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    How to give a good gift even from a distance?

    How to give a good gift even from a distance?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Mar 27, 2022 | Shopping |

    Giving someone a gift is, for most, a non-negotiable tradition. The year 2022 and now 2022, became atypical because of the pandemic. And when it comes to being with the one you love, it makes it even more difficult. How to give a good gift even from a distance?

    Unfortunately, social isolation has made many people miss being with friends and family. So, how to surprise who we love even from afar? And how to give a good gift even from a distance? Don't worry! We separate some tips that will help you in this choice!

    How to give a good gift even from a distance?

    We made a list with simple ideas for those who want to know how to give a good gift from a distance. These are simple but useful things that can make a difference to those you care about.

    hidden friend online

    The hidden friend is a dynamic that is always done at the end of the year. The dynamic involves a group of people raffling off names to perform a secret gift exchange. The fun aims to make families, friends and even the corporate world come together to share their gifts. 

    The game serves as a moment of fraternization and becomes very fun at the time of exchanging gifts. Some companies have adopted this tradition to help their employees connect.

    In this case, the tradition can be maintained using websites and apps to draw names. There are platforms with the free option to make a video call with your friends, family and co-workers.

    WhatsApp is a good option, as it is a platform known and used by many users. The hidden friend online is a good option for remote gifting, as the purchase of gifts can be online and delivery can be made to the home of the person who was drawn. 

    Learn more: How to make video calls via WhatsApp Web?

    gift with books

    Have you ever thought about gifting that person who is passionate about books in a simple and creative way without leaving home? 

    Books are unique and extremely meaningful gifts. They contribute to the growth of learning and encourage the habit of reading. Choosing a book is always very important, as the decision is always based on the person's style and personality, making the gift even more special. 

    A good choice for buying books is the Amazon Prime our country, a virtual store that sells everything and that has a subscription that fits in your pocket. Customers' main demand is their virtual book store, Amazon Prime our country, which in addition to having excellent prices, has a huge catalog of books and all types of possible languages.

    Another important point of subscribing to Prime is that in addition to having access to the streaming catalog, it also has free shipping. E-commerce purchases become even cheaper.

    The platform also offers Amazon Prime Reading, an Amazon book subscription service. The service entitles you to a selection of ebooks and rotating magazines, these ebooks and magazines can be read for free on Kindle e-readers, Kindle for computers, tablets and Android or iOS smartphones.

    This is a gift for a lifetime, it can be highlighted and reread at different times.

    Online courses and training

    2022 was an atypical year, as much of the population was quarantined. One part understood that even with the situation being atypical, it was a good opportunity to seek online courses that would help in the market, improving professional qualifications and also helping to keep a balanced mind. 

    Learn more: 10 online course platforms to host your content

    It is important to think that by doing this, you will have a fuller curriculum and new skills that have been developed. It is worth saying that in addition to expanding knowledge in many areas, the online course will help to fill free time during social isolation.

    Learn more: Digital marketing course: 13 free online courses

    Online course is a good option to demonstrate how much you care and want to invest in the person.

    A streaming service subscription

    Gifting someone with a streaming service is not for everyone. And let's face it, it's very difficult for someone to turn down something so fun. If you're thinking of gifting someone with a service like this, but don't know what the options are, below, we've listed some alternatives that will help you when deciding: 

    • Standard Netflix (BRL 32,90 per month): the standard subscription allows for up to two simultaneous screens and two different downloadable devices. In addition, it allows the reproduction of contents in Full HD, with resolution reaching 1080p.


    • Prime Video (is sold for R$ 9,90 per month): As mentioned earlier, you have unlimited access to multimedia streaming and all Prime Video subscribers are entitled to watch streaming content on up to three screens simultaneously. In addition to watching online, the platform also allows you to download movies and series to watch offline wherever you want.


    • Disney (R$27,90 per month): the platform has recently arrived and is already conquering a large audience, it provides full access to the catalog, without restrictions and ads. You can choose to hire the annual plan and pay R$ 279,90, the equivalent of R$ 23,32 a month.

    wine delivery

    Did you know that there are wine subscription clubs? The model used is more classic subscription, in which the customer pays a fixed monthly amount and, in exchange, receives the product at home. In the case of wine subscription clubs, it is possible to choose the quantity and characteristics of the wines sent according to the taste of each consumer. It's a good gift for anyone who is a wine lover!

    Check out the main subscription clubs in the country:

    Vinitude – Wine Club 

    This subscription club delivers monthly the number of bottles of wine you choose. In addition to offering quality wines, Vinitude provides an online wine magazine for all its subscribers. It is worth mentioning that shipping is free to any region of the country.

    SmartBuy Wines 

    The club offers internationally recognized wines at very attractive prices. SmartBuy offers wines from California, awarded worldwide! 

    Vinvm 0 Wine Club 

    This club works by serving wines that are exclusively national. It's hard to see a company that gives up imports and values ​​the best of our country's wine market. In addition to being an excellent wine club, Vinvm offers differentiated service for events, both corporate and social.

    Wine subscription clubs make for a unique tasting experience and, of course, we can't help but point out how it's also a very special gift.

    Meal delivery services

    How to give a good gift even from a distance?

    Fonte: Unsplah

    With the rush of everyday life, the pleasure of cooking can become a very difficult and even tiring job. After a long day at work you don't always have the energy to cook, even join forces to make shopping lists or go to the supermarket.

    At these times, meal delivery services can fit in very well with the scenario and budget. There are some restaurants that sell healthy and delicious meal kits for the whole month that can be stored in the freezer without the risk of spoiling.

    With this service, you can gift someone who is no longer willing to get their hands dirty or doesn't have time to go to the supermarket. It's a worthwhile alternative that can be done remotely, surprising who you like.

    Learn more: Meal Orders: learn how to use the new Instagram Stories sticker

    Learn more: How do I register my company on Uber Eats? The delivery delivery platform

    Mark your presence

    Showing affection and affection for a person who is far away is a difficult task, but not impossible. It is a very deep act to give someone a gift from a distance, they are different ways to warm the heart and express the longing.

    It is possible to celebrate special dates and special moments even from a distance, in a creative and fun way. So, nothing better than taking advantage of these gift tips and sending them to that dear person, right?

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