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    What is the best time to post on Instagram?

    What is the best time to post on Instagram?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Mar 23, 2022 | Instagram |

    Some people use social media for distraction and entertainment. Companies, celebrities and content creators are well aware of the importance of maintaining good engagement on their profiles. In this sense, today we are going to show what is the best time to post on Instagram and generate more engagement from your audience. 

    The time you post can deliver the content to more people organically. This increases the chances of your post getting more likes and shares. With this, your content can even reach those who are not even your follower.

    Bearing this in mind, here are two questions for us to continue reading this text. The first one is: do you have a content agenda and plan your publications? Second: what time do you usually update your Instagram feed?

    Let's see!

    What is the best time to post on Instagram: app data 

    The best time to post on Instagram is when the most followers of your page are online. This will depend on the type of content you usually publish, what your field of activity is and who your persona is. 

    The social network has never given information about what times most of its users are online. And even if you had published such information, as stated in the previous paragraph, this would not always be your best time. That's because your audience can have peculiar characteristics, which is extremely normal in a social network known and accessed worldwide. 

    If you have a business account on Instagram, through the app, you can consult data about your audience's access to your content. See how:

    Step 1. Open your profile and access the sandwich button;

    What is the best time to post on Instagram?

    Step 2. Click on “Information”;

    What is the best time to post on Instagram?


    Step 3. Then go to the “Public” tab; 

    What is the best time to post on Instagram?


    Step 4. Finally, analyze the graph presented by day of the week and time of interaction of your followers with your page.  

    What is the best time to post on Instagram?


    Learn More: How to post photo on Instagram from PC: Top 5 apps

    What is the best time to post on Instagram: A/B Testing

    You can even confirm the application information by running your own tests. A/B testing consists of doing an action in two different ways and then checking which format has the best result.

    Try to post on the days and times that you feel are most promising. Then analyze which of those days your content got the most access and interactions. 

    Here it is important to record this reach in a spreadsheet and make a history. Ideally, these tests take a period of time for analysis, that is, it's no use doing it just once or twice, but for weeks or months. 

    Testing can take time and a lot of attention, but it's a reliable way to check your audience's availability. In addition, it has other advantages such as generating a growth history of your page. 

    A tip here is to put a field in your spreadsheet to write down important information that may have positively or negatively impacted your posts. For example: a language different from the usual was used, a flashy image, posted on an important or commemorative date. 

    What is the best time to post on Instagram: business hours 

    For commerce in general, business hours represent the hours for your customer service. For this reason, it is very important that you pay attention to your Instagram page during this period. Mainly in the inbox, as it may be the period in which your client will contact you there to request a quote or ask questions.

    On the other hand, this might not be the best time to post on Instagram. This is because it is common that at this time people in general are working or solving routine tasks. If not, a time to wander through the contents published on social networks. 

    Therefore, it is better to avoid posting at these times, considering that no one accesses a social network to buy something, but for entertainment. 

    What is the best time to post on Instagram: market data 

    We already know that each company is unique and that there are personas with different wants and needs. Therefore, the best day and the best times to post something are when your followers are online. Fact! 

    But to give that little help where you can start a test line with your page, let's comment here on a market research done by Tailwind. In 2022, they published a report pointing out the best time to post on Instagram by segment. Let's see:

    • Technology Segment: If the goal is engagement via comments, Monday was named the best day and best time at 9:00 am in our city. If you want a post with a lot of likes, then it's better to post from Sunday, at 13:00 pm. 
    • Marketing Segment: personal attention from digital marketing: the most promising day of the week for the segment was pointed out as Wednesday at 17:00h. 
    • Education Segment: for those in the field of education, courses and training, the best days are Saturday and Sunday. The best time on these two days is at 19:00h. 
    • Entertainment Segment: Entertainment is a very popular sector on the social network. The curious thing is that the best day appointed for this segment was Thursday. The best time to attract comments is at 17 pm and midnight to get more likes. 

    To access the full content of this report and consult the best days and times in other segments, click here and download the material. 

    What is the best time to post on Instagram: Conclusion 

    Succeeding on social media takes time, planning and dedication. As a page manager, you should study your persona and perform tests to find out the best times, the best and the worst days to post on your profile. 

    In addition, documenting the data collected from the tests and periodically redoing it are ways to ensure the success and growth of your account. 

    This type of study can help your business generate savings with Instagram ad dollars. If it is clear to you that your audience is not very active on the social network on Tuesdays, for example, you can direct this budget to more promising days and times. 

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