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    Blue November phrases: the 141 coolest to share

    Blue November phrases: the 141 coolest to shareBlue November phrases: the 141 coolest to share

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Oct 25, 2022 | News |

    Do you know which ones are the best? Nblue sheep phrases?

    In this post, we are going to list some phrases for you to use in this important month of the year.

    But first, you need to understand more about what Blue November is and what its purpose is.

    Like Pink October, Blue November serves as an awareness campaign aimed at society, especially men, developed by institutions to warn about some diseases, although it serves to raise awareness mainly about the risks and the importance of cancer diagnosis. of prostate. 

    Learn More: Motivational phrases: the 79 best to liven up your day

    Even with the higher incidence of prostate cancer in men over 65, this does not mean that this disease cannot appear in people of other ages.

    That's why regular exams to get a possible early diagnosis are so important.

    Despite knowing this importance, many men refuse to perform the exams.

    So you need to find ways to encourage going to the doctor, and a good way to do that is with blue november phrases.

    In order to help you in this mission, we have separated some phrases from Blue November.

    Check out our phrases and share.

    Learn More: Status for WhatsApp: the 150 best phrases

    Blue November phrases: the best to use

    Blue November, now it's the men's turn: All against prostate cancer.

    Blue November: The man who takes care of himself has attitude. Cherish your life. 

    This month, we are together in the fight against prostate cancer and diabetes. 

    Blue November: Together in the fight against prostate cancer. Early diagnosis preserves your future.

    Blue November: It's time to overcome prejudice in order to beat cancer.

    Just one touch! To turn everything blue, prevention is key. 

    November, World Prostate Cancer Prevention Month. An idea that will illuminate man's health. 

    Blue November: better safe than sorry.

    Don't let your prejudice get in the way of your health! – Marianna Moreno

    Don't be silly! Take exams regularly and protect yourself! Blue November is about taking care of yourself now so you don't suffer in the future. – Marianna Moreno

    Be sure to take care of yourself, prevention is the best way to live well and avoid future problems.

    Blue November is the time to realize that a simple exam can save you from a big problem! – Marianna Moreno

    A simple exam can save your life. Don't let what you think is masculinity stop you from taking care of yourself! – Marianna Moreno

    Blue November exists to remind you to take care and prevent yourself throughout the year. Don't be silly! – Marianna Moreno

    Blue November for men is a touch for life!

    A man who is a man never leaves his health aside! – Marianna Moreno

    Blue November: those who fight for life don't deserve to lose this battle!

    Knowledge is the greatest weapon we can have. Inform yourself about prostate cancer and see your doctor! – Marianna Moreno

    It's a man's thing to do exams regularly and prevent yourself from diseases! – Marianna Moreno

    Together in the fight against prostate cancer. Early diagnosis preserves your future!

    Blue November: information is power and prevention is health! – Marianna Moreno

    Blue November: a man who takes care of himself, has an attitude!

    There are things that the sooner we find out, the better. Blue november! Take exams regularly. – Marianna Moreno

    A disease when discovered early is best for treatment. Get a prostate exam regularly! – Marianna Moreno

    Don't let prejudice cost your health. Take a prostate exam and prevent yourself! – Marianna Moreno

    Cancer is serious business. Prevent yourself with Blue November! – Marianna Moreno

    Act like a man and assume your responsibilities. Beware! – Marianna Moreno

    Don't let fear or shame be your excuse for not having a healthy life. Go to the doctor, take care, do exams and prevent yourself!

    No matter what kind of man you are, be the type that takes care of your health!

    Self-care is being up to date with your health. Be a man who takes care of yourself! – Marianna Moreno

    Your shame can't save your life, but if you take care and get tested, yes! Stay tuned for Blue November. – Marianna Moreno

    One touch won't make you less of a man. Prevent yourself and take exams! – Marianna Moreno

    The month dedicated to the prevention of prostate cancer began. Now it's up to you men! Prevent yourself and take exams! – Marianna Moreno

    One in six men develops prostate cancer. Prejudice or carelessness can cost you your life!

    There are battles we can win before they start. Blue November, Prostate Cancer Prevention Month! – Marianna Moreno

    Blue November: Men, now it's up to you! Prevent yourself and live much longer. – Marianna Moreno

    Keeping up with your exams is an act of love with you and your body. How about continuing to protect yourself?

    Blue November, a campaign that can save lives! So, you who are a man and in your forties, not silly. Prostate cancer kills. Out of prejudice!

    Leave your prejudice aside and take your exam! A simple act that can save lives.

    The real man takes care of himself and is up to date with his exams.

    Blue november! Taking care of health is indeed a man thing!

    Blue november! Are you really going to let baseless prejudice jeopardize your life? Take your exams!

    The greatest demonstration of a man's courage is prevention. Take care of yourself all year round, not just in Blue November!

    Be the hero of your health. Get oriented about prostate cancer and look for a urologist.

    One in six men develops prostate cancer. Prejudice or carelessness can cost you your life!

    Prevention is also a man thing. Don't be childish! Take care.

    Win this fight before it starts. Early diagnosis saves lives.

    Don't be part of the bad statistics. Be part of the good statistics that take care of and prevent prostate cancer!

    Blue november. Declare your love for yourself! Take your exams.

    Now it's the men's turn! This month is dedicated to the prevention of prostate cancer. It's simple, just be aware and look for a urologist.

    Prostate cancer: we need to talk about it. Take your exams, prevent yourself!

    Blue november. Because some fights can be won before they even start. Beware!

    Avoid prejudice and schedule your prostate exam now. Your life may depend on it!

    Taking care of you is taking care of everyone you love. Prevention is essential for a full life!

    Blue November has arrived! And it doesn't matter what kind of man you are. Be the type to take care of your health.

    Break male prejudice, going to the doctor prevents you from having bigger problems in the future.

    Much more than an awareness campaign, Blue November's mission is to alert men and spread correct information.

    Prostate cancer is a serious matter and leaves no room for silly prejudices. Take your exams!

    Men also need care and prevention. Take care! Life is your most precious possession.

    Man, have attitude and be the protagonist of your health. Healthy habits and medical monitoring can save your life. If prostate cancer is discovered early, there is a 90% chance of cure.

    Blue November is here and this is no time to waver, friend. Book your exams. Prevention is always the best choice.

    November is World Prostate Cancer Month. An idea that will illuminate man's health.

    Don't let prejudice interfere with your health. A strong man is a man who takes care of himself!

    Kick prostate cancer off the field! Take exams regularly, prevention is the best treatment.

    Prostate cancer is no joke. The best solution is prevention. May this Blue November bring awareness to everyone!

    Early diagnosis is the best way to guarantee a future. Dress in blue and join the fight against prostate cancer!

    Blue November: all together in the fight for life. Don't let social conventions stop you from preventing yourself. Be a man who takes care of himself!

    Blue November: a touch of life! The man who takes care of himself and prevents himself, lives happier. Be aware!

    Beat Prostate Cancer Before It Beats You! Prevention is the best treatment. All together for a Blue November full of awareness!

    It is very important that all men, from the age of 40, undergo an annual prostate exam. This Blue November, let's make a pact with life!

    Men, dribble prejudice and score a goal in life! Join the Blue November campaign and choose to prevent prostate cancer!

    A man who takes care of himself is a man of attitude! Be aware! Join the Blue November campaign and put your health as a priority!

    Who takes care, always wins! This Blue November, join the fight against prostate cancer. Prevent yourself and make your friends aware!

    Blue November, I support! Together we are stronger. Let's fight for awareness and prevention of male diseases.

    In November, I wear blue! Come and be part of this campaign to fight for life. Become aware! Prostate cancer is no joke.

    Blue November needs superheroes to win the battle against prostate cancer. Be a Superman and take the prevention exam!

    November is Blue, but the alert is red! Prostate cancer is no joke. Look for a urologist, raise awareness and prevent yourself!

    Prostate cancer, the time has come to talk about it! Join the Blue November campaign, raise awareness and put your health first!

    Prevention is the ax that cuts evil in the bud! Join the Blue November campaign and raise awareness! All together in the fight against prostate cancer!

    Take care of your health with the same enthusiasm you would watch a football game. Blue November is Prostate Cancer Prevention Month!

    Be aware and spread awareness! Information can save a man's life. All together in Blue November against prostate cancer!

    Men, prevention is attitude! Blue November is here to remind us that prostate cancer can be overcome with prevention, awareness and information!

    The warrior man knows that health is the greatest weapon in life! Join the Blue November battle, raise awareness and don't let prostate cancer win this war!

    Blue November: a touch of courage that can save your life. Don't wait for prostate cancer to arrive to start worrying about your health. Beware!

    Friend, a brother's advice: do exams annually, become aware and take care of your health. Share the Blue November and together we will form a battalion of fighters!

    In the ring of life, you deserve to be the winner! Prevention is the best blow to knock out prostate cancer! Blue November, together we are stronger!

    Less prejudice and jokes, more information and awareness! Get tested and prevent yourself against prostate cancer. I go in blue!

    Blue November is for all men! No matter your style, class or race, the most important thing is to take care of your health. Get in this fight!

    Take care of your health like you take care of your mustache! Blue November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Choose prevention!

    Prejudice is outdated, but your health is still in fashion! Prostate cancer, touch this topic! Wear the blue team shirt and fight for life!

    Blue November, I support this cause! Friend, don't be a fool! Get tested annually, because early diagnosis can fight prostate cancer!

    Valuing your life is valuing everything you love.

    Men also need care and prevention. Take care! Life is your most precious possession.

    Together we are stronger.

    Prevention is better than cure.

    Man who has attitude, take care! Exercise, eat right, and see your doctor every year to prevent prostate cancer.

    If discovered early, prostate cancer has a 90% chance of cure. Take care!

    This Blue November, remember: the exam is your choice, cancer is not. Go to the doctor and take care of yourself.

    The month has changed, but prevention continues. We support the Blue November campaign!

    Did you know that 59% of men don't usually go to the urologist? Diagnosis can save lives!

    This Blue November we will leave the mustaches and encourage prevention care! Is that you?

    In our country, prostate cancer is the 2nd most common among men. Don't leave the exam for later!

    The fight against cancer continues. November is Prostate Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month.

    It's not worth putting your health aside because of prejudice.

    Your health deserves attention. Beware.

    Early diagnosis saves lives. Prejudice, no.

    The month has changed, the color has changed, but awareness has not! Blue November: Prevent yourself.

    Supporting the Blue November cause in raising awareness of the prevention and early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

    Blue November aims to fight prostate cancer and the male taboo on taking care of their own health. In other words, transforming behavior preserves life.

    For the man who is prejudiced against the preventive exam for prostate cancer, a warning: this disease makes no distinction and can affect you!

    Blue of the sky, sea and awareness of the month of November in the fight against prostate cancer. Expand your mind and horizons!

    To enjoy football with friends for a long time, it is better to take the prostate cancer screening, which also concerns men.

    It always matters what, how and how much the man does! But it only works better if it prevents prostate cancer first. He must do good to himself!

    The man who understands economics consults the urologist to prevent himself against prostate cancer and gains much more time to live!

    Man! From January to December is always the time to take care of yourself, but Blue November is the month to take care of your health with prostate cancer prevention exams.

    The mustache is a symbol of the Blue November for the prevention of prostate cancer, which is a disease that affects exclusively men and is silent at first, as it is only detected through exams.

    It makes all the difference that a man regularly consults the urologist to perform prostate cancer prevention exams, as the Blue November warns.

    The digital rectal exam doesn't take a man out of the line with his whole life ahead of him. Prostate cancer, yes! Prevention is the best weapon of combat!

    It's a man's thing to have an open mind, a clear conscience and health up to date. It's a man's thing to take the prostate cancer prevention exam.

    It is not normal for a man to have difficulty or a reduced stream when urinating. But only a urologist can eliminate the doubt about prostate cancer!

    Prostate cancer is still a global public health problem. The preventive exam is fast and effective, encouraged in Blue November and throughout the year!

    The best strategy for men to prevent or detect prostate cancer is exams. Treating the tumor early, there will be better results.

    Pss! Preventing prostate cancer means performing digital rectal exams and PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) dosage. Fast and safe!

    Blood in the urine is not normal. The man should look for a urologist to know what is happening! This attitude also fights prostate cancer!

    Blue November still faces a male taboo related to prostate exam, which is an effective resource to fight this type of cancer!

    Alert to take the prostate cancer prevention exams. In fact, no one dies of shame, but from this disease, yes!

    Man! You can have a touch of class, an artistic touch, a creative touch, but only by preventing prostate cancer can you have a touch of life!

    The best man is not the richest, the most handsome, the most powerful, or the most fun. It's what you take care of the most, which prevents prostate cancer!

    Blue November Red Alert: Controlled PSA dosage does not guarantee the absence of prostate cancer. The digital rectal exam is essential!

    It's a beautiful picture of a man with his son! But the best image he leaves is when he takes care of his health and prevents himself from prostate cancer.

    Man of attitude shows the same determination with which he goes in search of goals keeping his health up to date, for self-love and against prostate cancer!

    Blue November's fight is against prostate cancer, one of the most lethal, but the hardest fight is against prejudice about the digital rectal exam.

    Breaking down the walls of prejudice is for strong men. So are those who perform periodic exams for the prevention of prostate cancer!

    A man truly loves himself and shows that he has enough self-respect when he takes care of his own health and prevents himself from prostate cancer!

    The good combatant man fights against prostate cancer, performs the prevention exam and does not lose the battle to the enemy called prejudice.

    PSA is not just Neymar's Paris Saint-Germain, as it is also one of the tests for the detection and prevention of prostate cancer, the Prostate Specific Antigen.

    Conscious and prudent man consults the urologist! When the voice of conscience screams, she denounces prostate cancer, an initially silent disease.

    You, who are a man, may be strong, but you are not made of steel. November is not the only month when these words should be in your head, but in every month of your life. Don't neglect your health in exchange for pride, it's the most expensive exchange you can make. The disease is a reversible condition, obviously, but why not prevent it? Avoiding is always better than cure. So visit the doctor regularly and stop allowing pride to live in you!

    November was chosen as the official month of the prostate cancer awareness campaign, as November 17th is the World Day to Combat Prostate Cancer and, thus, they took the opportunity to carry out clarification actions throughout the month.

    Take care of yourself more! Your health should always come first in your plans.

    Don't let fear or shame be your excuse for not having a healthy life. Go to the doctor, take care of yourself, do tests and prevent yourself so that the disease does not reach you.

    Learn More: Phrases for Instagram: 120 phrases for Instagram posts

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