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    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp

    With Unseen, the user can become invisible on whatsapp. In addition, the app allows you to view messages from all social networks without the other person knowing that the message has been opened. Unseen accesses the data of the applications that the user uses for communication and receives the messages, so it is possible to view the message in the app and not in the messengers. Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    Another interesting feature of Unseen is that it allows the user to read messages that have been deleted from WhatsApp. In addition, the app also receives photos, videos and audios, so the user can view everything sent in the messengers anonymously.

    The application takes up little space on the phone, is reliable and is available for Android and iOS. In addition, it has a data protection system so that conversations do not leak. Learn how to use Unseen in the step-by-step guide below.

    Unseen is available for:

    Android iOS


    How to use

    1 – After installing Unseen, the app will explain how it works. After that, select the social networks you want to use in the app to view messages anonymously and click “next”;

    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    2 – The application will request authorization to access the messages of the selected social networks. Click on “Give authorization”. After that, you will be taken to your cell phone settings. Activate the Unseen notifications button, then click “allow”;

    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    3 – Return to Unseen and it will already be configured, just wait for the messages to arrive on social networks to read them anonymously. In the app's settings, you can add or remove social networks, in addition to activating Unseen notifications;

    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    4 – By leaving notifications on, you will be notified whenever you receive messages on the chosen configured social networks. Click on the notification and check the message without the sender knowing that you read the content of the message;

    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    5 – If you have read and want to reply to the message, click on “Reply in …”. Unseen will redirect you to the social network on which the message was received, but first it will display a warning so that the sender will know that you have read the message. Just click “ok” and the app will open.

    Unseen: Discover the App to Become Invisible on WhatsApp


    • Unseen is trusted to access data;
    • Light and simple to use;
    • Access several different communication applications;
    • Notifications make it easy to use.

    Negative points

    • Unseen does not allow downloading of media received directly by the application;
    • Ads interfere with the use and viewing of messages.

    Our opinion

    Unseen is a very simple application to use and masterfully fulfills its main promise of allowing you to read messages anonymously. We like the functionality of the app: it doesn't crash, doesn't take up a lot of memory and it's easy to deal with notifications.

    Unfortunately, like most free apps, Unseen has several ads that appear especially on message screens, which makes it a little difficult to read. Media cannot be downloaded directly from the app, it redirects to the gallery. Overall, it's a good app and we like it a lot, as we believe it's worth using.


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