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    178 self-love quotes to brighten up your day and inspire

    178 self-love quotes to brighten up your day and inspire

    by Team AllYourVideogames | Jan 12, 2022 | News |

    We don't always wake up or feel in the best mood or with our self-esteem up to date, but one thing that can help in these situations are self-love phrases. Always reading some of these can end up improving your mood, yielding greater inspiration to make your day more productive and making everything more colorful so that simple day-to-day tasks are not a hindrance.

    In order to always help you in the best way possible, we have separated some of the best self-love quotes below for you to read when you need it. The best part is that nothing prevents you from also using them on social media, whether in status, photo captions, videos, etc. 

    So, without further ado, check out the best self-love quotes below.

    Learn more: Phrases for photo with friend: the 214 most perfect to use

    The best self love phrases for status and to improve your day

    178 self-love quotes to brighten up your day and inspire

    Learn more: Motivation phrases: the 79 best to liven up your day

    1. Don't take the mirror too seriously. True beauty lies within the heart.
    2. There is a void that can only be filled with a little more of yourself.
    3. The blindly in love forgive me, but self-love is fundamental! – Augusto Branco
    4. The best relationship there is is to have a love affair with life itself.
    5. Cultivate yourself every day.
    6. If you're going to change, change for the only person worth it: you. - Jo Soares
    7. Be you. For you. For you.
    8. Be happy the way you are, don't change your routine for what others demand of you, just live according to your way of living. - Bob Marley
    9. Don't diminish the universe that exists inside you because of someone who doesn't know how to admire you.
    10. Most people give up self-love to love someone. And this is the way to suffering!
    11. The best relationship there is is to have a love affair with life itself.
    12. Be your own encouragement.
    13. It only depends on you, after growing up, it never dies, and it has no thorns: cultivate self-love.
    14. Between comings and goings, I decided to live in my self-love.
    15. Make yourself your best company.
    16. Being well accompanied is a matter of being. When we discover who we are and admire ourselves for it, we are in good company. – Lucão
    17. Order of love: first self-love and then reciprocal love.
    18. Self-love is being alone and knowing you are in the best company.
    19. Don't be an option, be a priority.
    20. Don't be afraid to realize that you are no longer the same.
    21. Being beautiful means being yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. – Thich Nhat Hanh
    22. Be free to be who you are.
    23. Cultivate self-love and it will blossom within you.
    24. Most people give up self-love to love someone. And that is the way to suffering.
    25. Order of love: first one's own, then reciprocal.
    26. When our inside is well, the outside becomes a mirror.
    27. You are the star of your life.
    28. I don't want you to fill my empty parts. I want to be complete alone. – Rupi Kaur
    29. You, your being, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection. – Buddha
    30. Do you know what the highest value is? The one you give yourself.
    31. When we start to love each other, we get lazy to suffer for others.
    32. Your self-love is what defines how much you allow yourself to be happy.
    33. Be your own inspiration.
    34. Don't forget to love yourself on difficult days. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.
    35. Whoever looks outside dreams. Who looks inside wakes up - Carl Jung
    36. Less standard, more freedom to be who you are.
    37. Go get some self-respect, girl. The hangover will be smiles.
    38. The beauty of the flower next to it does not cancel out mine.
    39. What's different about you is what's most beautiful about you.
    40. Practice the law of well-being and be a whole flower.
    41. Today I decided to think about love. In self-love!
    42. I am beautiful in every single way. (Translation: “I am beautiful, in every way”) – Christina Aguilera
    43. Self-love is realizing that you are the show and the audience. So go: put on a show and applaud yourself.
    44. I forgive myself and allow myself to learn from my mistakes.
    45. She got drunk on self-love and the hangover was all smiles.
    46. There is immeasurable beauty in being who you are.
    47. Be the best version of yourself.
    48. You know that self-love thing? So, I'm staying with him and our relationship is great!
    49. Self-love is understanding that in our opinion counts as much as other people's. Listen to you!
    50. I love all the versions of myself that made me who I am today.
    51. Self-love is not just looking in the mirror and liking the way you look. Self-love is also about getting rid of people who are toxic to you.
    52. Loneliness is not cured with the love of others. Heal with self-love. – Martha Medeiros
    53. If you're looking for that one person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror.
    54. There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are. (Translation: “There is nothing wrong with loving who you are”) – Lady Gaga
    55. Wounds, scars and smiles: these are all part of me.
    56. I trust the voice of my heart and the strength of my courage.
    57. If someone believes in himself, he does not try to convince others. Because a person is content with himself, he does not need the approval of others. Because a person accepts himself, the whole world accepts him. – Lao-Tzu
    58. I don't need to position myself or convince you, I just need to be. – Sandy/Iza
    59. Love your neighbor as yourself, never more than yourself.
    60. The secret is not chasing the butterflies, but taking care of your garden so that they come to you.
    61. Do yourself a favor. Look at yourself with love.
    62. It's not pride, it's self-love.
    63. Far from me, nothing else makes sense, for life I want to be with me. – Rigor outrage
    64. Don't tear yourself apart to keep others whole.
    65. Always try to remember your strength, for it lives only in you. Never lose faith in yourself.
    66. Self-love is not built overnight. It hurts and takes effort, time and patience. Be kind to yourself, you've been doing well.
    67. You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try to approve yourself and see what happens. – Louise L. Hay
    68. How you love yourself is how you teach everyone to love you. – Rupi Kaur
    69. When we make peace with ourselves, everything starts to flow.
    70. Lack of self-love is the greatest of all poverties.
    71. I am beautiful, no matter what they say, words can't bring me down. (Translation: "I'm beautiful, no matter what they say, words won't let me down") - Christina Aguilera
    72. After all you've been through, remember to hug yourself and congratulate yourself on your ability to keep going strong.
    73. When your self-esteem is low, remember, love is a ladder. – Ediel
    74. For love, I already stayed. For loving me, I'm gone.
    75. Man has two faces: he cannot love anyone if he does not love himself. – Albert Camus
    76. Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, surrounded by idiots. – Sigmund Freud
    77. Love yourself to the point of saying, "I deserve more".
    78. Self-love is not selfishness, it is necessity.
    79. I am an independent woman, I do not accept oppression, lower your voice, lower your hand. – MC Carol
    80. Moments of solitude do not mean being alone: ​​they are opportunities to have dialogues with your mind.
    81. I didn't leave because I stopped loving you. I left because the longer I stayed, the less I loved myself. – Rupi Kaur
    82. Stop apologizing for how you feel.
    83. Be your other half.
    84. Those who have self-love dispense with resentment. – Carpine
    85. It's not your job to like me, it's mine. – Byron Katie
    86. Be yourself. All the others already exist.
    87. Our best side is the inside.
    88. Owning our history and loving ourselves through this process is the bravest thing we will ever do.
    89. You realize that you have true self-love when you decide to give up on those who keep mistreating your heart. You will meet people who will light your fuse to make you shine and others to make you burn. – Ryane Leão
    90. I went out into the street and the sun kept looking at me like it was my private spotlight. – Negra Li
    91. Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. – Oscar Wilde
    92. Be your biggest commitment. Don't be late, don't leave yourself for later. You are now.
    93. It spills. I know dear. be loved
    94. Self-love multiplies us so that we are then ready to divide. – Carpine
    95. Sorry if I'm true to myself. I already tried to betray myself, but unfortunately my self-love is unconditional – Milena Leão
    96. For me to like myself, accept myself like this, I who wanted so much to have someone, now I know, without me I am nobody. – Rigor outrage
    97. Regardless of what you're feeling, get up, get dressed and go out to shine.
    98. One love can only be cured with another love. And it's called self-love.
    99. I teach you that the first and most important thing is to be loving to yourself. Take care of yourself. Learn how to forgive yourself, over and over again; seven times, seventy-seven times, seven hundred and seventy-seven times. So you will bloom. In that blossoming you will attract some other flower. This is natural. Stones attract stones; flowers attract flowers. – Osho
    100. I don't need to be anyone's "only one". I need to be the only one for me. – Isabela Freitas
    101. He charged me with a love, which at the moment I can only feel for myself… My self-love is so great that it doesn't fit you! – Caio Fernando Abreu
    102. Wherever I go, I will be light. – Natiruts
    103. Loving yourself is knowing that you can break your face three hundred times, but in the end it will always be okay; Nobody is strong enough to make you fall and not be able to get up later.
    104. Sometimes, we need to look for strength deep down to get back on our feet. It's hard, but you have that strength inside you. Never doubt.
    105. You know that self-love thing? So, I'm staying with him, and our relationship is great! – Tati Bernardi
    106. Self-love multiplies us so that we are then ready to divide. – Carpine
    107. When I planted self-esteem in my garden, he gave up waiting for the butterfly to return. He learned to deal with snakes and lizards to defend himself from possible pests. Now it has thorns to injure anyone who tries to step on it. – Keila Sacavem
    108. Kindness starts within our minds with our hearts.
    109. A beautiful body is one that has happy people inside.
    110. Don't tear yourself apart to keep others whole.
    111. What's behind us and what's in front of us are tiny things compared to what's inside us. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
    112. Do you feel despised? Often this feeling hurts and mistreats us. You have to look for self-love, you have to look for yourself! – Monja Coen
    113. Admire the beauty of others without doubting your own.
    114. Self-love is a process of releasing and allowing yourself to be exactly as you are.
    115. I want to thank you, because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have half the self-esteem I have today and I wouldn't have learned to trust less...
    116. How often do you praise yourself? And how often do you criticize yourself? Maybe it's time to balance that out.
    117. I love myself, I can't live without me anymore! – Rigor outrage
    118. Love yourself enough to be able to move on when they leave you behind.
    119. Better live, baby, because there's a place where the sun shines for you. – Marcelo Jeneci
    120. If you can't be you because you're afraid of what the other person might think, there's something wrong. – Aline Lima
    121. Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you just love. – Osho
    122. Free yourself from that anchor that holds you and go explore the sea that exists within you!
    123. I will suffer as before, but this time I will have self-respect, I will take more care of my “I”. I may have been one more for you, but I'm the only one for me. – Caio Fernando Abreu
    124. Today's Saturday is next to my biggest company: me.
    125. Be proud of what you do best, don't diminish yourself in the face of your achievements.
    126. Cultivate self-love and never beg for anyone's love.
    127. Want the most valuable advice in the world? Cherish yourself.
    128. I'm like the sun. It doesn't always appear in the sky to others, but it always has light.
    129. "Time to remember that only your self-love heals." – Flora Matos
    130. Psst, if you're going to love alone, fill yourself with self-love.
    131. I'm made of scars and gratitude for everything that made me who I am.
    132. If you're going to change, change for the only person worth it: you.
    133. Self-love builds bridges where none exist.
    134. What if I told you that the toxic relationships you're living in could be your way of not taking care of yourself and still calling it bad luck? – Aline Lima
    135. What self-acceptance does is open up more possibilities for success, because you're not fighting yourself along the way. – Shannon Ables
    136. Self-love is the most enduring passion I know.
    137. My dreams are my best place in the world.
    138. The one who cannot love himself ends up living in a bitter way and demanding that the other occupy a space that he was unable to occupy. – Gabriel Chalite
    139. The ability to overcome is defined by self-love.
    140. Loving is good. But loving yourself is wonderful.
    141. I don't give space for the male to want to define me, I write my lines and dispatch. – Pitty
    142. A man doesn't define you, your home doesn't define you, your flesh doesn't define you, you are your own home. – Francisco, El Hombre
    143. A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.
    144. She is made of strength, resilience and courage.
    145. Instead of wishing you were someone else, make what makes you different shine even brighter.
    146. No girl needs beauty to be beautiful. She just needs self-love, self-confidence and personality. – Barbara Core
    147. Only listen to those who love you. Don't worry so much about what they think of you. What saves you is not what others are thinking, but what God knows about you. – Father Fabio de Melo
    148. The love you are looking for so much may be self-love.
    149. Self love. Because even in the phrase “I love you”, the “I” comes first.
    150. Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
    151. Whoever falls in love with himself has no rivals. – Benjamin Franklin
    152. Love yourself. Nobody will do it better than you.
    153. As kind as this human being is, he has a different emotional story than yours, he has different goals than yours, he has different needs than yours, that is, everything he does "for you" will be based on what he thinks which is better. Before you believe that someone is your security, be your security. This is the only recipe for a healthy relationship and the recovery of your self-esteem. – Aline Lima
    154. To be able to live love, you must first love yourself. – 5 dry
    155. Love yourself. accept yourself. Take care. Self love at first place.
    156. Self-love is a balloon full of wind, from which storms come out when they hit it. – Voltaire
    157. When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am and who I'm becoming.
    158. After I sailed into self-love, I never sank into shallow feelings again.
    159. There is no such thing as tiny love, especially when it comes to self-love. – Martha Medeiros
    160. Loneliness is not cured with the love of others, it is cured with self-love.
    161. Owning our history and loving ourselves through this process is the bravest thing we will ever do.
    162. I always give it my way, it's rough, but it's with affection. Because God made me like this, owner of me. – Iza
    163. Live in your self-love, because it's complicated to live on rent in other people's hearts.
    164. Never be intimidated into silence. Never allow yourself to become a victim. Don't accept anyone's definition of your life, define yourself. – Harvey Fierstein
    165. Our self-love is often contrary to our interests. – Marquis of Marica
    166. You know what's good about self-love? Besides being free, it doesn't hurt you.
    167. You are awesome! Even carrying wounds that almost no one knows about.
    168. Many people overvalue what they are not and underestimate what they are. – Malcolm S. Forbes
    169. Self-love is when your gut returns your heart clean after weeks of acidic digestion. – Tati Bernardi
    170. In jealousy there is more self-love than true love. – Francois La Rochefoucauld
    171. By not valuing who we are, we are always looking for the opposite of who we are, so we end up attracting people who end up doing us a lot of harm. – Aline Lima
    172. Loving yourself can inspire others to do the same.
    173. Time has passed and many things have changed. In the midst of so much chaos and turmoil, I learned that I am my greatest partner in this life.
    174. I have my limits. The first of these is my self-love. - Clarice Lispector
    175. Be your biggest commitment. Don't be late, don't leave yourself for later. You are now!
    176. Love yourself. Love yourself a lot. No one can do this for you as well as yourself.
    177. And in this caring thing, I'm going to take care of myself, my heart and my habit of loving too much, wanting too much, expecting too much.
    178. Hey, be kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would a friend you love!

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