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    Check My Dividends: 11 Best Investment Apps

    Check My Dividends: 11 Best Investment Apps

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Sep 6, 2022 | Finance |

    Do you know the main ways to check my dividends?

    In this post, we are going to list the top apps for you to do this, but first let’s know more about them.

    Dividends are a very important part of investors in the stock market.

    They usually start their investments in variable income, with the aim of acquiring passive income.

    With that, especially novice investors may start asking themselves, “where can I check my dividends?”

    Many investors end up not knowing how much and when investments will yield dividend distributions.

    So, before we list the best apps to check my dividends, we separate some points that can be very important when doing this.

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    What is important to know about my dividends?

    What is the source of payment?

    One of the main points you should be aware of when checking my dividends is with the paying source.

    That is, you need to know which investment or company will carry out their distribution.

    Although this information may not seem very important at first, the relevance of knowing this information becomes very important in a diversified investment portfolio.

    However, that is not the only reason this information has its relevance.

    You also need to know the source when taxing your dividends.

    The Federal Revenue has a field of discrimination of the source paying the income in the Declaration of Personal Income Tax (DIRPF). 

    What form of distribution?

    The form of distribution must also be known to you, in addition to the paying source.

    This information is very important because it is possible to withhold income tax (IR) at source, depending on the type of credit that is used.

    In your IR statement you will also need to inform this, as it has different fields when declaring each type of credit received.

    The distribution of your income can be done in three different ways, they are:

    • Meu Dividendos, a form without withholding in the IR, the distribution is made through shares on the Stock Exchange;
    • Interest on equity (JCP), where the distribution is also made through shares on the stock exchange and there is a 15% withholding in the Income Tax;
    • By Income, where there is no withholding of IR and the proceeds are distributed by real estate fund quota (FLLs).

    What is the distribution value?

    Knowing the value of the dividend distribution is also necessary, as this will show how much you, as an investor, will earn in the form of income, regardless of the form of credit.

    This information can be obtained in three different ways:

    • Distribution total: is the total amount that will be distributed by the paying source to investors;
    • Earnings per share/share: different from the total amount, this will be the amount received for each investment share or share unit;
    • Investor Total: Another way is with the total amount received by the investor, but calculated according to the shares held or number of shares.

    Date-com and date-ex

    The timeframes that will define whether or not the investor is entitled to the proceeds are the com-date and the ex-date. So, this is the one information you need to always have on hand.

    All investors who have quotas or shares of investments until the com-date will be entitled to receive the proceeds.

    My dividends will be delivered according to the closed custody position always at the end of the com-date.

    After this process, that's when the ex-date starts.

    This is the date that represents when there is no longer the right to receive the proceeds from a given investment.

    That is, if you invest in the asset from the ex-date determined, you will no longer be entitled to receive the credit.


    As the name itself makes clear, this is the date on which the investor will receive the payment for the proceeds. 

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    Where to check my dividends?

    Now that you know more about it, here's a list of the best apps to check out my dividends:

    1. Investor Electronic Channel (CEI)

    Check My Dividends: 11 Best Investment Apps

    The Investor's Electronic Channel (CEI) is, without a doubt, one of the best ways for you to check my dividends.

    The Brazilian stock exchange, known as B3 (our country, Bolsa e BalcĂŁo) provides this platform that contains various investor information, among which we can mention:

    • Investor derivatives;
    • Portfolio of variable income assets;
    • Direct Treasury Bonds;
    • Statements of investments by institution;
    • Provisioned and paid earnings.

    This last option turns out to be one of the most important on the platform, as it directly shows the earnings that are the investor's right and that he will receive in the future, in addition to the earnings that have already been credited.

    To check, just access the CEI, fill in the login information with CPF and password and go to the Earnings tab. 

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    2. Stockbroker

    You can also check your dividends directly at stockbrokers, as well as being able to check when they will be paid.

    Several of these institutions often make use of investor asset custody information to compile payment amounts and dates for doing so.

    But if the investor has investments in several financial institutions, tracking my dividends through brokerages can end up being a flawed act.

    Many may want to monitor their earnings in a more consolidated way, even taking into account the assets of the portfolio, and this will not be possible when using several institutions. 

    3. Actual Value

    One of the most popular apps, which is also available on the web version, to track my dividends is Real Valor.

    The system works with a direct import of your investment data available on the Investor's Electronic Channel.

    In addition, the platform also shows whether it is worth replacing your stock sheets. 

    Another feature offered is a chart that allows the user to follow the journey in a safe and practical way.

    Among other of the main features of Real Valor we can mention: 

    • Possibility of importing your transaction history completely automatically;
    • The evolution of your assets can be monitored;
    • View which are the most profitable assets and compare their details;
    • Without having to worry about banks and brokers, it is still possible to add assets to a single environment;
    • Access the complete history of your wallet;
    • The application shows in real time the impacts of market changes on investments.

    4. My Dividends

    The Dividends: Stock Exchange, Shares, FIIs, Crypto app is available on the Play Store for Android devices and on the App Store for iOS, being one of the best when it comes to checking my dividends.

    The asset collection of this application has 258 real estate funds, 564 companies, 3.787 Fixed Income and 14.906 Investment Funds, all available to users.

    Through this tool, it is possible to follow the historical profitability of the assets, the portfolio and the portfolio; use an income tax annual adjustment statement extract simulator; a tax simulator for swingtrade and daytrade; view history of earnings, splits, groupings and automated bonuses; and give investors notices of the assets in your portfolio and track relevant data. 

    5. Kinvo

    Check My Dividends: 11 Best Investment Apps

    Kinvo is another one that is available for both Android and iOS devices, on the Play Store and App Store, respectively.

    The platform stands out for reducing bureaucracy and facilitating the relationship with the world of finance. 

    The app allows the user to track, analyze and monitor all investments made, including my dividends.

    Even if you have several applications in different institutions, you can follow everything through Kinvo.

    Among the other features, the possibility of monitoring the historical profitability of assets, portfolio and portfolios stands out; monitor the history of earnings, groupings, splits and automated bonuses; and use a tax simulator for swingtrade and daytrade. 

    6. Trademap

    Trademap can be used both in its mobile version and in its web version.

    The tool allows all investments to be managed on a single platform, allowing the user to check in real time the price of assets in our country and the United States; monitor the American and Brazilian market also in real time; receive instant notifications of earnings received from US and Brazilian stock exchanges.

    In addition, it also helps to check auction data in real time; check out my dividends; get access to a custom or ready-made list of assets; can see company data and indicators and perform complete analysis; and receive suggestions for buying and selling your assets through the main research houses in the world. 

    7. Gorilla

    Gorilla: Control Investments is a simpler tool that is available on both the App Store and the Play Store.

    In addition to checking my dividends, the user can investigate and have access to the total value of their assets. 

    In addition, it is also possible to monitor all the income from the investments made, know how much each asset will represent to your portfolio gains and several other possibilities. 

    8 Bloomberg

    One of the most complete on the market to check my dividends and other things in the world of finance and investments is Bloomberg.

    The technology application is focused precisely on showing financial data and information about the world's market.

    In addition to being completely free, the app also offers several features to handle your actions.

    It is possible to monitor the financial indicators of Brazilian and international companies.

    Another simple but very useful function is the possibility of reading news from institutions, as well as the international index, having access to the price of commodities, etc. 

    The user can also create their own watchlist of their actions, being able to follow the changes in each asset and even in their portfolio.

    However, it is important to note that it will need to be created manually and only displays the share prices.

    Bloomberg is best suited for those who work directly in the stock market, as it also shows which stocks are performing below average and which are positive.

    The tool also has its limitations, since those who buy more than one share cannot calculate the average price. 

    9. Direct Treasury

    The Treasury Direct is an application of the Government of our country, more specifically developed by the Secretaria do Tesouro Direto.

    The main objective is to bring Brazilian investors closer to this type of investment. 

    It can be accessed by both Android devices in the Play Store and iOS devices in the App Store.

    In addition to following my dividends, the user can also monitor investments in government bonds and make their own investments in the application.

    The tool also separates which securities you already have in custody and which securities are being traded, making life a lot easier for the investor.

    The platform allows investors to perform simulations that show which investment option is most appropriate for their profile.

    You can also register your future goals, such as buying a house, taking a trip, buying a car, etc.

    10. CoinMarketCap

    One of the best options available when it comes to cryptocurrencies and to check my dividends is CoinMarketCap.

    Available in its web version and in application format for Android and iOS, the platform has more than 5.000 cryptocurrencies in its catalog.

    In addition, it also has more than 1.000 brokers that are partners with the tool.

    On the platform, the user can add the portfolio of digital currencies and analyze their portfolio in an efficient and unbureaucratic way.

    The application also shows the investor the main prices, indicators, market trends and news. 

    11. Flipper

    Check My Dividends: 11 Best Investment Apps

    Last but not least, we have the Fliper tool, available for Android devices in the Play Store and for iOS devices in the App Store, as a great option to check out my dividends. 

    This is a platform that was developed so that users can have greater ease in their financial control, optimizing, especially, their time.

    Fliper allows investors to consolidate all their assets on a single platform, thus making their investments smarter and more functional.

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