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    Hootsuite or Mlabs: Which is the better choice?

    Hootsuite or Mlabs: Which is the better choice?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Aug 26, 2022 | Social Networks |

    Hootsuite ou Mlabs are two platforms that help to manage social networks with more quality and efficiency.

    Because they have similar services, many people still have doubts about which alternative is right for their needs. 

    With that in mind, we made a complete analysis so that you understand how they work, what are their main features, plan values, among others.

    After reading this content, you will be more confident to make an assertive decision for your brand.

    Find out right now which is the best social media manager tool. 

    Learn More: 6 Secrets to Creating Successful Content on Social Media

    Hootsuite or Mlabs: which is better? 

    From now on, we'll cover several elements that help you choose between Hootsuite or Mlabs. Follow up! 

    Hootsuite or Mlabs: Which is the better choice?

    Platform operation 

    Mlabs is a platform that allows you to manage social media in one place, bringing more practicality and efficiency to your routine.

    You can create, schedule posts, generate reports and even reply to messages from your followers.

    The automation of the tool does not affect the quality of publications. That's because the platform allows you to build publications with professional design. 

    The user can still access and view scheduled and published posts on the calendar.

    The possibility of discovering the best days and times to share content is another point that cannot be ignored in this article. 

    Workflow is a tool at no cost to the user.

    In it, you can invite all your team members to delegate demands, control orders, send ready-made publications and even request customer approval in a few seconds. 

    The system is available for Android and iOS. You can download the technology from both Google Play and the App Store. 

    Hootsuite is also another platform that allows you to manage your social networks without bureaucracy. 

    With just a few clicks, you can save time when scheduling publications. As with Mlabs, the user can schedule posts automatically.

    The person responsible for the social network also receives a complete report with a calendar in which the information is easily organized. 

    You can use the platform on Android and iOS systems. It is available on Google Play and the App Store.

    Social network integration 

    The Mlabs platform offers users integration with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube. 

    At Hootsuite, you have access to the following social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn and Pinterest. 

    At this point, it is possible to say that there are no differences between the two platforms.

    Therefore, if integration with social networks is essential for your routine, any of the alternatives are excellent choices. 

    Extra Features 

    Hootsuite is a unique platform for managing social media.

    Mlabs contains extra features for users like creating Landing Pages.

    It is a feature that helps capture leads and manage contacts quickly and efficiently. 

    With this functionality, it is not necessary to hire a programmer to develop a website.

    Just choose one of the ready-made templates and adjust them according to your company's visual identity. 

    The tool allows you to modify images, texts, fonts, colors, among other elements.

    Another interesting advantage of the platform is that it helps to build a link page in Bio. 

    In a few minutes, you can count on the support of this page to capture contacts, share products and the best materials with your audience. 

    You can use the forms on the platform itself and customize them according to the data you want to collect. 

    In addition, the user can view the contact list, perform the download and edit the material. 

    Flat Mlabs and Flat Hootsuite Values 

    Another important point to choose between Hootsuite or Mlabs is to evaluate the cost-benefit of the platforms. 

    At Mlabs, plans are divided into annual, quarterly and monthly. The values ​​vary according to the option chosen and the number of pages that the user intends to manage. 

    The most economical plan is the annual one. Professionals who will manage just one page need to invest R$5,90 per month. This value corresponds to the most basic alternative. 

    This plan contains the following benefits, such as:

    • Schedules of personalized publications;
    • Tools to assist in the construction of posts;
    • Management of messages that are sent by users;
    • Social media report, among others. 

    With the annual plan, you can save R$204,00, paying R$12,90 per month. All available options can be accessed on the Mlabs website.

    Hootsuite uses another name for the platform plans. They are called professional, team and enterprise. 

    In the professional, an investment of $19 per month guarantees a user with 10 social accounts, the possibility to schedule unlimited publications and access to messages in an inbox. 

    The enterprise plan is suitable for those people who need unlimited users and 50 social accounts.

    Before showing the value of this alternative, the platform asks the customer to request a demo.

    Thus, she will develop a plan according to your needs. 

    To discover all the benefits and values ​​of the plans that are offered by Hootsuite, we recommend visiting the company page.  

    free trial 

    The free trial is a great way to see if the tool meets your company's needs.

    At this point, Hootsuite beats Mlabs. 

    At Hootsuite, you can try the free version of the platform for 30 days, while at Mlabs, this benefit is granted for just seven days. 

    Support & Admin 

    It doesn't matter if you choose Hootsuite or Mlabs.

    In either alternative, quality customer service is very important.

    After all, the use of a new tool can raise several doubts, especially at the time of implementation. 

    If you are not fluent in English, Hootsuite may not be a good option, as the service is not in Portuguese. 

    If you don't have English skills, Mlabs is probably a great alternative.

    Therefore, analyze both alternatives carefully, as an obstacle in the middle of the road can harm your planning. 

    Reputation on Advertise Here 

    When choosing between Hootsuite or Mlabs, Reclame Aqui is an excellent channel to find out how consumers evaluate each tool. 

    As of August 2022, Mlabs has a score of 6.9 out of 10, which is considered regular by the site.

    Hootsuite is not registered on Reclame Aqui, which shows that consumers are not in the habit of visiting the platform. 

    On the other hand, it is important to remember that Hootsuite is not a platform of our country.

    Then, users can use other channels to make their complaints. 

    Final analises 

    If you've come this far and you're still in doubt between Hootsuite or Mlabs, we'll help you find the best alternative for your company. 

    The first point that you should evaluate is in relation to cost-benefit.

    See if the advantages of the platform match your needs and check if the investment value is in line with your financial planning. 

    After all, having a great tool in your company is not enough if the investment harms your financial budget. 

    At first, you can even get interesting benefits from the platform.

    But, little by little, you may run out of money to pay for this feature and other boletos that are essential for the operation of your business. 

    It is essential to clarify, once again, the issue of real-time support.

    If you have difficulties and have no experience with English, try Mlabs. If this is not considered an issue, Hootsuite is a great option. 

    You should also look at consumer reviews.

    Look for professionals who are users of these tools. This way, you will have a more in-depth assessment of the features. 

    Are Hootsuite or Mlabs the only tools? Are there other alternatives? 

    The positive side is that the market contains several alternatives that can help you manage the Instagram manager and other social networks.

    The most common options are: Etus, Buffer, Agorapulse, Bume, Postgrain, among others. 

    After discovering the main differences between Hootsuite or Mlabs, learn about 42 tools to optimize the management of your social networks. 

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