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    Account on PagSeguro: How to do it?

    Account on PagSeguro: How to do it?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Mar 17, 2022 | Entrepreneurship |

    If you are thinking about opening a business or already have one, you must have heard of PagSeguro. It is not by chance that it has received several awards, as it is one of the most used companies as a means of payment in our country.

    The success is due to the fact that its platform offers tools, solutions and options for all types of companies, whether small, medium or large. And still great value for money.

    Want to know more about PagSeguro and how it can help your business? In this article we will tell you all about the company, what products it offers, how to create a PagSeguro account and start selling today!

    What is PagSeguro?

    It is a platform in our country that intermediates payments, whether in online purchases or physical establishments. PagSeguro's tools and solutions aim to facilitate transactions and the life of those who have a business.

    The company, which belongs to the UOL group (Universo Online), provides more than 25 means of payment. Not to mention that it is accepted by the major card brands available on the market today.

    The platform emerged from the purchase of BRPay by UOL in 2007, which, that same year, changed its name to PagSeguro Internet S/A, making it its official financial service and providing several resources for entrepreneurs.

    Learn more: How to create a virtual store: 6 tools for ecommerce

    PagSeguro how it works and available products

    PagSeguro first became known for its tools focused on companies. However, recently, the company also launched the PagBank digital account. It can be used by both businesses and individuals.

    Below, we explain the two areas of activity and products offered by PagSeguro:

    1. business solutions

    PagSeguro's flagship is its business solutions, both for online and physical commerce. When you create your account on the site, you can start selling by integrating PagSeguro in your ecommerce, or also creating payment and billing links via QR Code. All without bureaucracy.

    Now, if your business needs a card machine, PagSeguro offers 6 different types. You can compare them and analyze which one best fits your business at that moment. In the next topic, we will give more details on how to sell with PagSeguro.

    1. Digital Bank

    With the recent growth of digital banks in our country, PagSeguro was not left out of this. It launched PagBank, which reached the mark of 7 million customers in 2022. In addition to the normal banking features, it offers 3 types of card to the customer. They are: account debit card, credit card and prepaid card.

    PagBank does not charge fees or fixed fees. Your registration is fast and free. To register, just download the app on your cell phone. Discover below some of the benefits of having a PagBank digital account for your business:

    • Generation of tickets;
    • Receipt by Pix 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
    • International card without annual fee and free;
    • Use PagVendas, which manages customers, inventory and much more.

    Watch this video to learn more about PagBank:

    How to sell on PagSeguro?

    You can sell on PagSeguro in your physical store, in the virtual store or in both. The company has the most varied options and we will show you all of them below.

    Sell ​​online with a PagSeguro account

    For those who work with online sales, there are several options on PagSeguro. And most of them do not require technical knowledge to use. Discover the possibilities:

    1. Payment by email

    One of the easiest ways to sell through PagSeguro. Simply log into your account and submit a Payment Request. You just need the buyer's name and email. Great option for those who don't have their own website yet.


    Another option for those who do not have a website and use social networks to make their sales is With it you create a link that is sent via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram or any other communication application.

    1. Payment button integrated with websites

    If you have a website or even a blog, you can integrate a payment button so that, by clicking, your customer is directed to the PagSeguro payment page and completes their purchase.

    1. Checkout

    PagSeguro provides 4 options for checkout screens that you can implement on your website. Each of them has different functionality. You can customize them and integrate them into your domain.

    1. recurring payment

    If you have a product or service sold in the recurring subscription format, PagSeguro also offers this payment method. In addition, it helps in the management of plans, which helps in controlling defaulters.

    In-person sales with a PagSeguro account

    For those who have a physical store, PagSeguro offers card machines. And the company's differential, as we mentioned before, is the variety of options. In addition, they have no rental or membership fee. Discover each one below:

    Account on PagSeguro: How to do it?

    Fonte: Site PagSeguro

    1. Minizinha NFC

    It accepts the main card brands on the market and also payments by approximation (NFC). It has integration with PagVendas, which helps in managing your business. Connection via Bluetooth (so you need a cell phone) and send proof by email or SMS. Ideal for those just starting out!

    1. Minizinha Chip 2

    Like the previous one, it accepts payments by approximation and sends the receipt to the customer. The difference is that she doesn't need a cell phone as it already comes with a chip and has a Wi-Fi connection.

    1. Moderninha Plus

    It has the same features as the Minizinha Chip 2, but with a more modern look and a battery that is 2 times longer. Great for those who work in places with multiple service providers, such as a beauty salon, for example. It can be shared with up to 6 professionals, and each one receives it in their PagBank account.

    1. Moderninha Pro 2

    It has a larger screen and can also be shared with up to 6 people. It accepts credit, debit, meal and even QR Code payments. It has Wi-Fi connection and prints proof of purchase on the spot.

    1. Modern X

    In addition to working via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it has an option to pay by approximation and integration with PagVendas. But its difference lies in the number of payment methods it accepts: more than 22.

    1. Moderninha Smart

    With it you can register products and change prices, directly on the machine, using the PagVendas app. It has a more modern design, touch screen and integrated camera.

    To check purchase values ​​for any of the PagSeguro machines, click here and access the website.

    Advantages of a PagSeguro account

    For those who are wondering whether or not to have a PagSeguro account, we have separated 5 benefits that the company offers its users:

    1. easy adhesion

    As you will see in the tutorials below, it is very easy to create a PagSeguro account, both as an individual and a legal entity. In a few minutes you will have access to the various tools of the platform and you will be able to start selling. All without the bureaucracy that large banks or card machine operators require.

    1. Various forms of payment

    In addition to the traditional credit card and bank slip, PagSeguro has other payment options. Your customer will be able to pay by online debit, account deposit (for Bank customers in our country) and balance transfer between PagSeguro accounts.

    If you purchase PagSeguro machines for your business and have an active CNPJ in the food, meal or culture areas, you can enable the option to receive Alelo, Sodexo, Ticket and VR Benefit cards.

    Learn more: What is Pix, how it works and 5 benefits of using it today

    And we cannot forget to mention the variety of card machines that PagSeguro has available. They serve various needs and pockets of entrepreneurs. Not to mention the online payment options, which makes it much easier for consumers.

    1. Security

    PagSeguro has security certificates that provide a secure virtual environment for both sellers and consumers. For those who sell, the platform has tools and a team that analyze purchase data. With this, risks are evaluated and fraud can be avoided.

    For those who buy through PagSeguro, you have the guarantee that only the necessary information will be shared with sellers. They won't have access to your credit card details, for example.

    Also, you have up to 30 days to trigger the Dispute. In other words, open a claim in your PagSeguro account, if you purchased online and did not receive what was agreed.

    1. Access to extracts and reports

    Among the features offered by PagSeguro, you will have access to report generation and issuance of extracts. This will greatly facilitate the financial control of your business. It is possible to extract financial statements and also transactions. In addition to issuing sales reports and invoices issued.

    1. Benefits and facilities of the physical PagBank account

    If your PagSeguro account was registered as an individual, you have access to the various advantages offered by the platform and PagBank. Some of them are:

    • Earn cashback on mobile recharges and apps, such as Uber and Spotify;
    • Receive free PagBank card;
    • Advantage when making salary portability;
    • You can request a Cabify directly from your PagBank app and pay the ride with your available account balance;
    • Supply with Shell Program
    • Reload Single Ticket;
    • Rendeira Account, which yields more than savings.

    How to create an account on PagSeguro?

    To use the services, you need to create an account at PagSeguro and then also at the digital bank PagBank. This is for you to have access to the amounts received from your transactions.

    If you are already a PagBank customer, you will not need to create another account. Just register with PagSeguro with the same email and other data. But every PagSeguro account is mandatory to have a PagBank account.

    The company still works with two types of registration: individual (PF) and legal entity (PJ). Learn below who is indicated for each of them and how to create your PagSeguro account:

    If you do not yet have a CNPJ for your business, it is best to open a PagSeguro account using your CPF. To do this, follow the instructions below:

    Step 1. Click here to access the PagSeguro registration page;

    Step 2. Select option Personal account, enter your cell phone number with the area code in the indicated field and click Continue;

    Step 3. Enter your email in the two fields indicated. Remember that it will be your PagSeguro login. Then click on Continue;

    Step 4. On the next screen, put your Full name, CPF (ID) e Date of birth, and click on Continue;

    Step 5. Enter your zip code for the site to locate and automatically fill in your address. Check if it is correct, complete the missing information (number and complements) and click on Continue;

    Step 6. Create a password according to the informed requirements and, finally, click on Create an account;

    Step 7. A confirmation email will be sent to you, click on the indicated button to confirm it;

    Step 8. On your cell phone, download the free PagBank digital account app for Android or iOS;

    Step 9. When accessing the super app, choose the option I'm already a customer. Enter the email and password you registered with PagSeguro. Then tap Log in;

    Step 10. For your security, PagBank will ask you to create a PIN, which is a 6-digit numeric password to use when accessing the application. Enter the numbers and click Continue;

    Step 11. On the next screen, the app will ask you to confirm the PIN numbers. Remember that you will need to enter them every time you access PagBank. As you read this notice, tap Got it.

    Here your personal account is already created and you can use it. However, to release all services on the account, such as transfers (TED and DOC), it will be necessary to complete the registration. To do this, click on the Little missing, enable the device, send a photo of your ID or CNH and take a photo.

    Digital banks and payment apps (Mercado Pago and PicPay, for example) request these actions to prevent fraud. In addition to providing greater security to all its customers.

    For those who have a company incorporated, with CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), the best option is to create a PagSeguro account for your business. That's because you have more benefits that can help with sales, such as:

    • Being able to generate a payment link;
    • QR Code;
    • Use food stamps and food in the machines.

    To create a PagSeguro account with your business's CNPJ, follow the tutorial below:

    Step 1. Click here to access the PagSeguro page. click in access my account and then in Create an account;

    Step 2. Select option for my business, enter your cell phone number with the area code in the indicated field and click Continue;

    Step 3. Enter your email in the two fields indicated. Remember that it will be your PagSeguro login. Then click on Continue;

    Step 4. Put the number of CNPJ InglĂŞs company and click Continue.

    Step 5. fill in the Social reason and choose the category that best fits your business;

    Step 6. Provide your company phone number. The site field is optional. click in Continue;

    Step 7. Fill in the details of the owner or one of the business partners: Full name, CPF (ID) e Date of birth;

    Step 8. Inform your company's zip code so that the site automatically locates and fills in your address. Check if it is correct, complete the missing information (number and complements) and click on Continue;

    Step 9. Create a password according to the informed requirements and, finally, click on Create an account;

    Step 10. A confirmation email will be sent to you, click on the indicated button to confirm it. Then just access your PagSeguro account at this link.

    Learn more: CNPJ Card: what it is, where to use it and 3 ways to issue it

    Account at PagSeguro Rates

    At PagSeguro you pay per transaction and fees vary according to the type and period for receipt. On the company's website you can access a simulator to get an idea, click here and take a test.

    1. internet sales

    The fees below apply to any form of payment except Pix. In this modality, where the receipt is on time, the rate is 1,89% per sale. In the others:

    • For receipt within 14 days: 4,99% + R$ 0,40 per sale;
    • For receipt within 30 days: 3,99% + R$ 0,40 per sale.

    You still have the option of offering installments at no charge to your customers, however you will have to pay a monthly fee of 2,99%.

    1. In-person Sales

    For in-person sales, there is a fee for installment transactions. The increase is 2,99% per month. In addition, PagSeguro charges fees that vary according to the type and term of receipt. Are they:

    • Instant receipt by online debit: 2,39%;
    • Receipt on time by Pix: 1,89%;
    • Instant payment by credit card: 4,99% in cash and 5,59% in installments;
    • Payment in 14 days by credit card: 3,99% in cash and 4,59% in installments;
    • Receipt within 30 days by credit card: 3,19% in cash and 3,79% in installments.

    For sales with payment via meal, food or culture vouchers, the fee must be negotiated directly with the brand.

    Learn more: How to sell on Mercado Livre, advantages and 3 tips to use

    Account at PagSeguro Contact

    The purpose of this article is to show you what a PagSeguro account is, how it works and how it can help your business. If you have a problem, the best way to solve it is to contact the support of the platform itself.

    Access the PagSeguro Help Center here to get more details and check the answers to the most frequently asked questions. To send an email, click this link. If you are already a customer and need support, the Telephone Service Center is available 24 hours a day, every day. The numbers are:

    • Capitals and metropolitan region: 4003-1775
    • Other locations (except cell phone): 0800-728-2174

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