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    BBB wall: How to vote for Big Brother our country 2022?

    BBB wall: How to vote for Big Brother our country 2022?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jan 11, 2022 | News | 3

    Big Brother Our Country (BBB) ​​is one of the main reality shows on Brazilian TV with a voting system that makes viewers participate in the program indirectly.

    Next to your return and publicity, you know how vote for Big Brother our country 2022? In this post, we'll explain everything you need to know about voting on program participants.

    It is worth mentioning that in all votes, the candidate with the most votes leaves, with the exception of the vote on the last day of the program, where the candidate with the highest percentage of votes is the champion of the reality show edition.

    Check out how to vote for Big Brother our country 2022 and some more details about the program.

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    How does BBB 2022 voting work?

    Before we explain how to vote for Big Brother our country 2022, you need to know how the reality show voting works. Since the 2022 edition, votes have started to be counted by regions.

    Votes that are cast over the internet are counted and grouped by the North, Northeast, South, Southeast and Midwest regions. 

    When a candidate receives the most single votes from a region, this is equivalent to 1 point in the competition vote. Votes by phone and SMS are added up and whoever gets the majority receives 1 more point.

    In total, the reality show offers 6 points, being: 1 by SMS and telephone and 5 by regions of the country, in which the candidate with the most votes is eliminated.

    According to information from Central Globo de Comunicação (CGCom), also since 2022, the tiebreaker is resolved with the total number of votes. That is, in the event of a tie, the candidate with the most votes in total is eliminated.

    This BBB voting scheme ensures greater representation by geographic regions. 

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    How to vote for Big Brother our country 2022?

    To vote for Big brother our country 2022, you have three different ways and we will explain how to follow the vote in each one:

    vote online

    Since 2022, online voting has undergone a small change. If before anyone could vote without any kind of bureaucracy, now those interested in voting need to make a small registration.

    But the process is very simple and you can finish it in just a few minutes. 

    It is worth mentioning that this mandatory registration is only for those who will vote for Big Brother our country 2022. Anyone who wants to watch the program or participate in polls doesn't have to worry about it.

    To register, you need to access the official GShow website.

    Look for the option to register for voting at BBB 2022, but be aware that it will be available when the program is already on the air. You will need to provide your full name, date of birth and email. After that, you will generate an email and a password of eight to 15 characters, and they will be used whenever you vote as many times as you want on the reality show.

    Voting can be done as many times as you like.

    Another way to register and save time is by linking with your Facebook or Gmail. After you have completed the registration, just go to the candidate you want to vote for.

    If it's the final of the program, you vote for whoever wins. The voting process is completely free.

    vote by call

    Call voting is even simpler than online voting and works in a very easy to understand way.

    As soon as the new wall is defined, each of the participants will receive a number. All you need to do is call the number that corresponds to the participant and wait until the call ends.

    In addition, there is a fixed call fee for those who choose to vote for this option and the amount will appear on your phone bill.

    Online voting is free. 

    Vote by SMS

    The option to vote for Big Brother our country 2022 via SMS by cell phone or smartphone is also valid.

    In the same way as voting by phone, each participant on the wall will receive a number for you to vote via message. Just send the SMS to the number of the participant you want to leave the most famous house in our country.

    You will also pay a flat fee when choosing this form of voting.

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    What is the wall at BBB 2022?

    The wall of the most watched house in our country is a survey carried out across the country so that people can vote on which participants they want to leave the BBB.

    So their poll answers the question “Who do you want to leave the show?”

    But you have to be careful, since in the final of the program, this question changes and people must vote for who they want to win Big Brother our country.

    Triple BBB wall

    Normally, the wall is made between two participants, but in some moments we will have the triple wall.

    In this type of wall, the walled ones are chosen by:

    • Big Phone indication;
    • Leader nomination;
    • Indication of the most voted by the house.

    BBB 2022 percentage and poll

    To access the percentages and numbers of the BBB, just access the TV e Famosos website.

    You can check the percentages of participants, walled and partial results through the UOL website.

    Based on this information, it is possible to have an idea of ​​who will be eliminated, even without the official result having been released.

    Also known as paredĂŁo do bem, polls for good are made by entertainment sites that want to know who is most likely to win a particular edition of the BBB.

    Thus, through these unofficial means and with the public's opinion, internet users have an idea of ​​how the program will be directed, but the official result is the one released by Rede Globo during the exhibition of Big Brother our country. 

    Extra Polls

    Unlike the ParedĂŁo do Bem, the extra polls are launched by Globo itself. But they are directed at general house activities and some situations that occur and not about any specific candidate.

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    When does BBB 2022 start?

    BBB wall: How to vote for Big Brother our country 2022?

    Image: NSC Total

    Now that you know how to vote for Big Brother our country 2022, just stay tuned to watch and follow everything from day one.

    Issue 22 will begin airing on January 17th, with an end date scheduled for April 22nd, with a forecast of 95 episodes. 

    As of this writing, we still don't know who the 20 participants are, which will be revealed on January 13, 2022 on the official GShow website and on social media.

    Remembering that at BBB22, Tiago Leifert will no longer be the presenter and Tadeu Schmidt will be in charge of the program.

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