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    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    Gaining Twitter followers quickly and legally requires dedication and patience. But, if you do the job well, you will be able to generate engagement, with followers who like and retweet your content.

    shows you best practices to increase your number of followers on the social network without having to resort to hacks. We also explain why looking for miraculous methods to gain audience can be harmful to your profile in the long run. Check out!

    Invest in Bio

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    Bio is simply your Twitter business card. There are few characters to make clear what you or your company have to offer. The task of describing yourself in a few words may not be easy, but it is possible to explore other resources besides description.

    1. Choose a good profile picture

    Preferably without prominent logos, with a neutral background and that you can see your face well. That's the tip given by the social media management company Sprout Social. If it's not a corporate profile, just use the logo, no extra information

    The profile picture, along with the cover image, can help you show where you came from and what you communicate on the social network. In the case of the cover, it is important to pay attention to the dimensions (1500 x 1500 px) so that it is not distorted.

    There are those who take advantage of the space to insert photos with text, as a way of expanding communication, as in the case of Banco ItaĂş.

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Profile uses cover image to add information (Reproduction/Twitter)

    Learn how to create an interesting Bio for your Instagram

    2. Make it clear who you are

    It's just a few characters, so get straight to the point. If possible, use keywords to describe yourself or the company.

    Is there a reference profile that you can tag (use the @) in your Bio and that gives credibility? Include the information.

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Twitter Contributor Profile Displays Profile Description Best Practices (Playback/Twitter)

    Believe that there are hashtags that represent well what you want to communicate. Also enter to try to attract those who search for the term. Keep common sense and include only what is really relevant, without forcing the bar.

    3. Fill in the fields

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Digital Consultant Profile Neil Patel has all fields filled in (Reproduction/Twitter)

    Maximize your communication power. Include the link to your website or profile on another social network, through which you believe you can complement and give credibility to what is said on Twitter.

    Also enter your location. In case it is a company, put it complete. That way, your consumers will easily know where to find it. If it's a personal profile, you can just indicate the country or city if you want. The important thing is to be sure that including this type of information will not leave you exposed or insecure.

    Create quality content

    It seems obvious, but it doesn't hurt to reinforce. Good content not only attracts, it retains followers and generates interaction (which results in greater engagement).

    4. Publish visual content

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Link to eye-catching preview image (Playback/Twitter)

    Photos, videos, GIFs or links to eye-catching preview images. In the midst of thousands of daily tweets that pass through the network users' timeline, it is important that yours stands out among the others.

    Always think about what you can do who simply scrolls incessantly to stop at your posts. Is it the colors? Is it the mood? Are they infographics? On the basis of success and failure, you will know what most excites your audience and generates more clicks, likes, comments and retweets.

    5. Highlight an important tweet

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Netflix chose to pin tweet with releases of the month (Playback / Twitter)

    Do you have a successful tweet that garnered a lot of likes and shares? Highlight at the top of the page. Still don't have anything with such visibility? Leave as a pinned tweet a post that you think is important for them to get to know you or your brand.

    According to social media consultancy Social Pilot, when someone enters your profile for the first time, they will have a better understanding of why they should follow you.

    6. Be trustworthy

    Regardless of the purpose of your profile, avoid the spread of fake news. Also do not publish texts, videos and images of prejudiced, violent or dubious taste.

    The reproduction of content of this genre can lead you not only to lose followers but also to have your account reported. Retweet or post links and information from trusted sources only.

    post often

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    Experts differ widely on the ideal number of tweets per day to ensure better engagement from your followers. However, there is a consensus that you need to post frequently. After all, what is not seen, is not remembered (or liked, commented or retweeted).

    7. Establish a minimum amount of post

    According to data from the coScheadule blog, the ideal to gain visibility is to do about 15 tweets per day. Of those, about 7 should be retweets or interesting link posts. But this number is not unanimous among experts.

    According to the blog itself, Forbes tech consultant Neil Patel believes the amount needs to fit your strategy. Patel advocates 1-5 posts per day for those who want more engagement per tweet.

    But that number can increase to 50 for those looking to get higher impression volume and overall engagement. The more retweets you receive, the more chances to gain new followers.

    8. Identify the best times to tweet

    The best times to post on any social network are when people access those platforms the most.

    In the case of Twitter, a survey carried out by Sprout Social indicates that the period that generates the most engagement is from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 16 pm. The moments with the least engagement are between 22 pm and 4 am.

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips
    Reproduction / Social Sprout
    • Best times to post: Wednesday and Friday at 9 am
    • Better days: Wednesday and friday
    • Worst day: Saturday

    9. Use post scheduling tools

    To generate content for 5, 15 or 50 tweets a day requires planning. This means you shouldn't just wake up and think about what to post on the day of publication.

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    Of course, there can and should be room for spontaneity, but it is possible to create posts in advance and schedule publications. This makes your action on the network more consistent and predictable for your followers.

    For this, you can rely on post scheduling tools. There are online, free and paid options, with plans for different types of needs. The main ones are:

    • Hootsuite
    • Tweetdeck
    • SocialOomph
    • TwitTimer

    Bet on engagement

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    Social media engagement refers to the interaction of followers with a profile. Whether through likes, comments, reposts, etc. The higher it is, the greater its influence on followers is considered. And closer is the relationship with customers, in the case of a company, or fans, if you are a digital influencer.

    10. Retweet and mention

    Original content is always good, but that doesn't stop you from retweeting interesting and relevant posts to your profile and followers. If it makes sense, mention (use the @) other users whose profile matches yours and your brand's.

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    If there is a response from the mentioned profile, it is even possible that there is an exchange of followers between you.

    11. Create retweetable content yourself

    One of the ways to increase interaction with your audience is to create content that is relevant to them and they want to share it.

    It is possible to post inspiring messages, cool tips, share a meme, publish a news that everyone will love to know, among other options. The more retweets you receive, the more visibility your profile has, and the greater your chances of gaining new followers.

    12. Use as hashtags certas

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    According to Social Pilot, tweets with relevant hashtags get 2x more engagement than others. Using the # helps attract people who are interested in the content you post.

    A good strategy is to always be on the lookout for trending hashtags and use them wisely when possible. Well-applied generic hashtags can also work very well to give visibility to content related to your brand or profile.

    Another good tip is to follow profiles that use hashtags that have to do with your company or the content you usually publish. It is possible that they are interested in what you post.

    monitor your followers

    Gaining followers can be your main goal, but you need to be mindful of those you've already gained. It is important to check if you have lost followers and if the number of new additions has increased, decreased or remained on average.

    13. Use monitoring tools

    How to gain Twitter followers in 2022: 14 must-see tips

    There are some tools in the app stores to analyze the performance of your Twitter profile. The apps, available for Android and iOS, allow you to see unfollows, who doesn't follow you and even blocks.

    14. Escape from miraculous methods

    Probably, when searching for ways to gain more followers on Twitter, he came across sites and services that promised to conquer many followers in a very short period of time. Some require payment, some do not.

    The truth is that there are no miracles and the ideal is to avoid these methods for the following reasons.

    • Your profile will be followed by fake users. These bots may even build volume in terms of their number of followers, but they will not bring engagement.
    • The disparity between the number of followers and the engagement generated by the tweets will raise suspicion from your real users. And it will question your credibility or that of your brand.
    • Because you are followed by many bots, your profile can be mistaken by Twitter as fake. Which may result in your account being removed.


    • Tools and apps to gain followers on Twitter
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    • How to permanently delete a Twitter account from mobile and PC
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