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    How to make an introduction to a job: 5 basic tips

    How to make an introduction to a job: 5 basic tipsHow to make an introduction to a job: 5 basic tips

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Sep 25, 2022 | Content Marketing | 0

    The introduction of a work is essential to determine the continuity of reading the content (or not). It is even more important than the title. Today let's talk how to make an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and what are its benefits.

    Normally, when we speak in written language, many variants can determine the success of communication. Anyone who works with content marketing knows this very well.

    This diagnosis is so true that there is an entire study devoted to learning to write in a way that captures your persona's attention. This study is called copywriting and aims to produce persuasive texts for marketing and sales.

    When we produce a successful title for a piece of content, in addition to arousing the reader's curiosity, it makes your target audience click on the link and read the content of the text.

    Learn More: Copywriting – Volume 1: The Most Coveted Centennial Writing Method on the American Market

    The introduction will be responsible for keeping the reader in the text. It will turn mere curiosity into real interest in the content. And this is extremely important when presenting a work with the aim of selling an idea.

    And the best! This content can also be used in other forms of presentation. The tips here are valid for introducing the recording of a video to your social networks and even starting a live.

    Next, we'll talk about how to start introducing a work in order to capture the attention of your readers.

    How to make an introduction: script

    Some elements are relevant to developing a good introduction. Are they:

    1. Brevity

    The name says it all. It's an introduction, so it needs to be a short text. It makes no sense for the intro to span an entire page.

    Remembering that the introduction is not a summary of your text, because that would make the rest of the content lose its value.

    2. Contextualization

    The title does not always reflect exactly what the text will portray. That's because a single title can lead to ramifications of content.

    In the introduction, it is important to clarify the real reason for that content and what will be exposed in the next paragraphs.

    3. Relevant information

    Bring at least one relevant information in your introduction. You can add new and little-known information to your users.

    Example: if you are talking about your business, you can announce the arrival of a new product or a promotion.

    4. Purpose of reading

    The purpose of reading basically answers the question: Why should I read this text?

    The objective should not be reduced to just informing, after all, every good text informs something. In this sense, the purpose of the text must be aligned with the object that led to its writing.

    You can present your objective as: At the end of this text, you will learn…

    5. Instigating the reader

    We said above, that contextualizing is the function of the title, and it is. However, nothing prevents you from instigating your reader in your introduction.

    Here, arousing the reader's curiosity will be based effectively on the presentation of the theme, and not just on the title phrase. You can entice your audience by asking a question or promising something to anyone who reads to the end.

    In the case of promising something in exchange for your persona's attention, it is obvious that you have to fulfill the promise, ok?

    How to make an introduction: Textual elements

    Anyone who has gone through college here must have an unforgettable memory of the dreaded course completion work, the TCC. There you already had to learn how to do a CBT intro.

    Learn More: Course Completion Work (TCC): a light, fun and practical approach

    Some elements of the scientific text are repeated in everyday texts, so that they are clear and objective. Are they:

    1. Persona

    When starting a writing or speaking, you need to keep in mind first of all who you are reporting to.

    Every message, whether written, spoken, recorded or even drawn, exists only to be submitted to an audience. This audience we call persona in digital marketing.

    That's why it's important to know several things about the persona: who they are, what their likes are, their interests and especially their pain.

    Yes, only if you know what problems the persona wants to solve by reading your content will you get their attention.

    Throughout the introduction of your article, it is important that you present the ways to solve these problems.

    2. Theme

    With your persona defined, it is much easier to determine the theme of your content. Your introduction should be in line with the theme of your text, and that theme should be faithful from beginning to end. Otherwise, we will have the famous “filling sausage” and this is not good for a text.

    Before writing or recording for your audience, think carefully about your persona. Think about how your work can help your persona, through a post or video for your social networks.

    3. Language

    Language is directly linked with your persona. Imagine writing a text full of teen fashion slang, when your persona is an average of 40 years old? Don't roll!

    The fact that you use the correct language from the introduction generates empathy with your audience. This increases the chances of the reader reading the text to the end.

    And not just that. When using the appropriate vocabulary for your audience, your text becomes much more understandable.

    4. Size

    Your introduction should be proportionate to the size of the material you are producing.

    As we said before, the introduction needs to be brief. But depending on the complexity of your content and its length, the introduction will be able to keep up with the magnitude of your presentation.

    This is where the balance rule applies! You cannot make the introduction too long, nor make it too simplistic to the point of losing your reader.

    How to make an introduction: Tips

    1 . Be creative

    Unless you are writing an academic article for a scientific journal and need to use more technical language. Otherwise, you can interact more flexibly with your interlocutors.

    2. Use statistical numbers

    Statistics reveal something tried and true, not a mere opinion of the author. Therefore, they usually arouse the reader's interest and give legitimacy to the argument.

    At this point, a statistic that supports the rest of your content can be of great value when presented in the introduction.

    3. Ask a question

    Questions serve to engage the reader in the text. Using questions throughout the text can be a great resource to capture your reader's attention.

    A tip: the question needs to be obvious. The intention is to interact and not scare or discourage the reader. Furthermore, it needs to be in accordance with the content presented.

    A practical example: a travel agency can ask questions such as:

    • Would you like to travel on a budget?
    • Have you ever visited the Brazilian northeast?
    • Have you ever imagined yourself on a dream trip?

    4. Use a figure of speech

    An analogy, a metaphor or a parable. No matter what, figures of speech serve to make the text easy to read. Examples:

    • Sell ​​like water
    • Create ads with your feet in the back
    • The most generous pizza in town

    5 . Use tips sparingly

    It has already been said about the importance of brevity in the introduction. Therefore, the previous tips cannot be used all at once.

    First, because that would already make your introduction too long. Second, using too many elements at once can make your introduction pointless and confusing. So beware! Choose a standout element.

    How to make an introduction: where to apply

    All the recommendations in this article can be used in textual productions, as in a text for your blog.

    However, other textual productions can benefit from a good introduction, whether they are posts on their social networks or in their product catalogs, for example.

    But please! Do not limit the tips offered so far to written texts only. Idealize starting an ideal intro for your videos and verbal presentations as well.

    Now tell us in the comments what strategies do you use to approach your audience?

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