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    What are the best wireless headphones?

    What are the best wireless headphones?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Apr 14, 2022 | Shopping |

    Currently, the number of people interested in wireless headphones is growing. That's because, this style of phone is more practical and comfortable for day-to-day. However, with the variety of headphones available on the market, there is the question of which are the best wireless headphones?

    This answer takes into account several factors, from price to even more specific issues such as noise. Therefore, choosing a simple headset can greatly impact your day-to-day.

    That's why today's article is intended to showcase some of the best wireless headphones on the market. The purpose is simple, from these options you will decide which is the best option for your pocket and for your life.

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    The best wireless headphones and what you need to know before you buy

    The first question is about how the wireless headphones work. All of them have Bluetooth technology, that is, they will connect with audio devices to work. Therefore, it is important to understand this process before opting for this category of phone.

    Another very common question is about the models available on the market. Some will be stuck in the ear, while others will be stuck in the head, as is the case with headphones. The choice, however, will depend on your aesthetic preference or even comfort. A good tip is to test beforehand to see which one suits you best.

    Finally, there is the issue of price. One of the biggest doubts is about where to find the best cost-benefit phone. Know that the answer will depend on how much you're willing to pay and what style of phone you like best. Also, it is also necessary to take into account factors such as a used phone or a new one, for example.

    How to choose the best wireless headphones

    Due to the amount of wireless headphones on the market, even making a list of the best headphones is difficult. In this sense, it is important to evaluate these headphones through different categories and then make a short list of the main ones.

    For this reason, the headphones were separated according to price, look, resistance and technology. In addition, only the most recent headphones were considered. In this way, the selection is more judicious and so you will be able to choose the best bluetooth headphones 2022.

    What are the best wireless headphones?

    SONY WI-C300

    This headphone is a good choice for those who are looking for a good and cheap headphone. This headphone is better than the entry-level models and is a good choice for those looking for a headphone with good sound quality at an affordable cost. It can be found in the range of R$275 reais. 

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Sound quality.
    • Great price.
    • Battery up to 8 hours.

    However, despite these features according to Amazon reviews, this phone is not very comfortable. So, if you're looking for comfort, this phone might not be the best option for you.


    JBL is one of the best brands for headphones and this headphone stands out for its good connection. Another advantage of this headphone is its water resistance, which can be great for the most distracted people.

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Longa battery.
    • Good loading.
    • Great ergonomics.

    One of the problems with this phone is the price issue. Unfortunately, the phone is not so cheap for the consumer's pocket. On Amazon, the phone is priced at R$644 reais. In addition, it also does not have a good noise system, however, the sound quality was highly praised.


    In recent years, Xiaomi is one of the outstanding brands in the world of technology. These headphones were considered one of the best TWS 2022 headphones. One of its main features is the cost benefit, in addition to the built-in microphone. This phone can be found in the range of R$145 reais. 

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Water resistance.
    • Fast charging.
    • Cost benefit.
    • Design.

    The negative points of this phone is that the battery is not as long as the others on this list. Also, one of the criticisms is high touch sensitivity. However, still, for the price and features, this phone is great for someone who wants to pay little for a good product.

    What are the best wireless headphones?


    Now if you are looking for the best bluetooth sports headset, you should consider this model. In addition to having a good price, it is also quite compact and not as big as other models in the same line. The phone is priced at R$235 reais on Amazon. 

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Sound quality.
    • Great for playing sports.
    • Cost benefit.
    • Design.

    According to the reviews, this phone is not very comfortable. Another issue is that it does not fully cover the ear, however the reviews are that the sound quality is not impaired. In addition, it was evaluated by many as the best value for money headset for those who like headphones.


    Another option for those who like to practice sport. This headset is for many the best in-ear bluetooth headset that doesn't need a wired connection. In addition, it has a very affordable price (R$115,90) ​​and a discreet design. 

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Discreet design.
    • Price.
    • Great for playing sports.

    The biggest problem with this phone is the very limited specifications and sound quality. Some comments on the internet also reported that the connection is not very good and the battery drains easily.


    The list could not miss Samsung's wireless headphones, which despite costing around R$549 reais, the phone is great for those who want to invest in a better-known model on the market. The product also stands out for being light and with great grip.

    Reasons to choose this phone:

    • Good battery.
    • Design.
    • Sound quality.

    One of the biggest problems with this phone, besides the price, is the ease of failure. There were several reports from customers who reported a defect in the device. Some also said that the phone has some unnecessary hiss, however the consensus was that the acoustics were great.

    Conclusion: What are the best wireless headphones?

    Choosing the best wireless headphones is not an easy task and, in practice, you will have to consider many other things. Perhaps the phone that works for your friend will not work for you. The tip is to carefully analyze your needs. For example, do you want to use headset for leisure or work? Or do you want comfort or an understated design?

    The price may be a very striking factor, but it is not always that the price will compensate. Often, it is worth spending a little more to get a better quality product. So, before deciding on the best wireless headset, do a lot of research, see what people are saying, and see if it makes sense to you.

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