram
    • Tik Tok
    • Facebook
    • YouTube
    • Lives
    • Online courses
    • Launches of Infoproducts
    • Corporate videos
    • real estate videos

    Learn more: Online Video Editor: The 13 Best Editing Apps

    These are just a few examples of sectors that you can work with video editing. Many professionals work as freelancers and earn money for every video they edit. Others may be employees of a company and earn a fixed monthly amount. 

    Email Marketing

    Despite not being in fashion, email marketing is very important for many industries. As an email marketer, you have many opportunities. From a professional who writes and sends emails, to who takes care of the technical part of delivery and metrics. 

    Sectors such as retail, investments, real estate, courses, colleges, pharmaceuticals, for example, still use email a lot and, as it is a less evident field, it can be an area with few trained professionals and with high salaries. 


    Data is the future, not just in digital marketing. Therefore, a metrics professional, who works with Business Intelligence, is already a highly requested professional by the market. If you like numbers, you might consider a career in the field. 

    One of the advantages of digital marketing is the power of measuring results. Therefore, a professional who knows how to extract information from numbers becomes increasingly indispensable in any business.


    A great way to get into the professions of the future is to learn more about programming. Programmers in digital marketing are very important to help from building a website, developing applications, tools and platforms to operate the business. 

    Learn more: How to learn to program? 133 free courses to get started

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Being an SEO consultant or professional in the field is an interesting path if you want to create a business in digital marketing. Currently, there are companies specialized in this area that make a lot of money offering SEO consultancy.

    In short, SEO are tactics and strategies used to position companies in search engines. The most popular today is Google, but it is possible to apply SEO to YouTube videos, for example. If your site is well positioned for certain search terms, for example, you can receive more visits and, consequently, sell more. This is one of the important areas of SEO in digital marketing.

    Social Medias

    Undoubtedly, promoting a business on social media is no longer optional. Today, any company needs to be present in these channels. Therefore, being a social media manager, having an agency that works in this area or promoting your own products is one of the most powerful ways to make money with digital marketing. 

    So you can attract more customers by promoting your brand to your followers. Also, with the help of ads, expand your sales in any segment. For sure, social networks can be a very promising path if you have a company or want to be a professional in the area.

    paid traffic

    Paid traffic has gained more and more importance in digital marketing. Working with paid traffic consists of creating and serving ads on social media, Google, websites and other platforms. This type of segment has grown a lot in recent years, especially due to the arrival of large companies in the digital world, which stopped investing only in large vehicles with TV and magazines, now betting on the internet to attract customers. 

    Learn more: Traffic Manager: What does he do and what is his salary?

    In addition, small businesses can also benefit from paid traffic. Creating ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin and Google, for example, can help attract more customers to small businesses as well. 

    These are some opportunities for you to create a company and make money from digital marketing or become a professional in the field, working in a company as an employee, for example. 

    Did you like the suggestions? Which of these areas do you like best? Share with us in the comments

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