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    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    Creating a link on WhatsApp is a way to share your contact on messenger without the other person having to add it. The URL can be posted on other platforms such as Instagram or your company's Facebook page.

    It is worth noting that the exposure of personal data on the internet is not recommended for security reasons. Therefore, send the generated address only to people you know, or publish it only if you are a business contact.

    How to create WhatsApp link manually

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    WhatsApp's One-Click Chat feature allows you to create a URL that points to a messenger user's contact. Thanks to the feature, you can chat with someone even if you haven't added them to your contact list.

    1. Copy a link;

    • If you're using a cell phone, just tap on the address for a few seconds. Then select the entire address and tap on the option Copy;

    2. Paste the address into a text editor or browser address bar of your choice. After the last slash (/), enter the phone number registered in your Whatsapp, with the country and city code. It is not necessary to use zeros before the DDD or non-numeric characters such as dashes, parentheses, plus (+), etc.;

    The result should be something like: In this example, 55 is the telephone code of our country, 21 the area code of Rio de Janeiro and 1234-5678, the phone number.

    3. To check if the generated URL is correct, copy and paste it in the address bar of the browser of your choice. If all goes well, you will see a screen like the one below:

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    By clicking on Start conversation, a chat window with your WhatsApp will open.

    If you are on your PC, the window will only open automatically if you have the WhatsApp program installed on your machine. In any case, it is possible to access it through WhatsApp Web at use the WhatsApp Web, indicated below.

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    Is it possible to shorten this link?

    Okay, the link with the number might not be the shortest or easiest for someone to memorize. Link shortener sites can help. THE, for example, allows not only to reduce the size but also to customize the generated URL.

    1. Open the browser of your choice and access the website;

    2. Paste the WhatsApp link in the box Link to short;

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    3. Em Customize your short link (Customize your short link, in free translation), customize the link with whatever ending you want for your URL. We suggest that you use something short, easy to remember and preferably refer to you or your company;

    4. Click on the box next to I'm not a robot;

    5. Confirm that the desired address is available by clicking Shorten.

    After a few seconds, your shortened and personalized address will be generated. Then, just share with whoever and wherever you want.

    How to create WhatsApp link with a link generator

    There are several options of WhatsApp link generators available on the internet. Generally speaking, these services create a URL with the number used in the messenger with some additional features. For example, you can insert a greeting message and even customize the link.

    In the step-by-step below, we chose to use WhatsLink.

    1. Open the browser of your choice, from your smartphone or PC, and access the website WhatsLink;

    2. Enter the requested data in the respective fields;

    • your business name: As this is a more business-oriented feature, the field requests the name of the business. However, it's okay to put your own name;
    • WhatsApp number: it is necessary to enter the area code of your city without the leading 0, followed by the telephone number. Do not use spaces, dashes, parentheses or any other symbol besides numbers;
    • describe your business: if you want, you can include a brief description of your company;
    • Message: Include a generic message, such as a greeting, for people who access the link;
    • enter the ending you want for your link in the box. We suggest using something short, easy to remember and preferably referring to yourself or your business.

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    3. Please click generate link.

    Now your link will be created. To copy and paste wherever you want, click the button Copy. As we explained, the service redirects to a website within WhatsLink, with all the information provided by you.

    To start a conversation, the person who accessed the URL simply clicks Send message. Then, she will be redirected to the WhatsApp page, where she must click on Start conversation.

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    Direct link generators

    If you prefer a link generator with fewer features, but direct the user directly to the WhatsApp website, we have listed other options. They all allow you to enter a greeting message for anyone who accesses your URL, as shown below.

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    • Convertte
    • Marketex
    • Nork
    • Postcron

    Create a WhatsApp group link

    The link of a WhatsApp group is a URL that gives people access to a certain group in the messenger without an administrator having to authorize their entry. Anyone with this link can enter.

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    Therefore, it is important to be careful with who you share, to avoid falling into the hands of unwanted people. In addition to the URL, the resource allows you to generate a QR code, ideal for printing and publicizing the group in non-virtual environments.

    in the guide How to create WhatsApp group link and send it to whoever you want, you can see the step by step of how to do the process. It is worth noting that only administrators can generate the URL.

    Insert WhatsApp link on Instagram

    How to create WhatsApp link to share your contact

    You can insert the link to your contact or a WhatsApp group in your Instagram profile. We suggest doing so for business purposes only.

    We reinforce that exposing personal data, such as a phone number, can be risky if the information falls into the wrong hands. The process is quite simple and can be seen step by step. Learn how to put WhatsApp link on Instagram easily.


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