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    Application to invest in the stock market: the 10 best

    Application to invest in the stock market: the 10 bestApplication to invest in the stock market: the 10 best

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Aug 12, 2022 | Technology |

    You who are an investor and are looking for application to invest in the stock market, you are in the right place.

    Investment applications allow operations from the cell phone and make this task practical and accessible.

    Making an investment can be less difficult than it looks and technology can be used to your advantage when investing money in the stock market.

    Investment apps allow you to manage your financial life quickly so you can keep track of your invested money.

    You have synthesized information, you can buy and sell assets and monetize the operation by earning interest and profiting from investment negotiations.

    They help you get organized, understand your applications and analyze the performance of your investment portfolio.

    In addition to carrying out various operations, through some apps, you also have the possibility to follow the stock exchange in real time, receive financial news and purchase recommendations.

    To invest by cell phone, you can use your own broker's application, which is where you can centralize your investments and manage your personal finances.

    The broker is your investment bank and there are several options with free account opening.

    Your investments are linked to your CPF. So, if your broker goes bankrupt, you don't run the risk of losing your money, just transfer to another broker.

    Here are some application examples:

    Application to invest in the stock market: 10 best apps

    1. XP Investments

    XP Investimentos is the largest broker in our country, bringing together several alternatives for your financial income.

    The app gives you strategies and opportunities submitted by your own analysts to help you increase the profitability of your money.

    It also has an investment simulator. You control your account, see your balance, make withdrawals, make a deposit and see your profitability.

    Make your registration on the XP website to be able to access the account in the app.

    To download, just access the XP Investimentos Portal, log in and go to “Tools and Services”, then “Download Platforms”, choose XP MOBILE.

    Or search for the app directly on your cell phone store, on Android or iOS, and download it.

    Learn More: Is XP Investimentos reliable? Know everything here

    2. Easynvest

    Easyinvest is also a high-profile broker in the financial market. It has recommended portfolios with investment indications, zero brokerage fees on stocks and allows you to invest online in fixed income, variable income and real estate funds.

    The app is available for Android (Google Play Store) and iOS (Apple Store).

    The first step is to register and answer questions related to your financial profile. Purchases of shares and sales made require the transfer of amounts of equal ownership to the Deposit Account at the brokerage house itself, which is carried out at the time of registration.

    3. Rico

    Considered one of the best brokers by InfoMoney, the brokerage Rico Investimentos has an app that allows its users to invest safely and also provides a follow-up to help you in your decisions.

    Download one of the best applications in the field and the best rated on Google Play, create your account, make your investments and track your earnings through the platform.

    Available on Google Play and the App Store.

    4. Inter Bank

    Banco Inter is the pioneer in the world of digital banking in our country. In addition, it has an investment platform with several options for you to make your money work.

    To start investing with Banco Inter, it is necessary to have a bank account. You don't have to pay any fees and opening an account is free.

    With an account at Banco Inter, access the app and look for the “Investments” tab. It will bring up various options. Just choose the one that best suits your goals, apply and wait for the return on investment.

    At Banco Inter, you can easily invest in Treasury Direct and also have zero brokerage fees.

    Download from Google Play or App Store.

    5. Profit Mobile

    It is the most used trading platform by traders in our country.

    In Profit Mobile, you can buy stocks on the stock exchange, sell, see the stock and options chart, stock exchange quote, you can see your performance report and the app's interface is intuitive.

    Available for Android and iOS.

    6. Direct Treasury

    In the Tesouro Direto app, you can analyze your investments based on past indices, being especially useful for those who invest in government bonds.

    In addition to being an investment-oriented platform, it also brings important information about the market so you can be constantly updated.

    Available on Google Play and the App Store.


    Meta Trader is the biggest platform among Traders who like to trade using investment robots, which is software that does repetitive tasks to automate their trades.

    Through the app, you can leave a robot running in the cloud and follow it in the palm of your hand.

    Available for Android and iOS system.

    8. Fixed Income

    This app helps you with fixed income investments. You can consult and buy several possibilities taking into account your profile.

    It introduces you to brokers and their main features and differentials.

    You can also get in touch with the other members and contact an expert and best of all, it's free.

    Download from Google Play or App Store.

    9. modal

    Modalmais is a digital bank and also a broker in our country, which has an app where you can use the bank's services and carry out various operations on the stock exchange, check investments and consult experts.

    Available for Android and iOS.

    10. ItaĂş Corretora

    To use the broker's services, it is necessary to be an account holder at Banco ItaĂş and enable the account on the ItaĂş Corretora website.

    The app is free. With it, you can invest at any time and monitor your portfolio in detail.

    Available for Android and iOS.

    Application to invest in the stock market and follow the financial market

    The task of being on top of what happens in the financial market is a fundamental principle for you to do well as an investor.

    Changes occur daily and can greatly impact your applications.

    Check out some apps that can help you keep up to date:

    1. Billionaire

    Here you follow the steps of great investors, know their investment methods and strategies and can apply this learning in your daily life to increase your results.

    2. InfoMoney

    InfoMoney is a vehicle specialized in the financial market for investors to follow the most relevant news.

    Its growth was so great that now it also has its app version.

    3. Yahoo! finance

    Yahoo! Finance keeps you up to date and allows you to select different stocks to track in real time and assess their performance.

    It generates a foundation that is of paramount importance for you to make good decisions about where to apply your resources, through graphs and comparisons.

    4. Investing

    In addition to providing news and news about investments, through Investing you can follow currency variations and create a personalized portfolio.

    It's all in real time and you can track the performance of stocks, bonds, index futures and more.

    Courses to learn how to invest in stocks

    Having a good financial education is essential to become a good investor. Knowing how to invest in the stock market, interpreting the stock price and knowing the basic principles is indispensable.

    If you are new to this investment world and still feel a little “lost”, we have separated a list of free and online courses to improve your understanding of the subject, after all, knowledge is never enough.

    1. How to Make Investments: FGV

    Fundação Getúlio Vargas is one of the most reputable institutions in our country and offers several courses in various areas, including to learn about finance.

    "How to Make Investments" is a course focused on the fundamentals of investments, market options and how to invest your money.

    It has a workload of 20 hours.

    2. Savings and investment: COGS

    Offered by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CMV), the course presents a more general content about financial organization, investments and their concepts to give a foundation to those who are just starting in the financial market.

    3. How to invest in the stock market: Go to the Stock Exchange

    At Vou na Bolsa you will find several courses. And one of them is “How to invest in the stock market” offered for free by the platform.

    Indicated for beginners, it offers all the basic content to learn more about the stock market, the stock market and all the topics that cover the stock market.

    4. Fixed Income Investment - Beginner: Udemy

    The distance learning platform Udemy also offers courses focused on this area.

    The course “Investing in Fixed Income – Beginner” is aimed at teaching how to invest in fixed income types, such as direct treasury, LCI/LCA, among others.

    5. Fixed income market - ANBIMA courses

    ANBIMA (our country's Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities) offers a more specific course on fixed income investments, covering the public securities markets and several other interesting subjects.

    How the stock exchange worked in our country

    Nowadays everyone can invest on the internet through digital platforms, which have taken over in recent years. But it was not always so.

    In the past, investor negotiations took place through out-of-the-box trading, where operations and negotiations were carried out in person with several traders gathered and working in a large space.

    The transition from out-of-the-box trading to the digital world went through a few phases.

    Before going completely online, the electronic trading model was adopted and soon several companies migrated to the new system, especially those with greater demands.

    The open outcry trading was discontinued in 2009. At that time, it was still the method used by BOVESPA and that soon gave way to technology and today it is totally uncomplicated and accessible to everyone who wants to invest.

    The former site of the trading floor is now a visitation center, located in our city. There are simulations of trading desks and the museum of our country's stock exchange, which explores the history of stock exchanges in our country.

    Learn More: How to Invest in Bitcoin: Where to Start Your Investment Portfolio?

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