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    Father's Day Messages: how to make yours online?

    Father's Day Messages: how to make yours online?

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Aug 3, 2022 | Technology |

    Father's Day is celebrated on August 8, a date so special that it opens up opportunities to create good memories with our first friend. For this reason, be sure to give your father gifts, send the traditional Father's Day messages and to enjoy time with your “old”.

    If you still haven't chosen how you're going to honor your father, keep an eye out for the tips we're going to share with you.

    In this post, you will see sites with the best Father's Day messages, from the most traditional ones. In addition, we have separated some quotes that can suit your father a lot and how you can deliver these messages to him.

    Sites to find Father's Day Messages

    There are thousands of websites with phrases and quotes from the most varied subjects. Below, we separate 3 sites to find Father's Day messages and get everything ready when this very special day arrives.

    1. Thinker

    Father's Day Messages: how to make yours online?

    It is very likely that you have already entered the Pensador website at least once in your life. He is one of the most famous in this segment. Its popularity is justified by the quality. On this site, you can find more than 2 million phrases and share them on social networks.

    In addition to the sentences, which are divided in the most varied ways, there is also the possibility of viewing poems and short biographies of historical figures in literature. It is possible to filter by authors, such as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Luís de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, Machado de Assis, among many others.

    It's not just historically important people who are given space. Even quotes from fictional characters can be found, such as Naruto, Goku, Luffy, etc.

    It's worth going to the site and searching for Father's Day messages.

    2. World of Messages

    The World of Messages has a wide library of phrases, separated by several different themes, it even has a special tab with Father's Day messages.

    In addition, you can find messages of love, reflection, optimism, longing, all in a very simple way to use, since the site is very intuitive.

    Another very cool feature is that in several sentences, the messages have a card. That way, you can print and deliver to your dad's hands.

    There is still the possibility to share the media on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest and email.

    3. Reflect to Reflect

    Father's Day Messages: how to make yours online?

    Reflect to Reflect goes beyond sentences. On this site, you will be able to take personality tests, see illustrations, comic strips and screenshots of WhatsApp conversations.

    The site layout is also simple. Right on the home screen, you can view the phrases that are being most visited.

    It is important to point out that Reflect to Reflect does not have as much variety of phrases as the other two previous sites, but it has some categories that differentiate it from other pages.

    It's worth exploring and trying to find something that fits your dad. To make messages on this day even more memorable, you can use some simple and free tools to help surprise your dad.

    In this way, check out some tips on how you can prepare the delivery of sentences to your guardian.

    Tips on how to deliver Father's Day messages

    Father's Day Messages: how to make yours online?

    Just for the son to deliver a sentence of congratulations on Father's Day, it will bring joy to his heart.

    But if you want to make the date even more special, look for ways to produce something that leaves your message etched in his mind forever.

    So here are some simple tips on what you can do.

    Instead of downloading a digital card, you can make your own. Some online tools allow you to create these cards for free and are often simple to use.

    An example of this service is Canva. You can check out some instructions on the website to make the card in Canva. In addition, you can check out some examples that can inspire you to make your virtual card on Pinterest.

    With the card ready, you can deliver it to him via WhatsApp or any other social network. If you want to go further and dare, print the card and stick it in his room, in the living room, in the car, wherever you think is best. A nice feature is that Canva lets you turn the card into a photo.

    Another option is to make a presentation to him. Do you know when it was necessary to present the work at school? In this case, you can do something similar, only the viewer will be your father. Do it in the same presentation style, using PowerPoint or even some programs that provide the same type of presentations.

    In your presentation, talk about his importance in your life, what you like most about him, a remarkable moment, detail with phrases, images and videos telling all your admiration and respect you feel for him. It is even valid to create a plaque with the “Best Dad in the World” certificate. Use all your creativity to explore this tip.

    We know that there are different types of parents. See some examples of parents and phrases that can fit his profile.

    Learn More: Father's Day on Facebook and Instagram: how to use the date to promote your business

    types of parents

    Nowadays parents are no longer as “traditional” as they were a few decades ago. It is more common to see guardians with very specific characteristics, with greater freedom, which allow them to create strong bonds between the father and his children.

    In this way, trying to escape the most traditional, we separate some phrases that can define your father. It is worth remembering that the messages refer to some impactful and memorable scene, whether in the movies, games, anime or any other media.

    In addition, sentences also carry some kind of important meaning to life.

    traditional father

    I know I said that we try to escape the traditional, but we can't leave out this type of father, even because he is still one of the most common in families. The chosen phrases make mention and comparison between the father and the hero. Delivering phrases like this will certainly make him happy:

    Some heroes don't have capes, they are called parents. Congratulations on your day! - Unknown author

    Father, you say you created me for the world, but my world is you, my hero. Happy Fathers Day! - Unknown author

    Father Friend

    Generally, the best parent is the child's first friend. So, everything in life changes when men put the little ones on their laps. In this way, present messages that make clear the relationship between you as father and son and son and friend:

    I thank God for being born of your love, for making you not only my father, but also my great friend. I love you! - Unknown author.

    Father's Day is the time to say that I love you very much and that besides being my father, you are the best friend I could have… Congratulations on your day! - Unknown author.

    humorous father

    If your father is the “funny” in the family, who loves to joke around, it is a good alternative to deliver a more humorous message. Make jokes or puns and give it to him as a Father's Day gift:

    I envy my parents. I'll never have a kid as cool as theirs. Or: When I grow up I want to be like my father, just to have a son like me. - Unknown author.

    Raising a child is like playing video games: the next phase is always more difficult. - Unknown author.

    Pai Geek

    The geek dad is the one who will get excited when he sees a quote from his favorite character. If you know who he likes, explore that, search for messages that are striking and related to the date.

    Here, we separate the phrase from Jack Murdock, father of Matt Murdock, better known as Daredevil. in it. the importance of studies is taught. In the other sentence we can see that despite Howard being a more closed guy, he always cared about Tony Stark, or rather, Iron Man:

    “I don't want you to end up like your old man. I never studied. See where it took me.” – Jack Murdock for Matt Murdock

    “Tony, you're too young to understand this now, so I thought I'd film it for you. I built it for you and one day you will realize that it represents much more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll find out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be, my greatest creation… is you.” – Howard Stark to Tony Stark

    Good Otaku

    Now, if your dad is the anime-loving type, you need to pick a message from the otaku world.

    In the case of the phrases selected for this topic, Vegeta's final words were chosen, before sacrificing himself trying to destroy Majin Buu, in one of the most epic scenes in Dragon Ball.

    And the other message is that of Whitebeard, from One Piece, that in the work he is known precisely for treating the crew like children. The chosen phrase defines the character very well:

    “Trunks, Bulma, this is for you. This is also for you Kakaroto.” – Vegeta to Trunks.

    “Even though you are an idiot, even though you stabbed me with your sword, you are still my son, what you have been told is pure lies, I would never do such a thing, I always treat all my children equally. I love them unconditionally.” – Whitebeard for crew.

    Gamer Dad

    The gaming world exploded when it was shown that Kratos has a son. Despite all his history, the God of War loves his son and even with all the difficulties in showing love, he always takes care of Atreus.

    The chosen message defines the relationship between them. Now, despite not having a blood connection, without a doubt, Joel and Ellie's relationship in the first game is something historic and beautiful to see.

    Before Joel met Ellie, for many decades he was lonely. But the girl's entry into his life changed everything and the phrase demonstrates it:

    "Don't mistake my silence for lack of pain." – Kratos to Atreus

    “Everyone I loved left me or died, everyone…except you. So don't say that I would be safe with each other because I would be more afraid.” – Joel to Ellie.

    Bonus: "Boy". Still in God Of War, the gamer community loved this simple word that Kratos used throughout the journey he had with Atreus in this game that became known as God Of War PS4

    film buff father

    Even if your father likes those classic, trashy, Stallone Cobra-style movies (and you can't stand it), it's worth looking for some remarkable phrases from characters in these works.

    We separate one of the most famous in the world when it comes to cinema and father, Darth Vader's for Luke. In addition to this, the other sentence conveys an important teaching, and is also in a movie classic:

    “Luke, I am your father” – Star Wars

    Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to go after it. People can't win and say you can't win either. If you want something go after it. - Looking for happiness

    series father

    The father of series is the one who doesn't leave streaming and likes to follow all possible series. Unlike the other topics where two sentences from different works were separated, we separated messages from the same work and the same character, Jack, from This Is Us.

    He is the embodiment of a loving relationship between father and children. The first sentence is very striking, but you have to watch the series to understand.

    In the second message, you can feel a small taste of Jack's thinking about his children. This series is worth watching as a family, especially with your father:

    “The moment I saw you, I knew you were my son” – Jack to Randall

    “We are their parents… we do the best we can. But at the end of the day, what happens to them – how they end up – is bigger than us. Sometimes they make good decisions. Sometimes they make bad decisions. And every now and then, they'll do something that's going to freak us out. Something that exceeds even our wildest dreams. Our kids are going to be fine” – Jack to Rebecca.

    Create your Father's Day messages

    In addition to being able to use phrases from characters that your father likes, you can create your own messages. Show all your feelings for him.

    A good way is to use references, for example, if he is a fan of Naruto, he certainly has the following sentence in his head:

    “Naruto can be a little tough sometimes, maybe you don't know that, but Naruto also grew up without a father. In fact he never knew any of his parents, and he never had any friends in our village. Even so, I've never seen him cry, get angry or give up, he's always willing to improve, he wants to be respected, it's his dream and Naruto would give his life for it without hesitation. My guess is he got tired of crying and decided to do something about it!”

    If you can take that sentence or any other that makes sense to him and adapt the message to your reality, without a doubt he will understand and be much happier.

    Regardless of how you will celebrate Father's Day, the important thing is to have harmony and peace, even more so in these difficult times where many children cannot visit their parents due to the pandemic.

    So, prepare a nice surprise for your “crown” and have a lot of fun.

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