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    How to be a criminal expert? What do you do and how much do you earn?

    How to be a criminal expert? What do you do and how much do you earn?How to be a criminal expert? What do you do and how much do you earn?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Nov 12, 2022 | News |

    If you want to enter the police career and want to know how to be a criminal expert, then you need to see the tips that we have separated on the path you need to take to become a professional in the area.

    How to be a criminal expert? What he does?

    Some professions are specifically included in public careers, which require approval in public tenders to be exercised. This is the case of criminal experts in our country.

    The official criminal expert is a public servant (State or Federal) who investigates and analyzes crime scenes through forensic investigation, which is a set of technical procedures for collecting evidence and preparing reports.

    The criminal expert can, for example, collect fingerprints, collect bullet traces, take photos, collect hairs, detect blood and footprints at the crime scene, analyze seized narcotics, extract data from computers or mobile devices, investigate documentation, among others. activities.

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    Everything that the forensic expert considers relevant to forensic genetics and to the investigation as a whole is part of the duties of a criminal expert.

    In police movies and series this is portrayed in a much more intense way. But despite this, it closely resembles the painstaking work that is carried out in real life through specific techniques and with the help of technology.

    This professional is essential within the police and for the resolution of cases. Paying extra attention and being extremely detail-oriented are important attributes for anyone who wants to be in this profession. A simple proof can exonerate or convict someone.

    Who can be a criminal expert?

    To become a criminal expert, you must first keep in mind that you will need to take a public exam in the state in which you want to work. This is the only way to enter the profession.

    Some States require specific training and even so, there are many courses that the public notice may cover as a requirement to be able to practice the profession. There is no rule, it varies from state to state and from public notice to public notice.

    The public notice for a competition for a criminal expert does not have a defined frequency and does not have an exorbitant number of vacancies, they are usually few. Again, it depends on the needs of each State body.

    Other than that, you need to have a higher education (we will talk about the courses that are accepted later) and some other requirements are also necessary to take the public contest. Are they:

    • Our country's nationality.
    • Be over 18 years old.
    • Be up to date with military obligations.
    • Be up to date with electoral obligations.
    • Have no criminal record.
    • Have physical and mental fitness.
    • Have a driver's license (depending on the contest, the vast majority require at least a type B CNH)

    What degree do you need to be a criminal expert?

    As we mentioned, to be a criminal expert many states require specific training. Therefore, everything will depend on what the State will require in the public notice.

    For example, within the SP criminal expert notice of 2022, higher education was required and among them are:

    • Systems Analysis
    • Architecture and urbanism
    • Biology
    • biomedicine
    • Biotechnology
    • Computer science
    • Physical and Biomolecular Sciences
    • Molecular Sciences
    • Accounting
    • Right
    • Nursing
    • Engineering
    • Statistic
    • Farmácia
    • Farmácia
    • Biochemistry
    • Physics
    • Speech
    • Geography
    • Geology
    • Informatics
    • Mathematics
    • Medicine
    • veterinary Medicine
    • Museology
    • Nutrition
    • Dentistry
    • Chemistry
    • Information systems
    • Information Technology

    The Federal District, according to Law no. 9.264/1996 (which deals with the specific legislation of the Civil Police of the DF), the position of criminal expert requires training in one of the following courses:

    • Biochemistry
    • biological Sciences
    • Accounting Sciences
    • Computer Science
    • Physics
    • Farmácia
    • Engineering (all)
    • Geology
    • Informatics
    • Mineralogy
    • Dentistry
    • Chemistry

    If you have a degree in Biology you can be a Criminal Expert in forensic genetics, work in a toxicology laboratory or even at a crime scene. There is also Environmental Expertise and Forensic Chemistry.

    The accountant will do the financial and accounting expertise, the person trained in computer science will analyze evidence in digital media. The pharmacist may work in the toxicology lab, engineers who are part of traffic dynamics and fire cases and so on.

    Not long ago, expert competitions allowed training in any area, but this has changed in recent competitions and has become more demanding.

    The ideal thing is for you to look at the last public notice of the Civil Police of your State and check the required graduations to know the trend of the possible courses that will be charged in the next notices.

    It is also important to point out that you should look for the course that you have the most affinity for. It is not legal to choose any course just to use it for the purpose of providing the contest, do something you enjoy.

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    Some tips are essential in your preparation for public tender. First of all, keep in mind that you will need to have a lot of consistency and discipline in your studies, as it is very competitive and the level of difficulty is increasing more and more.

    But take it easy! Know that your biggest competition is with yourself. It's knowing how to overcome laziness and fatigue, you must create a routine and truly dedicate yourself to your studies, approval is a consequence.

    For you to guide yourself and start your studies, stay tuned in these following guidelines, which every contestant should keep an eye on.

    Read a lot about the profession

    It is common to have doubts about the profession we would like to exercise. For example, before starting a degree, many people have doubts if the chosen course is what they really want and if it will be good for the job market.

    The same occurs with those who choose to study for public examinations. The public service is full of career options for those who are approved in the contests, so read a lot about the position and its attributions.

    If you can, talk to someone who already practices the profession. You can also find some professionals in the area on social media and follow their respective routines.

    For example, Amanda Melo is a criminal expert in ParaĂ­ba and has a lot of content related to the profession on her social networks. Check out a video with tips she gives to anyone who wants to be an expert.

    Read past editions

    Reading the last public notice of the contest you intend to do is important for you to be aware of the subjects that are charged, the necessary requirements to be able to take the test and be summoned and understand what the processes are.

    Download past exams and ask questions

    Having contact with previous exams, even if you haven't seen the theory of the subjects, it's nice for you to know how it's charged and start getting familiar with the examining board.

    Asking questions is also essential during your journey, they are the ones that will make you understand better about a subject in question and make you analyze what your weaknesses are in order to correct and improve.

    For this, there are several platforms such as Qconcursos and PCI Concursos, where you will find commented questions, tests and answers. Nowadays the study for exams is well democratized and thanks to the internet we have several options to help us.

    Criminal Expert Contest: What are the Steps?

    The first stage is the objective test, with multiple choice or right/wrong questions depending on the bank, which includes basic knowledge such as Portuguese, logical reasoning, computers and specific knowledge.

    In the discursive test, most of the notices are questions related to law. It is even a very important phase that many candidates end up leaving aside at the time of their preparation and allow themselves to achieve a dream for that.

    Therefore, when you are training through questions, don't forget to train your writing by doing essays, as the written test is also eliminatory.

    The second phase, in the vast majority of police contests, is the psychological assessment to assess your ability to concentrate, assess your memory, your reasoning, your personality characteristics, interpersonal relationships, among other things.

    Then comes the TAF (Physical Aptitude Test), where you need to perform the exercises required and specified in the notice. They are usually: barbell, push-up, half suck, running and swimming (depending on the contest). For the Federal Police, the TAF is the second stage.

    After the TAF comes the proof of titles, you earn a score according to the titles you have, such as postgraduate, and the points given vary from public notice to public notice.

    After that comes the social investigation stage. It is related to the social and moral aspects of the candidate's life. Anything that is morally wrong or criminal is taken into account and can eliminate someone from the contest.

    And finally, after passing all these phases, comes the CFP (Professional Training Course). Depending on the public notice, this phase is eliminatory before taking office and in others it is not eliminatory.

    Criminal Expert How Much Do You Earn?

    The allowance for a criminal expert also varies from state to state. But, the national average is around R$ 9 thousand to R$ 10 thousand. In addition, there are also gratuities and vouchers that can increase remuneration.

    Is being a criminal expert dangerous?

    Every profession has its risks. Being a police officer will require a different attitude towards various everyday things, it will require more attention to everything that happens around you, as you will be exposed to criminality in general, especially on the job.

    Furthermore, criminal experts are often exposed to different types of microorganisms, viruses, substances that can be toxic, but for that there are protective equipment and security techniques.

    We can conclude that yes, it is a high-risk profession but extremely necessary for the police area and for solving crimes. It's worth it, if helping others and contributing to society is really your dream.

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